ECT If you want out of the deceptions of MAD read the rebuttal of Bullinger by Ironside.

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I don't have time to do all of your homework for you
That's fine. Other than one looking into MAD, there is no need. It was rather you who made that list so I'd thought it wouldn't be homework for you. I'm as interested as anyone wants to be in thread to purport what they believe. I did a short search. I've read scriptures.
There are MANY gospels in scripture.

It really takes a rank rejection of scripture to claim otherwise.
As far as my reading of scripture, these aren't as separate, but pictures, as I've stated previously, from my perspective. I'm simply trying to understand you guys, not debate it.

but here is a brief sample:

The gospel of the the kingdom is the good news that God was about fulfill His promise to Israel to establish the Messianic kingdom; this kingdom at hand was good news.

Mark 1:15 (KJV)
(1:15) And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

The gospel of the grace of God is the good news that God is giving the free gift of salvation to all without distinction apart from Israel, the covenants, etc. etc.

Acts 20:24 (KJV)
(20:24) But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

You can conflate all of these gospels if you like. Most of churchanity does.
Shoot, I went to agree, and then disagree... Yes, we conflate them as far as being pictures and shadows of the end result of Salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. My 'no' is more about an ability to distinguish the context of each and the differences. At any rate, thank you.

The LORD Jesus Christ was NOT preaching the gospel of the grace of God during His earthly ministry to Israel.

Matt 6:14-15 (KJV)
(6:14) For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: (6:15) But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

That is NOT the gospel of the grace of God.

Part of the gospel of the kingdom is HEALING for EVERYONE....

Matt 4:23 (KJV)
(4:23) And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

(NOTE: 'the people' refers to Israel)

Peter and the gang continued this right up until Israel finally rejected the kingdom.

Acts 5:16 (KJV)
(5:16) There came also a multitude [out] of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.
Thank you. -Lon


Well-known member
Well, wise guy Lon, looks like everybody around here in TOL land wise to me. I might just have to move to a new town and start all over.
Nope. The only time I was REALLY mad at Eddie Haskell was when he told Beaver to tell Chuey he had the face of a peurco.


Well-known member
Entire systems of reasoning that have nothing to do with where the Scripture looks at things from are the result of one's own reasoning.
But would you suggest MAD is not part of that systematics pool? All constructs initially are started 'from' reading scripture. Someone puts together a way to understand the whole in relation. MAD certainly is simple, but because of threads like this, I can see where it holds and where it lacks - As far as I can see, it is pretty good, when what we are all trying to do is use something that helps us grasp all of scriptures. For me and how best "I" understand scriptures, Covenant fits better (I'm also aware of what others see as holes to others).

And the more brilliant one is; the greater the possibility one's logic and or reason will be more one's own, than the Lord's.
On this, I disagree. Rather it is what is rendered to Him. I do cotton, as it were, to Paul and because he was a good thinker. That said, I love John and the rest as well.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 3:7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
The keyword is 'lean.' I am very much against anti-intellectualism. The greatest command contains "...with all your mind..."
Rather, we render and submit our minds to God. We are a bit off the topic, but I think it ties in with which systematic theologies we prefer. I really have never heard a good case from anyone that one systematic theology is to be preferred over another. Rather, what 'we' best understand from scriptures, that is where we gravitate. For some, who are unstudied, it is opposite. I empathize, but I'm not that guy. I've never been much of a crowd follower. God tends to mold our overall as we continue to be faithful to reading His word. We are fully His workmanship.

Right Divider

Body part
That's fine. Other than one looking into MAD, there is no need. It was rather you who made that list so I'd thought it wouldn't be homework for you. I'm as interested as anyone wants to be in thread to purport what they believe. I did a short search. I've read scriptures.
As far as my reading of scripture, these aren't as separate, but pictures, as I've stated previously, from my perspective. I'm simply trying to understand you guys, not debate it.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as argumentative....

Shoot, I went to agree, and then disagree... Yes, we conflate them as far as being pictures and shadows of the end result of Salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. My 'no' is more about an ability to distinguish the context of each and the differences. At any rate, thank you.
If we oversimplify, the Bible could just be a single sentence.

Many folks seem to think that the Bible is all about man's redemption, but that is a very self-centered view.

Thank you. -Lon
You're welcome and thank you as well.
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Well-known member

Got it. Thank you for your cooperation, and thanks for checkin' in.....

My bad!! Sup, D? I'm grinding today.... Whatev's...ROFLOL.....I expect to be chirped soon!!! My bad! Kk?Hashtag...OMG I totally was killin' it on TOL yesterday!!

Yo, D, Mayor....Mad chill!



Well-known member
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as argumentative....

If we oversimplify, the Bible could just be a single sentence.

Many folks seem to think that the Bible is all about man's redemption, but that is a very self-centered view.

You're welcome and thank you as well.

Manys redemption is not self-centered for the following reasons:
1, boast or glory in God. We do this through Christ.
2, God is not in the business of puffing up mortals with a total description, end to end, of diagrams of everything that is supposed to happen in history. Rev was never meant to be pressed into that mold. God is doing all kinds of other things, but it doesn't matter if we know. That is why D'ism misunderstands Acts 1. it was not written so they would know when Israel would have a monarchy, but told it was none of their business.
3, we are sinners. It is not self-centered to want to be delivered from that, to want to be redeemed, to want to obtain the promise of eternal life.
4, in the Gospel scheme, we become more concerned about others as time goes by. We become other-centered. We want to help mankind to the ends of the earth. The person who is seeking the "right" theology or the "right" eschatology is jump-started to be arrogant, and delights in calling people fools. Thank God for the mission of the glory of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Manys redemption is not self-centered for the following reasons:
1, boast or glory in God. We do this through Christ.
2, God is not in the business of puffing up mortals with a total description, end to end, of diagrams of everything that is supposed to happen in history. Rev was never meant to be pressed into that mold. God is doing all kinds of other things, but it doesn't matter if we know. That is why D'ism misunderstands Acts 1. it was not written so they would know when Israel would have a monarchy, but told it was none of their business.
3, we are sinners. It is not self-centered to want to be delivered from that, to want to be redeemed, to want to obtain the promise of eternal life.
4, in the Gospel scheme, we become more concerned about others as time goes by. We become other-centered. We want to help mankind to the ends of the earth. The person who is seeking the "right" theology or the "right" eschatology is jump-started to be arrogant, and delights in calling people fools. Thank God for the mission of the glory of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ!

It is self-centered when you think of God's plans for the entire universe as being solely about your redemption.
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