Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


Well-known member
Anyone who thinks they are against GOD or the Spirit, or the Word of GOD, please feel free to state such.
Not everything is 'against' Christianity. Baha'i is better than the UB in that it first, uplifts Christianity and unlike the UB, doesn't seek to usurp it. A good many of my friends are Christian today 'because' Baha'i told them to listen. As such, many Baha'i are open to the gospel and become Christians.

So, for me, Good but not scripture and not infallible. The Apostle Paul was aware of Greek theology, so I think we need to be aware of what others believe.

I do agree with GloryDaz: This isn't scripture, not 'sacred' text. In order to be, such has to be "God's Word." John 14:6 There can be no other "way."

Summary: A Christian may read anything, but only the Bible is Sacred Scripture. Luke 9:49,50 -Lon


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Moses was trained in the way of the Pharoh's, knew their science, magical arts and theology. How much did he borrow from the Egyptians to incorporate into his own religious system?
Just guess and then believe your guess.
That will make you tingle.


Eclectic Theosophist
I did not intentionally copy that much texts. I should have gone back over it before finalizing the post.

I know, but anything over 7-8 paragraphs is considered somewhat long for some readers, and its encouraged to keep things within those guidelines. I'd just add a few paragaphs of your text, and put in QUOTES, then add some commentary. - then credit ID the source-text, etc.

The last bit is from the book of Enoch which is considered part of the Bible by some sects.

I just scanned over it, both texts are actually kinda biblical in fashion, although the latter is definitely 'intertestamental' literature. All the works attributed to Enoch the 7th from Adam are wonderful, - I also have a modern day text called 'The Keys of Enoch' thru JJ Hurtak,...he and his wife also run the Academy For Future Science. - the KOE contain 64 spiritual keys unlocking man's bio-spiritual and cosmic ascension path :)


Eclectic Theosophist
Just guess and then believe your guess.
That will make you tingle.

Not quite, I study and take in as much of the cultural, social, scientific, religious CONTEXT of the religion I'm studying, which is intellectually honest and responsible. I think synthesize and interpret such thru my own rational filter and thru the channel of creative writing, hope to draw some logical insights, correlations, understandings and connections thru all the data considered. Its actually a philosophical-scientific approach, then with a flair to discover the esoteric meaning and allegorical value of the overall picture. Like a jigsaw puzzle, putting the pieces together...seeing what all fits :)

Why would I just believe a book handed down to me by tradition, culture and a belief-system I was just BORN INTO, without evaluating it for its authenticity on all levels, searching things out for myself? I'll take whatever is valuable from the religious books inherited in my own upbringing, but also study, research and consider other religious traditions and their holy texts too. Why wouldnt I want to learn more, and expand my knowledge of all paths of knowledge, all the arts and sciences, which only enrich and enlarge my vision and comprehension of the whole?

I'll continue on my path, thanks :) Where you go on your path is UP 2 U. I'll be true to share what I do, since we are all responsible for what we learn and teach others. I'm well aware of that.


New member
Not everything is 'against' Christianity. Baha'i is better than the UB in that it first, uplifts Christianity and unlike the UB, doesn't seek to usurp it. A good many of my friends are Christian today 'because' Baha'i told them to listen. As such, many Baha'i are open to the gospel and become Christians.

So, for me, Good but not scripture and not infallible. The Apostle Paul was aware of Greek theology, so I think we need to be aware of what others believe.

I do agree with GloryDaz: This isn't scripture, not 'sacred' text. In order to be, such has to be "God's Word." John 14:6 There can be no other "way."

Summary: A Christian may read anything, but only the Bible is Sacred Scripture. Luke 9:49,50 -Lon
But the Bible wasn't even around in the times of Jesus of Nazareth.

And no; if it isn't against then it is on our part.

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Well-known member
But the Bible wasn't even around in the times of Jesus of Nazareth.
Half of it was.
And no; if it isn't against then it is on our part.
What you posted was uplifting AND talked about both Christ and Christianity in a positive manner. I could read it all day long (same reason I read other Christian writers and sometimes even nonChristian writers).

I'd read a LOT of other spiritual texts before some other ones. Those that are against Christianity and the Bible, I can barely tolerate and just don't enjoy it. I've read a lot for papers while in Bible College.

In addition, I'd also recommend Christians familiarize themselves with what other's include in their bibles. It is at least good for history and helping further understand common thoughts and practices that were occurring alongside the time of the scriptures. Maccabees everyone should read, just to know what happened between Malachi and Matthew. It isn't sacred, but it is good history. As your thread is asking not just about 'reading' those materials, but what else 'is scripture,' it is important to distinguish the difference in why we'd read them. The Apostle Paul knew Greek theology, for instance and was able to converse with them because he knew it. GloryDaz, by comparison, I don't believe is lambasting reading such, just adamant that they are not sacred scriptures. I think you need both comments in thread and you seem to invite and need that contrast for thead as well. Imho, my post isn't as direct as hers in answering more specifically, the OP. -Lon


Well-known member
That is not what happened with Jesus. Just as we don't become Christ because we receive the Holy Spirit.

Jesus' spirit is the Spirit of God the Father come as a Son, AND when Jesus was water baptized, he was baptized with the Holy Spirit and with power.

I never said we become Christ, but that our hearts should be changing to be more like that of Christ's, do the life of Christ can be seen in and through us.


Well-known member
What? See that is more proof that you are in error.

Jesus didn't sin before he was baptized.

Think about that some more.

He didn't have to overcome his flesh when he received the Holy Spirit.

He was a 33 year old man when he was baptized.

Do you really want to claim that he had sin before he was baptized?

That should give you cause to say to yourself that you are off track.
Sin before he was baptised? Where did I say that?

And where did I say that he had to overcome the flesh before he received the Holy Spirit? I didn't, Jesus always had the Spirit, he was waxing strong in Spirit as a child.


Well-known member
What you say should make people cringe.

Jesus CAME from heaven, his spirit IS the Spirit of God the Father come as a man's.
Jesus in the womb of his mother gave the Spirit to two people that we know of.
How do you ever get that he had to overcome his flesh?

Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert where he was tempted in all ways so that he could know what humans go through.

You are in major error. Jesus' spirit as a man is the Spirit of God. Jesus IS the Christ. Jesus didn't become the Christ, he came AS THE CHRIST.
I didn't say he became the Christ I know he was came as Christ, you need to read what I write properly. Simeon said when he blessed Jesus as he was being circumcised on the eighth day that he was told by the Spirit, that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Christ, and now he has seen him. Simeon knew that Jesus was the Christ when Jesus was 8 days old, so why wouldn't I believe that he was already the Christ?

And just because I say Jesus overcame the flesh doesn't mean he sinned, on the contrary he was strong in Spirit and didn't sin once, thus he completely overcame the flesh, he was so strong in Spirit, that he was living by the will of God at the age of 12, saying to his parents, don't you know yet I was about my father's business, and Jesus himself says that he overcame.

John 16

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world

Revelation 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

And Jesus was tempted at other times too, not just in the wilderness and he overcame everything, satan couldn't touch him.


Well-known member
Save your whining and your lecturing concerning the "new man". You have no idea what that is.

It's a shame you can't actually hear what Jesus said from the beginning, and instead get fixated on His saying He was the Son of God. As if that means He is not God. He also calls Himself the Son of Man, so that must mean He is not man, too....according to your logic. :AMR:

He says very clearly that He came out from God, and came down from heaven. Every I AM statement He made was confirming He was God.

But, I can't cure the wilfully blind. It's in your face, and you still WILL NOT see it. :nono:

Save your whining and your lecturing concerning the "new man". You have no idea what that is.

It's a shame you can't actually hear what Jesus said from the beginning, and instead get fixated on His saying He was the Son of God. As if that means He is not God. He also calls Himself the Son of Man, so that must mean He is not man, too....according to your logic. :AMR:

He says very clearly that He came out from God, and came down from heaven. Every I AM statement He made was confirming He was God.

But, I can't cure the wilfully blind. It's in your face, and you still WILL NOT see it. :nono:

Talking of wilfully blind, how can you not see that Jesus calls the father the only true God and that he also calls the father his God, and even the disciples call God the God and father of our lord Jesus Christ, why can't you see that?

And no, every time that Jesus said I AM he wasn't confirming he was God, tonight we were reading Mark 14 in our house meeting, and we read this, and here he is confirming that he is the Christ the son of God by saying I AM

Mark 14

But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.

Here when they asked him if he was the Christ the son of the blessed, he said I AM, he didn't say he was God, he said I am to being the Christ, the son of God.

There are many many verses that clearly show us that the father is also the God and father of Christ Jesus, but you seem to just skip past those and totally ignore them. And then try to make verses fit your trinity doctrine, then you condemn those who don't agree with you as lost and not belonging to Christ, those who believe Jesus and his apostles when they say that God is the God and father of Christ Jesus, all manner of nasty things come from your mouth even wishing the wrath of God to come upon others, yet you fail to see, that the wrath of God comes upon those who know God and are disobedient, not to those who don't believe in the trinity and are faithful to God and live by his will. It's not disbelieving in the trinity that brings the wrath of God upon us, it doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible, it's not living by God's will and disobeying him that brings his wrath upon us.


Well-known member
Talking of wilfully blind, how can you not see that Jesus calls the father the only true God and that he also calls the father his God, and even the disciples call God the God and father of our lord Jesus Christ, why can't you see that?

And no, every time that Jesus said I AM he wasn't confirming he was God, tonight we were reading Mark 14 in our house meeting, and we read this, and here he is confirming that he is the Christ the son of God by saying I AM

Mark 14

But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.

Here when they asked him if he was the Christ the son of the blessed, he said I AM, he didn't say he was God, he said I am to being the Christ, the son of God.

There are many many verses that clearly show us that the father is also the God and father of Christ Jesus, but you seem to just skip past those and totally ignore them. And then try to make verses fit your trinity doctrine, then you condemn those who don't agree with you as lost and not belonging to Christ, those who believe Jesus and his apostles when they say that God is the God and father of Christ Jesus, all manner of nasty things come from your mouth even wishing the wrath of God to come upon others, yet you fail to see, that the wrath of God comes upon those who know God and are disobedient, not to those who don't believe in the trinity and are faithful to God and live by his will. It's not disbelieving in the trinity that brings the wrath of God upon us, it doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible, it's not living by God's will and disobeying him that brings his wrath upon us.

Yes, He is the great I AM. It's only you deniers that can't see what He is saying.

He is the Son of God.....making Him the Great I AM.

God (I AM) = Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Well-known member
Yes, He is the great I AM. It's only you deniers that can't see what He is saying.

He is the Son of God.....making Him the Great I AM.

God (I AM) = Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Nope, he is clearly saying I am as in he is the Christ the son of God, you just try to change what is said to suit your Trinitarian doctrine.

So everytime someone asks me if I'm Mary, and I say I am, does that make me God? Of course not! Everyone says I am, what else was Jesus supposed to say when they asked him if he is the Christ the son of God? The only thing he could have said is I am. He couldn't say I was, or I will be, because he is the son of God so he said I am.

Nothing in the verses that you quote where Jesus says I AM, have him saying he is God, he only ever says that he is the son of God, and that's who he says he is from the beginning, and according to him and his apostles that's what we are to believe to be saved. We are to believe in Jesus and believe that he is the son of God, and that is also the revelation that Peter received from the father, that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God, not that Jesus is God.

You shouldn't call people lost and not in Christ who believe that Jesus is the son of God yet don't believe that he is God. Because that's what we are told to believe in the Bible.

God's Truth

New member
Sin before he was baptised? Where did I say that?
You said he only became Christ when he received the Spirit at his baptism.
If he wasn't Christ in the womb and at birth then he would not be sinless.
And where did I say that he had to overcome the flesh before he received the Holy Spirit? I didn't,

Where did I say you said 'before'?

Jesus always had the Spirit, he was waxing strong in Spirit as a child.

You are the one who said he didn't receive the Holy Spirit til his baptism.

God's Truth

New member
I didn't say he became the Christ I know he was came as Christ, you need to read what I write properly.

Maybe you need to read it over, or maybe write it better?

Here is what you said and you tell me if you could have explained better:

I believe that the scriptures clearly show us that the father is the God and father of Christ Jesus, Christ was the spirit that was within Jesus, like you and me have our Spirit and then he was filled with the Holy Spirit being anointed of God the father, making him the Christ. Jesus was the fleshly man that the Spirit of Christ was in.

You say right there that Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit making him the Christ.
I said he was the Christ in the womb and at birth.
And once he had overcome the flesh, satan and this world of sin and death, showing us a new and living way and leaving us a perfect example to follow and the gospel to be preached everywhere, he obeyed the father until his last breath and satan couldn't touch him, once crucified, he left this body, and the father exalted him and set Christ at his right hand.

You say he became the Christ at the baptism and that he had overcome sin. I said if he wasn’t born Christ, then how does a man not sin at all to the age of 33?

he left this body, and the father exalted him and set Christ at his right hand.

You mean he left his body then went to Hell, then raised his body, and later ascended to the Father.
All spirits in heaven have the life of Christ with them, just like we all do once we are born of God. And just as we bring Christ to others in the flesh, the Spirit brings Christ into our heart and we are saved from this life of sin and death through our lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Spirit.
Christ is the Spirit.

If we are willing to lay down our lives, become a living sacrifice and obey the living God, living by his will daily and then Christ will help us to overcome.

I agree with that.

God's Truth

New member
I didn't say he became the Christ I know he was came as Christ, you need to read what I write properly. Simeon said when he blessed Jesus as he was being circumcised on the eighth day that he was told by the Spirit, that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Christ, and now he has seen him. Simeon knew that Jesus was the Christ when Jesus was 8 days old, so why wouldn't I believe that he was already the Christ?

And just because I say Jesus overcame the flesh doesn't mean he sinned, on the contrary he was strong in Spirit and didn't sin once, thus he completely overcame the flesh, he was so strong in Spirit, that he was living by the will of God at the age of 12, saying to his parents, don't you know yet I was about my father's business, and Jesus himself says that he overcame.

Again, you said he BECAME CHRIST at the baptism; that's why.

And Jesus was tempted at other times too, not just in the wilderness and he overcame everything, satan couldn't touch him.

From the scriptures we can see that Jesus was led to the desert for the purpose of being tempted by the devil. That was why Jesus was led to the desert, which proves that Jesus was not tempted in such a way every day, as some here believe they are tempted.

Whether or not the whole time in the desert was a constant temptation, I do not believe so, for we have the scriptures speaking of temptation after he was hungry, after he did not eat for 40 days, after he suffered in the body for 40 days.

From the scriptures we see that after that the devil left him.

The next time was probably before being arrested, since this is the time he talked about temptation when the body is weak and the mind is willing. This was the time before being arrested and Jesus didn't sleep and had the thoughts of torture and death before him.

We know that the Bible says that if we resist Satan and submit to God, Satan will flee from us.
How much more does the Jesus Christ the Word of God know this!

I do not believe for a second that Jesus, the Word of God, who is obedient to God, would continue in being tempted to sin every day all day.

How anyone gets that Jesus is tempted to sin with his flesh all day every day makes life just a pathetic existence that I do not see in the scriptures.

God's Truth

New member
Nope, he is clearly saying I am as in he is the Christ the son of God, you just try to change what is said to suit your Trinitarian doctrine.
I am not a trinitarian and I know that Jesus is God.
Jesus has ALL the SAME exact names as the Father, including the name 'God'.

Jesus is called what the Father is called, and some of those names are 'Savior', 'Redeemer', 'Deliverer', 'Rock', 'King of kings', 'Lord of lords', 'the Holy One', 'the Alpha and the Omega', 'the First and the Last', 'the Beginning and the End'.

THOSE ARE God the Father's names and the SAME NAMES TO JESUS.

Philippians 2:9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,

Jude 1:25 to the only God our Savior be glory,

Did you read that?


JESUS IS CALLED THE SAVIOR, but you will NOT call Him the only God.

Jesus IS SITTING on the Father's throne, and has every name the Father has, but according to you not the name 'God'.



New member
Yes, He is the great I AM. It's only you deniers that can't see what He is saying.

He is the Son of God.....making Him the Great I AM.

God (I AM) = Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
But I thought you said His spirit was that of a man as opposed to that of GOD/ holy ghost.

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New member
To me it is imperative to know that Christ is now GOD.

If there is a difference to be made then it would have to be when GOD was manifest in the flesh. But for all intents and purposes now at this time; the Christ is GOD. This shouldn't be confused with saying that the temporal man Jesus was, as He walked the Earth, the literal utter fullness of GOD, But that He was found pleasing to GOD through obidience to the will of GOD as it pertained to His life on Earth.

If we conflate the temporal with the eternal then what is to stop false "Christ"s from declaring that they are literally GOD?


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Well-known member
You said he only became Christ when he received the Spirit at his baptism.
If he wasn't Christ in the womb and at birth then he would not be sinless.

Where did I say you said 'before'?

You are the one who said he didn't receive the Holy Spirit til his baptism.
What? I've never said that, show me where I said that Jesus only received the holy Spirit at baptism? He's always been God's anointed Christ. Christ was in the prophets, he's always been Christ.


Well-known member
Maybe you need to read it over, or maybe write it better?

Here is what you said and you tell me if you could have explained better:

You say right there that Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit making him the Christ.
I said he was the Christ in the womb and at birth.

You say he became the Christ at the baptism and that he had overcome sin. I said if he wasn’t born Christ, then how does a man not sin at all to the age of 33?

You mean he left his body then went to Hell, then raised his body, and later ascended to the Father.

Christ is the Spirit.

No I said he was filled with the Holy spirit,anointed making him the Christ.

And again, I've never said Jesus became the Christ at baptism. I've told you, Simeon said he saw God's Christ when Jesus was eight days old, so Jesus has always been the Christ. I mean't him being anointed made him the Christ, Christ means anointed one.