Dear freelight,
No, I would not condemn my children to such. Jesus said we all must be like children to enter heaven, so all of the children, even certain adults, are safe and go to heaven.
I've noticed that the NKJV doesn't translate well, especially Isaiah 45:7. My KJV has a nice center reference also.
Yes, it is a parable, but in Rev. 19:20, it says that those who received the mark of the beast were thrown in the lake of fire and Rev. 20:10 says that the beast, false prophet and Satan shall be there forever. They are His children, believe it or not. So were Hitler, Mussolini, even Pharoah of Egypt, or Khomeini or bin Laden. I would think that God, being as huge-hearted as He is, will send very few to the lake of fire, since they will be judged according to their works and also, man against Satan is hardly a fair match. So I'm sure God will take that into plenty of consideration. I see that if Hell is giving up those that are in it, then many of those in Hell could be forgiven. Only God knows.
And there is no mention of it all being a different time for each soul to spend in the Lake of Fire as if it were jail.
Also, those who turn many to righteousness Shall BE as the stars forever and ever. (Daniel 12:3). You can bet on it.
There is no problem unless you feel you are not keeping His commandments, which are your works. Loving God, and loving each other are the most important. The others fall into place here and there.
Thanks for your time and letting me bend your ear some. May God Be With You!!