No, that is not at all what I'm saying.
Which is why, I think, there are some problems and heated discussion.
From what I understand of MAD 1) There
were two gospels. 2) Now, only one and contained in Paul's writings. 3) The Gospel of the kingdom is still represented in the nonPauline Epistles and writings, thus a need for others to understand 4) MAD doesn't reject those scriptures, just doesn't use them for direct applications.
I'm saying that the gospel of the kingdom preached by Christ and His twelve is NOT the gospel of the grace of God. Therefore to say "is there enough of the gospel in Paul's epistles" is simply a bogus question based on a false premise that there is "only one gospel" in the scripture.
Right, on that 1-4 above 5) opposed to an idea that the gospel whereby we must be saved, can be found anywhere but in Paul's writings.
While I disagree, understanding your position is important. I would 'think' you get the Acts 2 Dispensational position and likely the Covenant position, but I'm not certain any particular person understands MAD. It isn't too difficult, but it does require, I believe two "before" and "after's."
Paul's epistles contain revelation from the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, including the gospel of the grace of God which is how anyone gets saved today.
Which is what I was asking Danoh, specifically because he is a MAD of a different color. If I am reading him correctly, he disagrees with the extreme of MAD and, I think, sees some gospel elsewhere. For me, Israel (nonMAD, nonDispensational), all of Israel is a picture and template of what God was moving toward: Salvation with all grafted in. As such, while the gospel of the kingdom is partial, it to me, is definitely part of the overall gospel (good news). So, while I see things that do not apply to gentiles (us), directly, I see types and template structure either to learn from, or to figure out further, how to apply. For instance, Hebrews has many truths I learn from. Application is not direct with much of it, yet, I believe Hebrews 12, that God will discipline any and all of His own children, else we all, are illegitimate. Hebrews 6:4? Not about loss of salvation, it is about two God-given dynamics of sacrifice and the need to refuse to go back to animal sacrifices because Christ had already come and the old was obsolete -all examples to explain, not much of it needing a response other than going back to discussing and explaining the MAD position. My intention isn't to side-track but talk about difference so that anyone reading understands the further contexts. It seems to me, grasping those would alleviate some of these threads as well as some of the peripherals in these threads.