Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


Eclectic Theosophist
Duration of sin's effects.......

Duration of sin's effects.......

Yes, we do use those things, but we also use a standard by which to measure. If that standard is coming from me, it should certainly be questioned by you. In like manner, any standard that comes from you is open to question by me. And I don't see that either of us could prevail against the other's opinion without a higher authority.

The 'higher authority' is accessible thru the faculties of conscience and illumination from the Spirit as there is no other medium or arbiter existing, hence we are even called by Deity to "reason together" since God will not impose or enforce a law or principle that is contrary or inimical to our moral sense of justice or fairness, our 'conscience' bearing witness to the law of God.

No matter what religious book you use, since if you grew up in a different religious cult-ure you'd be using their holy books, you are still left with the faculty of reason and conscience as your moral compass and guide. Religious writings if truly inspired will resonate and agree with universal law and principle, albeit embellished in their own nomenclature or mythology. - have your own soul faculties as a lens, mirror and guide.

That sounds nice, and some of it makes sense in regard to a standard by which to judge, but a law doesn't take care of anything. It's the executor of the law who makes sure the law is enforced. Karma, if I understand the concept, doesn't recognize a personal executor, per se, but assumes a just result without one. What is common between the "law of Karma" and the justice of God is a recognition that justice will be reached eventually. What is different is that God is present to achieve that just outcome, while Karma is not an entity that can achieve anything--"Karma happens".

Granted, I was coming from a Theosophical View of karma, as an impersonal universal law although it's effects are certainly personal of course. In Theosophy there isn't the need of a 'personal God' since the Infinite transcends personality and is beyond human conception, but perhaps I digress. We can assume God as a divine Personality just the same, as some innate all supreme intelligence governing and coordinating all actions, but this 'God' could just as well still be the master-controller of all cause/effects, thru the various agencies of other intelligent beings (angelic orders, hierarchy) and universal laws.

The cosmos is a manifold unity, interdependent in its relations.

Here we note there are personal and non-personal aspects to God and creation, depending on our terms and 'context'. There are many things going on in the cosmos that while under the ultimate supreme over-control of a personal God (so assumed) do not appear to be directly micro-managed by this personal Being. The law of seed-time and harvest (sowing & reaping) however continues.......

I would suggest to you that either the power of Karma is wielded by someone, or it's a false doctrine. And if that power is wielded by someone, then the debate continues as to whether that someone needs ECT, to reach an appropriate level of justice, or not.

See above. Yes,....we questioned ECT on principle alone already and found it insane. An eternity of conscious punishment to which there is no resolve, reparation, reformation or relief is obscene, illogical and senseless. Sin is alleviated by its effect of death, or its non-existence whereby the potential of death is no more. Or there is a full transformation of the soul in the fire of God to bring forth a new creation or various stages of purification.

Here you've introduce another law, one that is potentially in opposition to the law of Karma, and a suggestion that an act (sin) inspires it's own rejection (repentance), which is either contradictory or unnecessary. Suffering can certainly inspire repentance and reformation. Can eternal suffering inspire repentance and reformation for an eternal sin? Jesus didn't seem to think so: Mark 3:28-29.

By the law of progress I mean the higher law of love which ultimately transcends the law of karma conditioning it, to effect a higher good towards purification.

Concerning blasphemy against the holy spirit, that's another subject treated elsewhere and subject to interpretation. On a more liberal note I've held that as long as a soul is capable of repentance, there is hope of salvation still afforded.

If by "conditional immortality" you mean that only those that are in a good place stay (or become) immortal, then that's indeed the conversation we are in the midst of. Universalism is certainly another option, though not necessarily from a biblical perspective. It seems to be what you mentioned above as "the law of progress upheld by divine love draws all soul's ultimately to God".

I think these are the 3 possibilities you've addressed, with some repetition:
  1. Everybody is saved eventually (universalism)
  2. Some are saved, and some are destroyed (conditional immortality)
  3. Some are saved and some are damned (ECT)

Yep, as I've expounded here previously. But as the thread title suggests....this is from within a limited biblical-context, it's own terms and definitions which are complicated by translation, hence the different views. Esoteric and spiritualist schools both east and west however differ in perspective including reincarnation in their cosmology gearing more towards universalism, although some soul's may apparently be so consumed by iniquity that they undergo disintegration. There is ample room for speculation here, beyond the clear biblical presentation of 'life' and 'death' being the available options for us to choose from. John 3:16

way 2 go

Well-known member
You use the reason, logic, intelligence, moral sense and discernment of conscience given to you by God to test any spirit or doctrine.
you are spiritually dead and relying on your flesh

Pro_14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death


Eclectic Theosophist
you are spiritually dead and relying on your flesh

Pro_14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death

No, rather I rely on the faculties I mentioned, and they won't permit me to accept a belief or concept that is insane.


Well-known member
The 'higher authority' is accessible thru the faculties of conscience and illumination from the Spirit as there is no other medium or arbiter existing, hence we are even called by Deity to "reason together" since God will not impose or enforce a law or principle that is contrary or inimical to our moral sense of justice or fairness, our 'conscience' bearing witness to the law of God.

No matter what religious book you use, since if you grew up in a different religious cult-ure you'd be using their holy books, you are still left with the faculty of reason and conscience as your moral compass and guide. Religious writings if truly inspired will resonate and agree with universal law and principle, albeit embellished in their own nomenclature or mythology. - have your own soul faculties as a lens, mirror and guide.

Granted, I was coming from a Theosophical View of karma, as an impersonal universal law although it's effects are certainly personal of course. In Theosophy there isn't the need of a 'personal God' since the Infinite transcends personality and is beyond human conception, but perhaps I digress. We can assume God as a divine Personality just the same, as some innate all supreme intelligence governing and coordinating all actions, but this 'God' could just as well still be the master-controller of all cause/effects, thru the various agencies of other intelligent beings (angelic orders, hierarchy) and universal laws.

The cosmos is a manifold unity, interdependent in its relations.

Here we note there are personal and non-personal aspects to God and creation, depending on our terms and 'context'. There are many things going on in the cosmos that while under the ultimate supreme over-control of a personal God (so assumed) do not appear to be directly micro-managed by this personal Being. The law of seed-time and harvest (sowing & reaping) however continues.......

See above. Yes,....we questioned ECT on principle alone already and found it insane. An eternity of conscious punishment to which there is no resolve, reparation, reformation or relief is obscene, illogical and senseless. Sin is alleviated by its effect of death, or its non-existence whereby the potential of death is no more. Or there is a full transformation of the soul in the fire of God to bring forth a new creation or various stages of purification.

By the law of progress I mean the higher law of love which ultimately transcends the law of karma conditioning it, to effect a higher good towards purification.

Concerning blasphemy against the holy spirit, that's another subject treated elsewhere and subject to interpretation. On a more liberal note I've held that as long as a soul is capable of repentance, there is hope of salvation still afforded.

Yep, as I've expounded here previously. But as the thread title suggests....this is from within a limited biblical-context, it's own terms and definitions which are complicated by translation, hence the different views. Esoteric and spiritualist schools both east and west however differ in perspective including reincarnation in their cosmology gearing more towards universalism, although some soul's may apparently be so consumed by iniquity that they undergo disintegration. There is ample room for speculation here, beyond the clear biblical presentation of 'life' and 'death' being the available options for us to choose from. John 3:16

The hell mantra is a steady beat they have listen to for years so it will take time to silence it, the dark side of emoting stuck in monotone reasoning from artificial grounding that cuts off the natural flow of the flow, Throw in the fear of the eastern teaching about the real old time religion of being, and the mental religions secure another soldier for their exclusive cult-tour of duty, unwittingly the convert marches on into the delusion of Identity hell.


Well-known member
The 'higher authority' is accessible thru the faculties of conscience and illumination from the Spirit as there is no other medium or arbiter existing, hence we are even called by Deity to "reason together" since God will not impose or enforce a law or principle that is contrary or inimical to our moral sense of justice or fairness, our 'conscience' bearing witness to the law of God.

No matter what religious book you use, since if you grew up in a different religious cult-ure you'd be using their holy books, you are still left with the faculty of reason and conscience as your moral compass and guide. Religious writings if truly inspired will resonate and agree with universal law and principle, albeit embellished in their own nomenclature or mythology. - have your own soul faculties as a lens, mirror and guide.

Granted, I was coming from a Theosophical View of karma, as an impersonal universal law although it's effects are certainly personal of course. In Theosophy there isn't the need of a 'personal God' since the Infinite transcends personality and is beyond human conception, but perhaps I digress. We can assume God as a divine Personality just the same, as some innate all supreme intelligence governing and coordinating all actions, but this 'God' could just as well still be the master-controller of all cause/effects, thru the various agencies of other intelligent beings (angelic orders, hierarchy) and universal laws.

The cosmos is a manifold unity, interdependent in its relations.

Here we note there are personal and non-personal aspects to God and creation, depending on our terms and 'context'. There are many things going on in the cosmos that while under the ultimate supreme over-control of a personal God (so assumed) do not appear to be directly micro-managed by this personal Being. The law of seed-time and harvest (sowing & reaping) however continues.......

See above. Yes,....we questioned ECT on principle alone already and found it insane. An eternity of conscious punishment to which there is no resolve, reparation, reformation or relief is obscene, illogical and senseless. Sin is alleviated by its effect of death, or its non-existence whereby the potential of death is no more. Or there is a full transformation of the soul in the fire of God to bring forth a new creation or various stages of purification.

By the law of progress I mean the higher law of love which ultimately transcends the law of karma conditioning it, to effect a higher good towards purification.

Concerning blasphemy against the holy spirit, that's another subject treated elsewhere and subject to interpretation. On a more liberal note I've held that as long as a soul is capable of repentance, there is hope of salvation still afforded.

Yep, as I've expounded here previously. But as the thread title suggests....this is from within a limited biblical-context, it's own terms and definitions which are complicated by translation, hence the different views. Esoteric and spiritualist schools both east and west however differ in perspective including reincarnation in their cosmology gearing more towards universalism, although some soul's may apparently be so consumed by iniquity that they undergo disintegration. There is ample room for speculation here, beyond the clear biblical presentation of 'life' and 'death' being the available options for us to choose from. John 3:16
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that you are saying we can figure out salvation on our own, yet at the same time we are beholden to some impersonal laws that figure it out for us. I can't but believe from what you are saying that you deny the existence of God. And if that's the case, then you "have no dog in this fight".

If you have rejected biblical authority, why do you care if we who haven't argue about what that authority says? I don't get it.

Your "insanity" plea against ECT is a paper tiger, for you pit your morality and your definition of sanity against that of a God that doesn't exist. In your mind, you can't help but win. But you have to deal with more than is in your mind. You have to deal with truth, and you don't get to decide what is truth.

I hope Timotheus doesn't think you are helping his cause, because you aren't--unless his cause is to reject the authority of the bible. That's not what I get from his thread title.

If he does think you are helping.... Strange bedfellows, indeed.


New member
I hope Timotheus doesn't think you are helping his cause, because you aren't--unless his cause is to reject the authority of the bible. That's not what I get from his thread title.

If he does think you are helping.... Strange bedfellows, indeed.

My "Cause" is not to reject the authority of the Bible. I proclaim the authority of Scripture, even over beloved traditions such as eternal torture in hell! I also have never seen Freelight say that anyone should reject the Bible either. ECTists sure like to tar and feather people falsely.

I am NOT saying "reject the Bible because it says that some people will be tortured alive in hell forever". I AM saying that we should all reject the false doctrine of eternal conscious torment because the Bible does not support it and the Bible fully supports the the doctrine that the wicked will perish instead of being tortured alive in hell forever. Just because a person loves the idea of a doctrine, that is no reason for them to go against the Bible.


New member
You say "torture" that's what makes you a snake. The bible says punishment.

We don't need to get into namecalling. Obviously I am not a "snake".
The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”​
Matthew 12:35-37 ESV
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New member
"Liar" therefore, is a harsh accusation. We shouldn't be getting this rambunctious in this debate, imho.

You are right. I shouldn't have called anyone a liar even though they first called me a liar. I will leave the namecalling to the other side. I also will not call anyone a snake, even though they called me a snake. The truth doesn't need namecalling. The scriptures are true and I stand on the Word of God, not on harsh words of internet forum posters. I will make a concerted effort to not respond in kind when I am falsely accused.

Thank you for your correction. May God bless you today.


Well-known member
If the Doctor tells the patience they have cancer (even if they don't) that will effect them physically and mentally until they find out otherwise, Same with doctrines of men that divide with the intent to conquer the mind to take its power away from you to heal thy self.

Hell/Sin our no different than a virus on a computer invented by those who also offer the cure for their invention, The Bible causes the problem, which you react to, and also offers the solution to cure the problem if you will have faith in his-story, It offers away out if you can overcome it's hold on you, that is patterned by this worlds systems that infected you with a legal name virus that controls you're mind/life as long as you except it as real.

Problem, Reaction, Solution, nothing new under the Sun until you wake up to the Be-Lie-Eve scam.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Are you asking me why does it matter if the unrepentant perish or if God tortures them alive forever in hell???

no, but that's what you answered, so that's what i'll respond to

It matters a lot,

not really - it's either true one way or it's true the other way, and whatever you believe it should be doesn't have a single iota of effect on how God has arranged it

first because of the kind of God we serve

"the kind of God"? :freak:

God is God

do you think you're going to make Him other than He is by what you think He should be?


Eclectic Theosophist


The hell mantra is a steady beat they have listen to for years so it will take time to silence it, the dark side of emoting stuck in monotone reasoning from artificial grounding that cuts off the natural flow of the flow, Throw in the fear of the eastern teaching about the real old time religion of being, and the mental religions secure another soldier for their exclusive cult-tour of duty, unwittingly the convert marches on into the delusion of Identity hell.

And 'hell' or 'heaven' exist only in one's mind as well, as far any descriptions, details or assumptions go ;)

What remains always as reality, is consciousness itself, however it's conditioned or affected in one's own experience.


Well-known member
My "Cause" is not to reject the authority of the Bible. I proclaim the authority of Scripture, even over beloved traditions such as eternal torture in hell! I also have never seen Freelight say that anyone should reject the Bible either. ECTists sure like to tar and feather people falsely.

I am NOT saying "reject the Bible because it says that some people will be tortured alive in hell forever". I AM saying that we should all reject the false doctrine of eternal conscious torment because the Bible does not support it and the Bible fully supports the the doctrine that the wicked will perish instead of being tortured alive in hell forever. Just because a person loves the idea of a doctrine, that is no reason for them to go against the Bible.
You must not have read much of what Freelight has written. He is teaching a different gospel, which is not good news at all--not for him or for anyone who follows it.

As long as you are trying to discern truth from the bible, I applaud you whether or not I agree with you. And if you read my posts carefully, I think you will find I haven't taken a position in this thread, so it's interesting to me that you have already grouped me with ECTists. I guess ECTists are not the only ones to prematurely heat up the tar and pluck the chickens.


Eclectic Theosophist
Freedom of speech.....

Freedom of speech.....

You must not have read much of what Freelight has written. He is teaching a different gospel, which is not good news at all--not for him or for anyone who follows it.

See here and elsewhere. My commentaries on the subject are my own observations, understandings and expounding, and I'm not preaching a gospel per se, but serve as an expositor so am not subject to your demarcations or category judgments. As a liberal eclectic student of religious philosophy and art my musings and insights stand on their own, take it or leave it. My camaraderie with timeotheus spans a short time of exchange and is open to explore all points of view and possible interpretations, so you have a limited knowledge of even what my theological profile is or my fields of study.

We are free to explore ECT, conditional immortality, universalism and various shades between within a biblical context, but I'm free to include all pertinent schools of knowledge from my own studies to enhance the discussion.

I'll address your last post soon.


New member
no, but that's what you answered, so that's what i'll respond to

not really - it's either true one way or it's true the other way, and whatever you believe it should be doesn't have a single iota of effect on how God has arranged it

"the kind of God"? :freak:

God is God

do you think you're going to make Him other than He is by what you think He should be?

I think God is described in the Bible, and He is. And He is described as good. And there are many people saying that He is NOT Good. They say that God set up a place of torture. The Bible does not say that God set up a place of torture. I am not making God anything other than what He is, but you and your buddies are attempting to say God is someone different than who He is, a torturing monster. Now do you understand why this is important to me? You are insulting God, My God. I am loyal to Him, so when you insult Him, I don't like it at all.

Got it?


New member
You must not have read much of what Freelight has written. He is teaching a different gospel, which is not good news at all--not for him or for anyone who follows it.

As long as you are trying to discern truth from the bible, I applaud you whether or not I agree with you. And if you read my posts carefully, I think you will find I haven't taken a position in this thread, so it's interesting to me that you have already grouped me with ECTists. I guess ECTists are not the only ones to prematurely heat up the tar and pluck the chickens.

If you do not believe that God tortures people in hell forever, then you are okay by me. I don't know you, so I don't know if you are an ECTist or a Bible believer. I'm sorry if I presumed anything about you. I don't recall grouping you in with ECTists, if I have and you aren't an ECTist, I apologize. Nobody will want to be in that group on the day of Judgment.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think God is described in the Bible, and He is. And He is described as good.

He's described as more than that

did He meet your criteria for "good" when he killed every single man woman and child (and infant) in the Flood, save 8?

did He meet your criteria for "good" when he burned to death with molten sulfur every single inhabitant of sodom and Gomorrah - man, woman, child and infant?

you have a child's concept of "good" timmy
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way 2 go

Well-known member
No, rather I rely on the faculties I mentioned, and they won't permit me to accept a belief or concept that is insane.
karma is insane

murder a person -1 ,fornicate have a child +1 = even


eternal life is not earned it is a free gift

Rom_6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

you can not make yourself spiritually alive by good works


Active member
way 2 go,
re: "Rom_6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

But the ECT advocates don't believe that. They think that everyone will be given eternal life.