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I'm sure they say "one, the same one the rest of Christianity knows: The Lord Jesus Christ's work on the Cross, His burial, and Resurrection saves those who call on Him. Romans 10:9-11 The only thing they are arguing is that it 'was' a mystery. It only affects history, therefore is an interpretation. Wrong? I don't think it matters. Ask them: I don't think it affects us today.I started looking, when I was talking to Hilston. Though He is somewhat Calvinistic in sympathies, he is MAD. Because of that, about 12 years ago, I began reading more of these threads and simply trying to find commonalities.
I think it'd be surprising to see answers to the following OP's/Questions for MAD:
1) How many gospels today? What is/are they?
I think they say "Yes, in fact, we may be the only ones who do!" We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life (Solus Christus). We believe only faith can save us and through grace alone (sola fide, sola gratia) Ephesians 2:8-10. In fact, we are the only ones who believe unequivocally that, we are His work alone. Others believe you have to show fruit or you aren't saved. We believe that faith and grace covers us completely and seals us. Works are the product 'of' salvation and no way, whatsoever, the means of keeping it."2) Does MAD embrace the 5 solas, and is it true that you adhere to them more than many others do?
They would have to confirm, but I've heard this repeatedly from them. Whereas, having Christ work in us and molding us IS a mark of the Holy Spirit in our lives, I also agree with them, it isn't for us to see another as in Christ. It is between only the one and the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Everything, even what wasn't written to me. He is my Lord and Savior and God. I have no other hope, no other life.3) What do you love about the Lord Jesus Christ?
Answers will vary, but I bet they have memorized many of His words and stand on many of His promises.4) What are some of the things the Lord Jesus Christ spoke of, that apply to your life? Which have you memorized?
Some of them may say "no" and I think based on works. To the best of my understanding, Perseverance of the Saints, is centered entirely in Christ ala Ephesians 2:10. There is no "not doing them" in any believer's life imho, else perseverance is disobedience. He/she may get away with it, but I'm convinced also, for even the gentiles, that Hebrews 12:3-11 talks about a spanking. There is no 'disobedience' for long imho.5) While you disagree with Reformed theology, are they brothers and sisters in Christ if they trust in the saving work of Christ?