Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


New member
Is Quran similar to Jesus' teachings?

Does it teach about God and Jesus' love?

Does it say love your enemy too?

(It teaches mercy and righteous judgement which is too mercy and of GOD.

This just happens to be where i am reading at the moment (when I do read).

It is difficult to train yourself to understand that what is in parenthesise is added at a later date and should be wholly looked over unless one is wholly bereft of understanding. It is the law of GOD as far as I am concerned. That is to say that it reiterates the command of Christ and the working of the Spirit though it initially may come off as not spiritual at all, or even against what one knows to be true in the Bible.)

57:21. (O people!) Advance quickly, outstripping one another, towards the protection from your Lord and (towards) a Garden the extensiveness of which is (beyond measure) as the extensiveness of the heaven and the earth. It has been prepared for those who believe in Allâh and His Messengers; that (protection) is Allâh’s grace and bounty. He grants it to such of those who wish to attain it (and strive for it). Allâh is the Lord of immense grace and bounty.


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48:1. (Prophet! The treaty of Hudaibiyah is a great victory in that) We opened for you the way to (another) clear victory (which led to the preaching and expansion of Islam).48:2. The result of this is that Allâh will protect you from (the ill consequences of) the fault attributed to you in the past and those to follow, and that He will make His favour perfect upon you and will lead you to the goal of the exact right path;

@font-face {font-family: 'custom';src: url('arabna24.ttf');}

لِّيَغْفِرَ لَكَ اللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِن ذَنبِكَ وَمَا تَأَخَّرَ وَيُتِمَّ نِعْمَتَهُ عَلَيْكَ وَيَهْدِيَكَ صِرَاطًا مُّسْتَقِيمًا

48:2 Dhanbi-ka ذَنبِكَ means the fault attributed to you (the Holy Prophet (pbuh)). Elsewhere in the Holy Qur’ân (5:30) a similar expression ithmî إثمي is used meaning “the sin committed against me.” The Holy Prophet (pbuh) never committed a sin, and his istighfâr إستغقار means the asking of Divine protection for him and his people (see the discussion on David’s supplication for Divine protection in chapter 34). Even before he was raised to the dignity of prophethood he was known as al-Amîn الامين, the most trustworthy, of safe conduct, faithful, sincere, steadfast; and al-Sâdîq الصادق, the most straightforward, perfect, unmingled, truthful, just, true, a man of veracity, a man who observes his promises faithfully and with soundness. Moreover, he received the highest praise of Muhammad.

This verse has been misunderstood based on a lack of knowledge of the Arabic idiom and translated as “your sin,” signifying that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was guilty of moral lapse. The word Dhanbi-kaذَنبِكَ is in a genitive construction, which is also found elsewhere in the Holy Qur’ân and Arabic literature. For instance shurakâ’ شُركاء does not mean “my partners” but “my so-called partners associated with me by you, and that you set up with me” (cf. 6:22; 6:54; 28:44; 34:27, etc.). In the verse under comment the mutual construction of two nouns (idzâfatإضاقت ) carries a similar significance and the word means “the fault attributed to you,” or the shortcomings which were attributed to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in the past and will be attributed to him by his adversaries in the future. Allâh’s Prophets are born sinless and they remain sinless throughout their life.
48:3. And that Allâh will grant you His mighty help.48:4. It is He Who gave to the believers Shechinah (tranquillity and peace of mind) so that they might grow all the more in faith over and above the faith they (already) possessed. Indeed all the hosts of the heavens and of the earth belong to Allâh. And Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Wise.48:5. (Allâh has decreed the war against the aggressor) so that He may admit the believers both men and women to Gardens served with running streams (to keep them green and flourishing), (the Gardens) where they will abide for ever, and so that He might absolve them of their evils. This indeed is a supreme achievement (for you) in the sight of Allâh.48:6. And (He has decreed it so that) He may punish the hypocrites both men and women and the polytheists both men and women who entertain evil thoughts about Allâh. There awaits them an evil term (of calamity). Allâh is angry with them and has deprived them of His mercy and has Gehenna in store for them, and evil it is for destination.48:7. And all the hosts of the heavens and of the earth belong to Allâh. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

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God's Truth

New member
You can help by explaining why you think your personal version of the bible is more sacred than other versions of the bible.

Then you can show within context scripture that supports your false claim that we aren't to read and seek through any means.

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Remember saying this to me: "You should try answering a question for once instead of trying to divert attention. It's okay to answer questions you know."

So tell me why you do not answer questions?

I asked you if the angels built the ark or if Noah did.

You need to tell me because the Holy Bible says Noah did, but the book you promote called the book of Enoch says that angels did.

Now one book is not telling the truth.

Now you need to tell me which one you say is untruthful.

I am waiting for you to answer.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
48:1. (Prophet! The treaty of Hudaibiyah is a great victory in that) We opened for you the way to (another) clear victory (which led to the preaching and expansion of Islam).48:2. The result of this is that Allâh will protect you from (the ill consequences of) the fault attributed to you in the past and those to follow, and that He will make His favour perfect upon you and will lead you to the goal of the exact right path;

@font-face {font-family: 'custom';src: url('arabna24.ttf');}

لِّيَغْفِرَ لَكَ اللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِن ذَنبِكَ وَمَا تَأَخَّرَ وَيُتِمَّ نِعْمَتَهُ عَلَيْكَ وَيَهْدِيَكَ صِرَاطًا مُّسْتَقِيمًا

48:2 Dhanbi-ka ذَنبِكَ means the fault attributed to you (the Holy Prophet (pbuh)). Elsewhere in the Holy Qur’ân (5:30) a similar expression ithmî إثمي is used meaning “the sin committed against me.” The Holy Prophet (pbuh) never committed a sin, and his istighfâr إستغقار means the asking of Divine protection for him and his people (see the discussion on David’s supplication for Divine protection in chapter 34). Even before he was raised to the dignity of prophethood he was known as al-Amîn الامين, the most trustworthy, of safe conduct, faithful, sincere, steadfast; and al-Sâdîq الصادق, the most straightforward, perfect, unmingled, truthful, just, true, a man of veracity, a man who observes his promises faithfully and with soundness. Moreover, he received the highest praise of Muhammad.

This verse has been misunderstood based on a lack of knowledge of the Arabic idiom and translated as “your sin,” signifying that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was guilty of moral lapse. The word Dhanbi-kaذَنبِكَ is in a genitive construction, which is also found elsewhere in the Holy Qur’ân and Arabic literature. For instance shurakâ’ شُركاء does not mean “my partners” but “my so-called partners associated with me by you, and that you set up with me” (cf. 6:22; 6:54; 28:44; 34:27, etc.). In the verse under comment the mutual construction of two nouns (idzâfatإضاقت ) carries a similar significance and the word means “the fault attributed to you,” or the shortcomings which were attributed to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in the past and will be attributed to him by his adversaries in the future. Allâh’s Prophets are born sinless and they remain sinless throughout their life.
48:3. And that Allâh will grant you His mighty help.48:4. It is He Who gave to the believers Shechinah (tranquillity and peace of mind) so that they might grow all the more in faith over and above the faith they (already) possessed. Indeed all the hosts of the heavens and of the earth belong to Allâh. And Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Wise.48:5. (Allâh has decreed the war against the aggressor) so that He may admit the believers both men and women to Gardens served with running streams (to keep them green and flourishing), (the Gardens) where they will abide for ever, and so that He might absolve them of their evils. This indeed is a supreme achievement (for you) in the sight of Allâh.48:6. And (He has decreed it so that) He may punish the hypocrites both men and women and the polytheists both men and women who entertain evil thoughts about Allâh. There awaits them an evil term (of calamity). Allâh is angry with them and has deprived them of His mercy and has Gehenna in store for them, and evil it is for destination.48:7. And all the hosts of the heavens and of the earth belong to Allâh. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

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Are you a closet Muslim?


New member
Remember saying this to me: "You should try answering a question for once instead of trying to divert attention. It's okay to answer questions you know."

So tell me why you do not answer questions?

I asked you if the angels built the ark or if Noah did.

You need to tell me because the Holy Bible says Noah did, but the book you promote called the book of Enoch says that angels did.

Now one book is not telling the truth.

Now you need to tell me which one you say is untruthful.

I am waiting for you to answer.
I asked my question first technically.

Please reference what you speak of in reference to the book of Enoch.

Pretty sure Noah was directed by an angel of the LORD, but I will gladly look into what you mentioned as soon as you provide the actual reference and I have time.

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New member
Are you a closet Muslim?

I don't divide the faithful of GOD among the lines of religion per say, but by the character of their heart, and the works of their spirit.

i am islamic( as in strive to be submissive to the will and Way of GOD)

i am also Christian( as in I believe wholly that GOD was manifest in Jesus the Christ of GOD, and believe in the resurrection and last day)

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God's Truth

New member
How would you ever know if another book is sacred if you don't read it without preconceived bias?
You shouldn't accuse of things that I do not do.
You assume things you should not.
How do I know that the book of Enoch has things in it that go against the Holy Bible if I did not study some of it?

So you actually think that your versions of the bible are sacred but other versions of the Canon bible are not.

That is right.

So that would mean that you think those of the Etheopian Coptic church are lead astray by the Canon bible.

Super logic

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The Ethiopian Orthodox church has many false doctrines.

They venerate Mary, the angels, and the saints, and others. Their priests communicate on behalf of the community, and only priests may enter the inner sanctum. The Eucharist is given only to those who feel pure, have fasted regularly. Communion is mainly only given to young children and the elderly; those who are at a sexually active age or who have sexual desires generally do not receive the Eucharist. Worshipers who do receive communion may enter the middle ring of the church, while others cannot. They follow dietary laws similar to the Jews in the Old Testament. Women are prohibited from entering the church temple during menses. So much for Jesus living inside a person he cleans and making that person a temple of His Spirit. They remove their shoes when entering a church temple. The Ethiopian church calls for male circumcision.

Now did this church get those false teachings from their extra canons? I don't need to search their Bible to find out. I have the truth from the Holy Bible.


New member
You shouldn't accuse of things that I do not do.
You assume things you should not.
How do I know that the book of Enoch has things in it that go against the Holy Bible if I did not study some of it?

That is right.

The Ethiopian Orthodox church has many false doctrines.

They venerate Mary, the angels, and the saints, and others. Their priests communicate on behalf of the community, and only priests may enter the inner sanctum. The Eucharist is given only to those who feel pure, have fasted regularly. Communion is mainly only given to young children and the elderly; those who are at a sexually active age or who have sexual desires generally do not receive the Eucharist. Worshipers who do receive communion may enter the middle ring of the church, while others cannot. They follow dietary laws similar to the Jews in the Old Testament. Women are prohibited from entering the church temple during menses. So much for Jesus living inside a person he cleans and making that person a temple of His Spirit. They remove their shoes when entering a church temple. The Ethiopian church calls for male circumcision.

Now did this church get those false teachings from their extra canons? I don't need to search their Bible to find out. I have the truth from the Holy Bible.
According to your judgement; all organized religion is wrong because none of them or any single person have everything right or fully know everything; salvation is of faith. And that not of or in self per say.

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New member
You shouldn't accuse of things that I do not do.
You assume things you should not.
How do I know that the book of Enoch has things in it that go against the Holy Bible if I did not study some of it?

That is right.

The Ethiopian Orthodox church has many false doctrines.

They venerate Mary, the angels, and the saints, and others. Their priests communicate on behalf of the community, and only priests may enter the inner sanctum. The Eucharist is given only to those who feel pure, have fasted regularly. Communion is mainly only given to young children and the elderly; those who are at a sexually active age or who have sexual desires generally do not receive the Eucharist. Worshipers who do receive communion may enter the middle ring of the church, while others cannot. They follow dietary laws similar to the Jews in the Old Testament. Women are prohibited from entering the church temple during menses. So much for Jesus living inside a person he cleans and making that person a temple of His Spirit. They remove their shoes when entering a church temple. The Ethiopian church calls for male circumcision.

Now did this church get those false teachings from their extra canons? I don't need to search their Bible to find out. I have the truth from the Holy Bible.
So the men that chose what you consider cannon where better than those who chose a slightly different Canon?

I thought GOD was no respecter of persons.

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God's Truth

New member
I defended and do defend the Quran. If you go back and look you would see that your last response was that the word son isn't misused.

So son doesn't mean GOD to you or King or Lord, or the Spirit, or follower, or kind of GOD or descendant of GOD. it strictly means son, even though I showed you the literal Greek translations.

You are lying about the Holy Bible being in error for saying Jesus is the Son of God, God's ONLY SON.
Unless of course you want to say that Jesus is God's only FOLLOWER? Which shows how ignorant your lie is about 'Son' not used correctly in the Bible.

You are very deluded to think I you have faught for anything and moreso if you think you have won something.
You are the deluded one, and I have fought for the truth and won.
You are like Satan when he said, "Did God really say ____? Yes, God really did say Jesus was His Son. You say "Did God really say Jesus was His Son, or did He mean Jesus was His King?" Do you not see now how much you have to do to go against the Truth?
You do little more than chase your own tail in fevered desperation, while accusing and taking singular verses from scripture in a poor attempt to verify your personal interpretations.
You are the one with the tail, a big tail like the dragon?
I'm still waiting on the scripture showing is to read no other book, or that reading is bad, or that the bible is Christ.
I have already proved error with the books you are trying to put above the Holy Bible.

While your at it you can go ahead and give scripture showing that the "Word" denotes Jesus specifically and not the Spirit of GOD.
Jesus IS the Word. Jesus IS the Spirit of God.

Revelation 19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

You seem to throw out scripture when it suits your fancy; what about the words of Jesus that tell us who isn't against us is on our part, and that all sorts of blaspheme will be forgiven; even the blaspheme of the name of the Lord?
A person has to REPENT of their blasphemy to be forgiven.

God's Truth

New member
According to your judgement; all organized religion is wrong because none of them or any single person have everything right or fully know everything; salvation is of faith. And that not of or in self per say.

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God's Truth can be found. What you say about me is not true.

You pretend not to know that organized religions have leaders who have to preach the truth. They should not do what God says not to do.

God's Truth

New member
So the men that chose what you consider cannon where better than those who chose a slightly different Canon?

I thought GOD was no respecter of persons.

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You don't even know what that means.

No respecter of persons means that God expects all to obey and if they do not they all will be treated the same. That means a Jew doesn't get special treatment if he sins; neither do Christians. All have to repent of sins and believe in Jesus.


(It teaches mercy and righteous judgement which is too mercy and of GOD.

This just happens to be where i am reading at the moment (when I do read).

It is difficult to train yourself to understand that what is in parenthesise is added at a later date and should be wholly looked over unless one is wholly bereft of understanding. It is the law of GOD as far as I am concerned. That is to say that it reiterates the command of Christ and the working of the Spirit though it initially may come off as not spiritual at all, or even against what one knows to be true in the Bible.)

57:21. (O people!) Advance quickly, outstripping one another, towards the protection from your Lord and (towards) a Garden the extensiveness of which is (beyond measure) as the extensiveness of the heaven and the earth. It has been prepared for those who believe in Allâh and His Messengers; that (protection) is Allâh’s grace and bounty. He grants it to such of those who wish to attain it (and strive for it). Allâh is the Lord of immense grace and bounty.


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Jesus explains God's will and teachings in detail.

Does Quran do that too?


New member
You are lying about the Holy Bible being in error for saying Jesus is the Son of God, God's ONLY SON.
Unless of course you want to say that Jesus is God's only FOLLOWER? Which shows how ignorant your lie is about 'Son' not used correctly in the Bible.

You are the deluded one, and I have fought for the truth and won.
You are like Satan when he said, "Did God really say ____? Yes, God really did say Jesus was His Son. You say "Did God really say Jesus was His Son, or did He mean Jesus was His King?" Do you not see now how much you have to do to go against the Truth?

You are the one with the tail, a big tail like the dragon?

I have already proved error with the books you are trying to put above the Holy Bible.

Jesus IS the Word. Jesus IS the Spirit of God.

Revelation 19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

A person has to REPENT of their blasphemy to be forgiven.
Jesus IS the Word. Jesus IS the Spirit of God.

Revelation 19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.


I never placed another book above the Bible.

Who is lying?

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They support and reiterate one another.

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Jesus says He is the way. It seems to me He is the Messenger of God's word.

And He also talks about counterfeit. isn't Kuoran one of them Jesus talking about?

I would be very careful because if you read another one as sacred, your attention is divided and I don't think that is a good idea.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus IS the Word. Jesus IS the Spirit of God.

Revelation 19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.


I never placed another book above the Bible.

Who is lying?

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You are.

You say the Qur'an is right about God not having a Son.

You don't remember your claim against the Bible on the word 'Son'?

Now confess and repent.


New member
Jesus says He is the way. It seems to me He is the Messenger of God's word.

And He also talks about counterfeit. isn't Kuoran one of them Jesus talking about?

I would be very careful because if you read another one as sacred, your attention is divided and I don't think that is a good idea.
The Quran reiterates that Jesus is much more than simply a messenger of GOD.

I assure you; I am careful.

It is not my intent that all read the Quran; only that they don't speak about it as if of satan.

False Christ's are everywhere but not within books.

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New member
You are.

You say the Qur'an is right about God not having a Son.

You don't remember your claim against the Bible on the word 'Son'?

Now confess and repent.
I never said that actually.

Just that son can be translated from the original Greek in many different ways.

I used John 3:16 to prove my point which you wholly deny.

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