Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member

The law does not does.
The law does not make anyone does.
The law does not give does.

Would you like scripture for that?

The law did and that is why God said He would make a new Covenant.


New member
It was more the charge of calling other 'liars' that was the reason mentioned specifically in the reported post, although many other can get away with calling other 'liars' if they belong to the 'choir members' club here. I being removed from a discussion recently without explanation is just another example of 'underhandedness' here, but its an openly 'biased' forum. The crux of the matter here is how far will one take the 'moderating' into the realm of arbitrary bigotry, unfairness and marginalization.

If anything, as long as one is not crude, vulger and overtly blasphemous, the difference of viewpoint and engagement of valid debate and skepticism ought to be embraced to enhance the dialogue value and depth here. All points of view, even 'beliefs' ought be continually researched and evaluated, and one'e view OPEN to change, if better data, rationale and revelation is forthcoming on any subject. Such is the way of a student of truth, regardless of one's religious cult-ure or tradition. Im just as fine being a total agnostic in matters I honestly dont know, and a pure gnostic trusting the personal religious experience of 'God' I have at any time, seeing that as an inner subjective experience, an intuitive knowing. I'm also just as fine reviewing atheistic perspectives and secular views on any given subject, especially the question of Jesus historicity, and the mythical elements of the gospels, since more scholars are questioning it, and open to the 'mythicist' view, seeing that Jesus could have started off being a celestial savior figure who was later historicized and made into a flesh and blood man (figuratively speaking), as made in the gospel narratives. Or Jesus could be a mixture of both historicity and mythology,...there are various views out there.

After so many bans and being removed from discussions (some without explanation), you learn the 'mentality' at work.

Good. And I wrote you some visitor messages on your profile page. Also your PM (private message) inbox is FULL....u need to empty out and delete messages in ur inbox and sent folder, to make room for new messages. I access TOL mostly thru my desktop, so its easier to operate here, I guess on a smartphone, some features are more limited. But good to keep up on your User interface and messages here, by attending message relays.

So far, I may be the only one who has addressed your OP in depth (and by volume) giving reasons why I see the Bible as not being the ONLY or EXCLUSIVE religious book that has spiritual value or meaning, since the Great Spirit has given life, breath and wisdom to all peoples and cultures. Since 'God' is a Universal Presence and Power, being omnipresent, is for those with exclusive particular claims of their own cult being the only one 'God' has inspired or chosen as his own, to PROVE that claim beyond just "because I say so", religious indoctrination, mere belief or assumption. Since the Central Sun has extended its rays into all space and time, those rays have been refracted thru the various religious schools and traditions, so the greater revelation of 'God' is given thru all and in all, even if Jesus is the full or most perfect manifestation of the SUN, but that is a particularized personification of the Universal ONE, among other rays sprung from the same LIGHT.

Otherwise, much going on here is just petty spats and splitting hairs over doctrine, or Christology, just adding confusion and oneupmanship nonsense. We can as well enjoy sharing some passages from our other religious traditions, and relish in some edification and inspiration from those words, then engaging egos, gossip or demeaning banter, since even Paul said let all things be done for EDIFICATION. I tire of all that buffoonery.
I agree with much of what you say.

Also it is good to see someone else here that actually employs their cognitive abilities given by GOD. It is obvious that you spend or have spent a fair amount of time in discourse among atheists. It is a great way to stay sharp isn't it.

As for your claim to agnosticism; I would agree in that to claim such in some form is much better than claiming one particular religious view to be wholly right and all others wholly wrong. One cannot justifiably claim such if they have actually sought out the truth of the matter.

You and Zeke are a welcome addition to this discussion regardless of what anyone else here says.

I recall noticing some glimmer being reflected by you years ago, at which time I mistakenly called you freeflight. It is good to see you are here still. I am curious as to what discussions you must busy yourself with for me to not have really taken notice for so long a time.

I have repeatedly attempted to make space in my private massages, to no avail.

Feel free to say anything here. Or if you find it important to keep it between the two of us then you can email ME at that danged ole google electronic mailamajigger. It should take very little thought to figure out my address.


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Well-known member
Sounds like the great god on MT Sinai is thundering again through his like minded sons Galatians 4:1 who created him by their own scale of just us, How a man thinks will produce the same in his life! an Absolute truth measured out to all especially those who claim to grasp the dept and width of Divine grace and mercy yet present it with spot and wrinkle in time, Romans 11:31-35.


Eclectic Theosophist
You don't know His name. :nono:

'God' has many names, forms and personifications. I take the totally universal approach, and synthesize the whole of religious symbology, language, cult-ure and mythology. That should be no surprise :)

I enjoy 'God' and 'Goddess' archetypes, ....since the Creator is a Father-Mother-God, and must be so, relationally speaking, so dont forget the divine feminine (Sophia, Shekinah, Holy Spirit).

But back on topic, I've already addressed the OP amply in my former commentaries here, and elsewhere over the years. Have you addresed and answered the OP?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The law did make one righteous and justified.

The law was SPIRITUAL; and when one is saved they receive the Spirit and has the law written on their heart and mind.
The law is not of faith. Gal 3:11

By the works of the law no flesh is justified. Gal 2:16

There is no law that imparts life. Gal 3:21

If you chose to still live under the law, you are still under the curse. Gal 3:10

God's Truth

New member
There is only one 'God'...whose Spirit-consciousness and Being fills the entire universe, the Infinite ONE. Only One Absolute Reality IS. - all else are but relative points of view arising in this infinite sea of life....forms, images, appearances, assumptions, perspectives of One Consciousness.

You have said before that you don't believe some things from the Bible.

You cannot pick and choose what you want. You cannot add things from demon doctrines.

God's Truth

New member
Let Paul explain that one to you.

Romans 2:1-3
1 Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. 2 But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. 3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?​

So, if I was unsaved, as I judge you to be, then I could be judged by the same measure.

However, I am not unsaved, and therefore I am able to call you out as being unsaved.

By the same token...

1 Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.​

The unsaved may not like hearing that truth - that they need to be saved, but they need to know that in order to be open to hearing the Gospel when it's preached. The ONE GOSPEL of salvation by Grace through faith. Not that false gospel of works that you preach.

Jesus says plainly that you will be judged with the same measure you use. You can't wiggle out of it, but oh how you try.


Well-known member
You show that you know how to "rig up a bong" and make special fudge.

The topic where you spoke of your knowledge of pot was not about your brother in law or about dying. You are the one who used him in your bragging of rigging and fudge making.

You have shown me how to keep public announcements of such things that give one insight on who and what you are. I should have kept more.

Here is more proof it was not about your brother in law in particularly, as you are trying to claim:

Why are you so mean?

So are you suggesting my opinion on pot is something I've ever tried to if it was something sinful? Look in the current OP on it, and you'll see more of my SINFULNESS. You're such a dolt. :nono:

You hate the liberty I have in Christ Jesus, and that's what this boils down to. You folks put yourselves under the law, and the liberty of true believers eats at you to such a degree that you project your own guilt onto others.

Interesting, because that same GRACE was to provoke Israel to jealousy, too. :think:

God's Truth

New member
No, using God's name is vain is claiming to be a Christian when you're not.

You have so much to learn. :nono:

No, you made many mistakes according to the teachings of Jesus.

You openly prayed to mock others. You have replaced good with bad. You also have condemned yourself by the way that you behave and falsely judge.

God's Truth

New member
So are you suggesting my opinion on pot is something I've ever tried to if it was something sinful? Look in the current OP on it, and you'll see more of my SINFULNESS. You're such a dolt. :nono:

You hate the liberty I have in Christ Jesus, and that's what this boils down to. You folks put yourselves under the law, and the liberty of true believers eats at you to such a degree that you project your own guilt onto others.

Interesting, because that same GRACE was to provoke Israel to jealousy, too. :think:

You are the one who says it could make people not mean. Maybe you need some special fudge, or a rigged up bong?

Maybe you just should obey the Lord.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
(the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

shall many be made righteous.)

That in no way means staying the same.

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Romans 5:18-19 KJV
Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

HINT: That one ain't you.


Well-known member
It was more the charge of calling other 'liars' that was the reason mentioned specifically in the reported post, although many other can get away with calling other 'liars' if they belong to the 'choir members' club here.

Nope, it was the "proven" liar charge ....and it was charged against one's belief.

It's too bad you can't see the difference.


New member

Romans 5:18-19 KJV
Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

HINT: That one ain't you.
Belief in that One( not three) is indeed what makes righteous. That part you glance right over.

Being made one thing isn't synonymous with staying another.

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Well-known member
'God' has many names, forms and personifications. I take the totally universal approach, and synthesize the whole of religious symbology, language, cult-ure and mythology. That should be no surprise :)

I enjoy 'God' and 'Goddess' archetypes, ....since the Creator is a Father-Mother-God, and must be so, relationally speaking, so dont forget the divine feminine (Sophia, Shekinah, Holy Spirit).

But back on topic, I've already addressed the OP amply in my former commentaries here, and elsewhere over the years. Have you addresed and answered the OP?

I have, and what you just wrote is proof that the Bible is the ONLY Sacred Text through which one can know the ONE True LIVING GOD.


New member
Nope, it was the "proven" liar charge ....and it was charged against one's belief.

It's too bad you can't see the difference.
That isn't what I was told.
I was told it was because of provoking others.

I do not have access to the things others here do though.

Proven liar? So I got banned for calling Tambora a proven liar even though it was true? That's a little pathetic.

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