Is Homosexuality a Disorder?

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like marbles on glass
LOL. What a moron. We are talking about human beings McFly, not another species. A man and a woman have sex. Of course, perhaps I should consider that you're such a loser that you might not know that.

Way to hold up your end of a debate, Biff.




Well-known member
Why do you keep talking about religion? It has nothing to do with this, not to mention the fact that you are obviously a moron on that subject as well as this one.

Keep talking about religion? Most of my posts in this thread is about biology.

Do you admit that you made an argument from biology of all species now? Or do you also deny what you clearly claimed?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Here are facts:

Same-sex attraction is now the "non-disorder formerly known as disorder." It was a disorder in the DSM I and II. That it is not listed as a disorder in the DSM IV, does that mean that it is not a disorder? Of course not. The APA can be wrong. The current APA thinks that they were "wrong back then," and "right now." But certainly, the opposite may be true, that is was right back then and wrong now. The fact is, the APA did not discover one single shred of evidence that caused it to remove same-sex attraction as a disorder. It was pure politics. Remember: The APA is a lobbying group; it is not a bunch of doctors who are pure as the driven snow.


New member
Mouth is for eating, speech and, in Selaphie's case, breathing. Anus is for defecation. Neither of these structures is designed for penile penetration.

The vagina, alone, is. It not only self prepares for penetration, it leads to the womb which is designed to make us of the sperm discharged from penetration. This is a fact plainly seen in mammals. We are no exception to it. The same Designer used a common design that works fine.

So the question "Is homosexuality a disorder" answers itself. Of course it is. It can't not be.

And the human hand evolved for brachiation. So I guess you had better stop typing.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Here are facts:

Here are facts:
Same-sex attraction is now the "non-disorder formerly known as disorder." It was a disorder in the DSM I and II. That it is not listed as a disorder in the DSM IV, does that mean that it is not a disorder? Of course not. The APA can be wrong. The current APA thinks that they were "wrong back then," and "right now." But certainly, the opposite may be true, that is was right back then and wrong now. The fact is, the APA did not discover one single shred of evidence that caused it to remove same-sex attraction as a disorder. It was pure politics. Remember: The APA is a lobbying group; it is not a bunch of doctors who are pure as the driven snow.


New member
Whatever unnatural acts heterosexuals decide to engage is totally besides the point. People fly, people scuba dive, people race at 200mph, all unnatural acts as well, but people who do them are not mentally disordered.

This thread is about "Is Homosexuality a Disorder?". A disorder is a thing of the MIND, and same-sex ATTRACTION is a thing of the mind. Yes, it is a disorder.

This is really simple: The most base instinct in ANY species is to procreate and perpetuate the species. Therefore, if you have an aversion to intercourse with the opposite sex, then the normal main instinct that you should have is skewed and disordered. If someone actually has an aversion to intercourse with the opposite sex, that is disordered: it is diametrically opposed to the most core instinct we have.

Homosexuality does not fit the definition of a mental disorder no matter how you my try to force it. However your attitude and animosity towards homosexuality does approach that definition of disordered.


Well-known member
That's been reported. Absolutely uncalled for.

That's the kind of nasty behavior that belies your supposed "gospel of grace."

With the measure you judge others, it will be judged back to you.

Oh. Right. You don't believe that anymore, if you ever did.


Well-known member

Here are facts:

How did you determine that they removed homosexuality from the DSM without a single shred of evidence? I sincerely doubt you have read as much as a single word of psychological and psychiatric research from this era.

Doesn't matter though. You haven't provided an argument for WHY it should be in the DSM. Why should it be considered a disorder today? Give an argument. Do you know what an argument is? It is when you say "X is the case because of Y", where X is a statement and Y is evidence for that statement.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Homosexuality does not fit the definition of a mental disorder.....

According to who? You? Don't say the corrupt APA. If you don't think that a man who is turned on by another man's hairy rear-end suffers from a disorder then maybe YOU have a disorder.

Once again: Same-sex attraction is now the "non-disorder formerly known as disorder." It was a disorder in the DSM I and II. That it is not listed as a disorder in the DSM IV, does that mean that it is not a disorder? Of course not. The APA can be wrong. The current APA thinks that they were "wrong back then," and "right now." But certainly, the opposite may be true, that is was right back then and wrong now. The fact is, the APA did not discover one single shred of evidence that caused it to remove same-sex attraction as a disorder. It was pure politics. Remember: The APA is a lobbying group; it is not a bunch of doctors who are pure as the driven snow.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
How did you determine that they removed homosexuality from the DSM without a single shred of evidence?.....
Because there is no physical evidence regarding mental issues. Its all subjective opinion. The only physical evidence that exists on this matter are a man's & a woman's reproductive organs. They tell the truth. The rest is pointy-headed crap.


Well-known member
The only physical evidence that exists on this matter are a man's & a woman's reproductive organs. They tell the truth. The rest is pointy-headed crap.

That is a lousy argument, here is why:

Selaphiel said:
It is problematic that you argue out of the false starting point of design. It is problematic because it assumes that the functions of an organism are determined from some imagined starting point, that they exist in a vacuum, without considering the environment. Biology also describes biological mechanisms that are appropriated for new purposes in new environments. A prime example being the flagellum of bacteria, which is an organelle that likely developed by appropriating a secretory and transport system found in bacteria. Ergo, the function of the type III secretory and transport system was appropriated into a new function in some bacterial cells because it was advantageous in their environments.

This means that there is little reason why the use of human (and other species) organs and anatomical structures could not be appropriated as a means of expressing forms of sexuality that serve a societal function in that species, and thus helps perpetuate the species qua population.

...evolutionary biology is about the perpetuation of populations, not individuals. In social animals, that means that some individuals serve other needs than those that are directly related to the reproductive act. Homosexuality may serve such a role, which would explain why it mainly exists in social animals. Then you entire "it is a disorder because it has no function" argument collapses.
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