Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member
Not at all. Perhaps it could be the reader not properly interpreting or understanding? ;)

I've never claimed truth cant be known, nor have I claimed that I have it, perhaps you're projecting again?

We are gnostics as we are given truth by revelation of the Spirit, as far as religious experience is concerned, but no finite being can know the totality of the Infinite. Man's knowledge is only as perfect as his capacities and capabilities allow.

Beyond knowledge(gnosis), there is 'agnosis'(no knowledge), hence the cosmos is both 'light' and 'darkness'.

If you believed what you just said to me, then you would not say that to me.


New member
I'm not worried. Are you?

the only ones i worry about are the big money preachers. churches that teach their seminary that future preachers can only teach the bible within the perimeter of their doctrine.
as far as what doctrines the other group believe, no i dont care, what they believe should not influence my own belief.

God's Truth

New member
the only ones i worry about are the big money preachers. churches that teach their seminary that future preachers can only teach the bible within the perimeter of their doctrine.
as far as what doctrines the other group believe, no i dont care, what they believe should not influence my own belief.

Don't you believe in contending for the faith?


the only ones i worry about are the big money preachers. churches that teach their seminary that future preachers can only teach the bible within the perimeter of their doctrine.
as far as what doctrines the other group believe, no i dont care, what they believe should not influence my own belief.

well said.

God's Truth

New member
?? umm ok. not sure what your talking about here but no worries.

You said, "establishing truth or proving my faith is right and everyone else is wrong? i follow the Hindu philosophy everyone is born into the faith they need to deal with."

I said that is not how Paul believed. Paul taught the people who were like the Hindus to stop worshiping other gods and to believe in Jesus.


New member
The Holy Bible did not misuse the word 'Son'.
I have shown direct translation from the Greek Bible.

That you cannot accept such is strange to me; stranger still is that what I have been trying to say lines up with your own doctrine; but you refuse to see it because of a single word you are clinging to.

Don't you get that Jesus was the manifestation of GOD? Don't you and I go around saying that the Spirit of GOD is the Spirit that dwelled in Jesus and that Christ is GOD?

But when shown the actual Greek, with translation verifying what you preach, you still go against me for no reason.

Very strange

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God's Truth

New member
I have shown direct translation from the Greek Bible.
The Bible has been translated from the Greek a long time ago and the word is 'Son'.

You are trying to go back and rewrite the Bible and you just are not qualified.
That you cannot accept such is strange to me;
hahahaha That is you, you cannot accept the Holy Bible in English.

stranger still is that what I have been trying to say lines up with your own doctrine; but you refuse to see it because of a single word you are clinging to.

I have nothing to do with leaning from the truth to try to prove me beliefs. That is what people in false doctrines do. You know that it is you, now, don't you?

Don't you get that Jesus was the manifestation of GOD? Don't you and I go around saying that the Spirit of GOD is the Spirit that dwelled in Jesus and that Christ is GOD?
Jesus is called the Son of God because he came from God. Anyone who comes from you is your son or daughter. Jesus is God the Father come as a Son in the flesh.

You are defiling the Holy Bible and the Qur'an.

But when shown the actual Greek, with translation verifying what you preach, you still go against me for no reason.
The word is 'Son' and it is you who are going against it.
Very strange
You are ensnared by the devil, it is why it is so strange to you when really it is not.


New member
You said, "establishing truth or proving my faith is right and everyone else is wrong? i follow the Hindu philosophy everyone is born into the faith they need to deal with."

I said that is not how Paul believed. Paul taught the people who were like the Hindus to stop worshiping other gods and to believe in Jesus.

Paul taught when you find something good, ANYTHING, to think on it.
Hindus dont go out and conquer and destroy every nation around them so maybe something can be learned from them.

God's Truth

New member
Paul taught when you find something good, ANYTHING, to think on it.
Hindus dont go out and conquer and destroy every nation around them so maybe something can be learned from them.

You are speaking error about Paul. Paul does not tell Hindus to think of their gods.