ECT If you want out of the deceptions of MAD read the rebuttal of Bullinger by Ironside.

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Well-known member
Yes, we have way too many "dictionary theologians" here on TOL.
You're right - no such thing as Dispensational Identities or Distinctions between things - it's all the same thing. :doh:
Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but....
No. Don't confuse salvation with gospel. They are NOT identical.

  • The gospel of the kingdom
  • The gospel of the circumcision
  • The gospel of the uncircumcision
  • The gospel of God
  • The gospel of Christ
  • The gospel of the grace of God
  • The everlasting gospel

They are ALL good news and they are NOT all identical.

Briefly define and give scriptures (not that I'm trying to make anybody a dictionary theologian)? Thanks.


New member
Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but....

Briefly define and give scriptures (not that I'm trying to make anybody a dictionary theologian)? Thanks.

Actually, bro, it would do you just as much good toward your own, personal, firsthand understanding, to track down in Scripture and post the passages you see those various aspects are related to.


Well-known member
Actually, bro, it would do you just as much good toward your own, personal, firsthand understanding, to track down in Scripture and post the passages you see those various aspects are related to.

:nono: "Good news" is fine, and I understand the contexts (in fact I gave all of them in my spoiler). What I will not know, however, is why and what MAD thinks of those passages. Some of the 'good news' was Israel related. There may be some indirect application to me as a gentile, but the only thing that I've keyed in on, is the gospel to me as a gentile regarding 1) my new nature and redemption and 2) my future and walk with God.

Because I'm not dispensational, it was always about redemption, not about land. Land is a picture of peace and unity. Until we are all like Him, it is an ideal. IOW, only in Christ, will any of us realize what we were made for and any longing we were made for, fulfilled. "LAND" is not eternal, but rather, as Hebrews 11 says: A place Who's Builder is God. I've very attached to my Covenant understanding. It was never about land, but that, a picture of a greater spiritual need in God.

In Him -Lon


New member
:nono: "Good news" is fine, and I understand the contexts (in fact I gave all of them in my spoiler). What I will not know, however, is why and what MAD thinks of those passages. Some of the 'good news' was Israel related. There may be some indirect application to me as a gentile, but the only thing that I've keyed in on, is the gospel to me as a gentile regarding 1) my new nature and redemption and 2) my future and walk with God.

In Him -Lon

After "the whole world" was concluded "under sin" the Jew/Gentile distinction was Dispensationally now, merely a convenient label.

Sort of like the difference in labeling between a can of tomatoes and a can of corn - both of which are an aspect of the same category: canned goods.

But Bible students tend to end up a bit wooden in their distinctions.
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Well-known member
After "the whole world" was concluded "under sin" the Jew/Gentile distinction was Dispensationally now, merely a convenient label.

Sort of like the difference in labeling between a can of tomatoes and a can of corn - both of which are an aspect of the same category: canned goods.

But Bible students tend to end up a bit wooden in their distinctions.

I've stated a bit more (edited my post for clearer context and statement). For me, not so much to discuss my disagreements - We more than obviously come to different conclusions. That isn't my point for coming to thread. I am rather trying to show that discussion and questions, rather than posturing over our differences, is a better tack.

Conversely, I 'think' a thread on "Covenant" understanding, rather than it getting involved here, is a better approach. You know, it'd likely help to have threads where absolutely NO debate is allowed, just question answers STRICTLY. Imho, they serve a better purpose. I don't mind the debate threads, I'm merely saying "in addition." Personally, for me, a greater addition. -Lon


New member
I've stated a bit more (edited my post for clearer context and statement). For me, not so much to discuss my disagreements - We more than obviously come to different conclusions. That isn't my point for coming to thread. I am rather trying to show that discussion and questions, rather than posturing over our differences, is a better tack.

Conversely, I 'think' a thread on "Covenant" understanding, rather than it getting involved here, is a better approach. You know, it'd likely help to have threads where absolutely NO debate is allowed, just question answers STRICTLY. Imho, they serve a better purpose. I don't mind the debate threads, I'm merely saying "in addition." Personally, for me, a greater addition. -Lon

Our beloved brother in the Lord, Ask Mr Religion; has more than often done just that, and masterfully.

Not my cup of tea; though.

I simply find the Reformed approach to bogged down in a reasoning about things from within the reasoning of men that school originated in.

No disrespect intended, but I had more than enough of that in its same basic secular reasoning of men in College.

But that appeals to you and yours.

Guys like JohnW, myself, STP, Musterion, Steko, RD, and some other MADs on here - we have often demonstrated being easily able to replicate that approach.

For we recognize it for what it is: the Apostle Paul's comment about how that "the Greeks seek after wisdom" sums it up nicely.

Hilston was too much of that.

It is what it is, bro.


Well-known member
Our beloved brother in the Lord, Ask Mr Religion; has more than often done just that, and masterfully.

Not my cup of tea; though.

I simply find the Reformed approach to bogged down in a reasoning about things from within the reasoning of men that school originated in.

No disrespect intended, but I had more than enough of that in its same basic secular reasoning of men in College.

But that appeals to you and yours.

Guys like JohnW, myself, STP, Musterion, Steko, RD, and some other MADs on here - we have often demonstrated being easily able to replicate that approach.

For we recognize it for what it is: the Apostle Paul's comment about how that "the Greeks seek after wisdom" sums it up nicely.

Hilston was too much of that.

It is what it is, bro.
Interestingly, I've seen all kinds of the same sorts of 'artificial' assessments regarding all positions, including MAD. For whatever reason, we all get fairly attached to our respectives and believe them the more biblical. I prefer show to tell most of the time, being the analytical and/or incredulous regarding those backlashes. I am studied, BUT believe my training prepared me, rather than indoctrinated me. It was not a Calvinist training. I see a lot of this [blank] confidence from MAD. Glad it makes sense, but if anything, these threads certainly show what at least 'look' like legitimate problematics to the rest of us. Again, it isn't my desire to fight over disagreement, just understand them.

Histon, btw, is a brilliant man, the like of which I rarely see in one who has not been seminary trained. You'd do well to assess he is one of the more incredibly intelligent men represented on TOL (AMR as well) both imho. In Him -Lon


New member
Interestingly, I've seen all kinds of the same sorts of 'artificial' assessments regarding all positions, including MAD. For whatever reason, we all get fairly attached to our respectives and believe them the more biblical. I prefer show to tell most of the time, being the analytical and/or incredulous regarding those backlashes. I am studied, BUT believe my training prepared me, rather than indoctrinated me. It was not a Calvinist training. I see a lot of this [blank] confidence from MAD. Glad it makes sense, but if anything, these threads certainly show what at least 'look' like legitimate problematics to the rest of us. Again, it isn't my desire to fight over disagreement, just understand them.

Histon, btw, is a brilliant man, the like of which I rarely see in one who has not been seminary trained. You'd do well to assess he is one of the more incredibly intelligent men represented on TOL (AMR as well) both imho. In Him -Lon

All that is a different kind of reasoning wisdom than that of Scripture.

Sort of like how many conclude that God chose the Apostle Paul because he had all that literary background.

That is the reasoning of men and their projecting of what they value, on a thing.

Matthew 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

1 Corinthians 1:31 That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.

Entire systems of reasoning that have nothing to do with where the Scripture looks at things from are the result of one's own reasoning.

And the more brilliant one is; the greater the possibility one's logic and or reason will be more one's own, than the Lord's.

Though look like it to one, it might.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 3:7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

2 Corinthians 4:13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak; 4:14 Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.

And the is getting out of the way process is life-long.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame


That is an issue of Rules of Grammar properly followed.

Especially given the fact that both the Scripture some 2000 years ago, and the Scripture as translated in the KJV over 500 years ago, both often express meanings in a manner far often no longer in use.

You've been in it's now Early Modern English world, from your Later Modern English, some 500 years later, if that much...too long.

Got it. Thank you for your cooperation, and thanks for checkin' in.....

My bad!! Sup, D? I'm grinding today.... Whatev's...ROFLOL.....I expect to be chirped soon!!! My bad! Kk?Hashtag...OMG I totally was killin' it on TOL yesterday!!

Yo, D, Mayor....Mad chill!

Right Divider

Body part
Briefly define and give scriptures (not that I'm trying to make anybody a dictionary theologian)? Thanks.
I don't have time to do all of your homework for you, but here is a brief sample:

The gospel of the the kingdom is the good news that God was about fulfill His promise to Israel to establish the Messianic kingdom; this kingdom at hand was good news.

Mark 1:15 (KJV)
(1:15) And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

The gospel of the grace of God is the good news that God is giving the free gift of salvation to all without distinction apart from Israel, the covenants, etc. etc.

Acts 20:24 (KJV)
(20:24) But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

You can conflate all of these gospels if you like. Most of churchanity does.

The LORD Jesus Christ was NOT preaching the gospel of the grace of God during His earthly ministry to Israel.

Matt 6:14-15 (KJV)
(6:14) For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: (6:15) But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

That is NOT the gospel of the grace of God.

Part of the gospel of the kingdom is HEALING for EVERYONE....

Matt 4:23 (KJV)
(4:23) And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

(NOTE: 'the people' refers to Israel)

Peter and the gang continued this right up until Israel finally rejected the kingdom.

Acts 5:16 (KJV)
(5:16) There came also a multitude [out] of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Well, Sam, if your dumb, creepy Dodge member tags along on this thread, I'm gonna - Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Sherman, and Mr. Knight-that's a nice suit you have on, Sherman, and, Mr. Knight, I enjoy this outstanding website very much.

You better not let Dodge catch you out of uniform, walking down Grant Avenue, saint john.
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