If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to the Catholic Church

God's Truth

New member
I gave words from a comedian because your approach to scripture and Jesus words are exactly what he did to the other people in his clips.

You bleep out the scriptures you do not want to deal with... and you only show small snippets of scriptures that agree with your non-biblical take on things.

You are a false accuser.

You have shown me EXACTLY what you do.

You are the one who bleeps out the scripture you do not want to deal with, and you are the one who only shows small snippets of scriptures that you misunderstand that you erroneously think agrees with your non biblical take on things.

Let's talk about scripture and not what evil men who devout their lives to defending their sins say.


New member
You are a false accuser.

You have shown me EXACTLY what you do.

You are the one who bleeps out the scripture you do not want to deal with, and you are the one who only shows small snippets of scriptures that you misunderstand that you erroneously think agrees with your non biblical take on things.

Let's talk about scripture and not what evil men who devout their lives to defending their sins say.

I never show parts of verses... EVER! I quote entire paragraphs and chapters. I NEVER censor scripture like you do and I go above and beyond to never bear false witness against Jesus... ever

In post #111 above you posted individual verses and even a part of one... and you couldn't even be bothered to show their context and the surrounding verses leading up to that verse.

That my friend, is pure and unadulterated laziness and bearing false witness against GOD!.

In essence, you value what you are trying to teach above what God was actually trying to teach... its a tactic of many arm chair 'scholars' that care more to put down others and preserve their precious little reality distortion field that defines their existence rather than taking an honest look at things.

You disgust me because of your total ignorance and carelessness toward the God of the Universe!

God's Truth

New member
As I said, one begins a journey and in the fullness of time they learn what it means to love and serve God. You need to back up and put yourself in the shoes of a person just starting to ask question about who is God and Jesus and what is salvation. If you make it ALL about obedience then they will never learn the love of God, they will only know rules.

You are so badly mistaken.

You are hindering those people who want to be saved, for you are keeping them from truly knowing God and for knowing how to be saved, and from knowing they are saved.

I will gladly give you scripture that tells us plainly that we must obey God, and that is how we are loved by God, and known by God.

Obeying Jesus is how we know the truth, for that is to whom Jesus reveals himself, to those who get his teachings and obeys them

Laws cannot save anybody, they can only condemn and punish. Think of it this way, you do not obey Jesus in order to get to heaven, you obey Jesus because you are already going to heaven. Think about it a bit.

I know about that catchy little phrase...but it is not from God.

It is not condemning to preach obedience... it does not cause punishment to preach obedience, or to obey Jesus! Who would say such a thing? Jesus is the WAY. If you do not do what the way says, then how will you get there?

God's Truth

New member
I never show parts of verses... EVER! I quote entire paragraphs and chapters. I NEVER censor scripture like you do and not bear false witness against Jesus... ever

You do exactly as you have falsely accused me.

You do not even want to repent of remarrying while your first wife was still alive.

You do not want to be as an eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven!

And, you do not want to preach the TRUTH that Jesus says that.

Repent and preach the truth.

Matthew 1912 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it


New member
You are so badly mistaken.

You are hindering those people who want to be saved, for you are keeping them from truly knowing God and for knowing how to be saved, and from knowing they are saved.

I will gladly give you scripture that tells us plainly that we must obey God, and that is how we are loved by God, and known by God.

Obeying Jesus is how we know the truth, for that is to whom Jesus reveals himself, to those who get his teachings and obeys them

I know about that catchy little phrase...but it is not from God.

It is not condemning to preach obedience... it does not cause punishment to preach obedience, or to obey Jesus! Who would say such a thing? Jesus is the WAY. If you do not do what the way says, then how will you get there?

More unadulterated blasphemy.... you are starting to amuse me.


New member
You do exactly as you have falsely accused me.

You do not even want to repent of remarrying while your first wife was still alive.

You do not want to be as an eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven!

And, you do not want to preach the TRUTH that Jesus says that.

Repent and preach the truth.

Matthew 1912 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it


Why did he say this.. and to who.. and why?

You are proving yourself to me more of an agent of the deceiver with every post you make.

And who says I haven't repented of remarrying?... why would I even say such a thing to YOU?... you are not my confessor!

You are nothing more than a judgmental agent of Satan... one that wishes to enslave more people to himself.

God's Truth

New member
More unadulterated blasphemy.... you are starting to amuse me.

I have done no such thing, and if you are amused by God's Truth, then so be it.

Revelation 22:11 Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy."

God's Truth

New member

Why did he say this.. and to who.. and why?

You are proving yourself to me more of an agent of the deceiver with every post you make.

Again, you have correctly exposed yourself as being an agent of the deceiver.

Tell me, what about the things Jesus said do you think are false?


New member
Again, you have correctly exposed yourself as being an agent of the deceiver.

Tell me, what about the things Jesus said do you think are false?

Wow.... just wow.... You are probably the dumbest person I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with on the internet.

Its amazing your brain provides enough power to move your fingers to type.


New member
Again, you have correctly exposed yourself as being an agent of the deceiver.

Tell me, what about the things Jesus said do you think are false?

None of what he said was false... but all of what he said while he was preaching as a Rabbi to Jews under the Old Covenant is not applicable today, unless he taught them as a COMMANDMENT.

What he said as a Rabbi is very important in shedding light on the practices that had developed over the centuries since the 10 commandments and levitical law were given to the Israelites.

But you also have to notice that Jesus said that if you love him you will keep his COMMANDMENTS!

So that puts you in the dilema of trying to determine what exactly HIS COMMANDMENTS were?

His teaching on marriage is NOT A COMMANDMENT.. it is an instruction.

My paraphrase of his words are... "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and spirit, and love your neighbor as yourself... the sum of the Law hinges on this".

Are you teaching love?... or are you teaching obedience?... because the two are very different! One leads to heaven and the other leads to condemnation.

God's Truth

New member
None of what he said was false... but all of what he said while he was preaching as a Rabbi to Jews under the Old Covenant is not applicable today, unless he taught them as a COMMANDMENT.

What he said as a Rabbi is very important in shedding light on the practices that had developed over the centuries since the 10 commandments and levitical law were given to the Israelites.

But you also have to notice that Jesus said that if you love him you will keep his COMMANDMENTS!

So that puts you in the dilema of trying to determine what exactly HIS COMMANDMENTS were?

His teaching on marriage is NOT A COMMANDMENT.. it is an instruction.

And his exact words were... "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and spirit, and love your neighbor as yourself... the sum of the Law hinges on this".

Are you teaching love?... or are you teaching obedience?... because the two are very different!

No, what Jesus says is not temporary and only for Jews long ago.

Jesus is the Word of God, and what he says is forever.


New member
No, what Jesus says is not temporary and only for Jews long ago.

Jesus is the Word of God, and what he says is forever.

Then you must still obey all of the Old Covenant laws... Jesus also gave us those... and according to you what he says is forever.

Basically you are attempting to be a modern day Jew... I pity you, because you will fail and be judged by your failures. You will not have your sins cleansed by the blood of Christ and your ultimate fate will be based on what you alone... and the excuses you will try and offer to God, of which he will see through like glass and send you to the lake of fire as he promised.

You need to repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness... then start apologizing to those you have lead astray.

God's Truth

New member
Then you must still obey all of the Old Covenant laws... Jesus also gave us those... and according to you what he says is forever.

Basically you are attempting to be a modern day Jew... I pity you, because you will fail and be judged by your failures. You will not have your sins cleansed by the blood of Christ and your ultimate fate will be based on what you alone... and the excuses you will try and offer to God, of which he will see through like glass and send you to the lake of fire as he promised.

You need to repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness... then start apologizing to those you have lead astray.

Jesus fulfilled the old law. You have no idea what that means.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You are so badly mistaken.

You are hindering those people who want to be saved, for you are keeping them from truly knowing God and for knowing how to be saved, and from knowing they are saved.
Obedience comes through salvation, salvation does not come through obedience.

I will gladly give you scripture that tells us plainly that we must obey God, and that is how we are loved by God, and known by God.
It will be interesting to see what versus you roll out.

Obeying Jesus is how we know the truth, for that is to whom Jesus reveals himself, to those who get his teachings and obeys them
If you are obeying a bunch of rules then you will never know Jesus. You don't find Jesus in rules, He is not there.

I know about that catchy little phrase...but it is not from God.
Salvation is. The Holy Spirit is.

It is not condemning to preach obedience...
They way you preach it it is.

it does not cause punishment to preach obedience, or to obey Jesus!
Nor does it bring salvation.

Who would say such a thing? Jesus is the WAY. If you do not do what the way says, then how will you get there?
Because the WAY of Jesus is not following about rules. That was for Israel and they failed miserably at it. You can do no better than they at following rules.


New member
Jesus fulfilled the old law. You have no idea what that means.

I absolutely know what that means... apparently you do not.

Your beliefs put you in a position to pick and choose whatever you want (and in some cases you have chosen things based on some really horrible English translations)... In essence you have made yourself GOD.

If you do not know Greek or Hebrew... you should probably be silent.

God's Truth

New member
Obedience comes through salvation, salvation does not come through obedience.
That is not what Jesus says.
It will be interesting to see what versus you roll out.
But will you believe them?
If you are obeying a bunch of rules then you will never know Jesus. You don't find Jesus in rules, He is not there.
Jesus is the WORD of God. Jesus’ words are Spirit and full of life.
Salvation is. The Holy Spirit is.
If you do not obey what the Word says, then you are not living through the Spirit and the Spirit is not living through you.
They way you preach it it is.
No, not just because you say so.
Nor does it bring salvation.
Obeying Jesus is what brings salvation.
Because the WAY of Jesus is not following about rules. That was for Israel and they failed miserably at it. You can do no better than they at following rules.

Only the remnant of the Jews obeyed Jesus, those who do not are not saved.

God's Truth

New member
I absolutely know what that means... apparently you do not.

Your beliefs put you in a position to pick and choose whatever you want (and in some cases you have chosen things based on some really horrible English translations)... In essence you have made yourself GOD.

If you do not know Greek or Hebrew... you should probably be silent.

What you say is nowhere in the Bible and does not come from God.

God does not say you have to know Greek or Hebrew.


If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to the Catholic Church

You may have an aversion to the Roman Catholic Church, don't want to go there, heard so many odd and unkosher sounding things about it..

But you will nonetheless be led there b/c that is part of Christendom...

and if you study history of the Church (from reliable sources) you will learn more and more about this historic Church, THE Church... (but you don't believe that yet) and you will learn more and more and


2 words

Scott Hahn

(Why re-invent the wheel? He has done all the research for you)

He was once anti-Catholic, but he, unlike most anti-Catholics here, STUDIED... and studied and studied... He studied so that he could prove Catholicism was WRONG... but he could not do that...

He has read literally THOUSANDS of books on theology... by Catholics and non-Catholics..

and most of you know what happened..


How does one judge the "sincerity" of a believer who is "following the Holy Spirit"?

Any native speaker of English with a modicum of common sense knows that anyone who claims to know the mind, soul, heart and intentions of someone else is at a great disadvantage.

This is exactly why, in my opinion, that Jesus spoke out a lot about judging others and human hypocrisy.

Who is really taking him seriously these days?

God's Truth

New member
How does one judge the "sincerity" of a believer who is "following the Holy Spirit"?

Any native speaker of English with a modicum of common sense knows that anyone who claims to know the mind, soul, heart and intentions of someone else is at a great disadvantage.

This is exactly why, in my opinion, that Jesus spoke out a lot about judging others and human hypocrisy.

Who is really taking him seriously these days?

Jesus says we can know what is in another person's heart.

Luke 6:45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.


The text says nothing about Jesus or anyone else somehow mystically or imagining knowing what is in another's heart. This is nothing other-worldly. It is just common sense to connect a person's actions and their words. Most people raised up with a decent set of parents know to pay attention to both mind and heart in any person's speech.

It is a helpful bit of 2,000-year-old pop psychology. And add it all up in the context of knowing full well the logs in our own eyes before we point out the specks of sawdust in our neighbor's.

If anything, Jesus should teach us humility.