If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to the Catholic Church

Dan Emanuel

Active member
That is a very hard question to answer. I don't know that I have a good answer. I think we need to be very careful when we put our fate in the hands of a church and just accept everything that church has to say without question. I think that we need to open our bibles, say prayer and then read a book. Not a passage or a few versus, we need to read the whole book. Does what the pastor/preacher/priest says about what you just read square with what the book says as a hole? I think we need to pray more each day. Pray the Lord's Prayer and focus on those words. That is at least a place to start.
Thats great advice.


Dan Emanuel

Active member
I read in the "Summa Theologica" by the great Catholic Theologian Thomas Aquinas that salvation is found only in the Catholic Church. What is your opinion?
Yes, as it is specifically explained by the papacy, the line of successor's of Peter, the 1st and hand-picked by our Lord, supreme pastor of the Church (Matthew 16:18 KJV).

Our Lord gave His own teaching authority to His Apostle's, and He was a Jew according to His original flesh, and they were all Jew's. The Church ("the household of God") is a fundamentally, foundationally (literally, Ephesians 2:19-20 KJV), Jewish thing.

Its your birthright.


Dan Emanuel

Active member
Protestantism is definitely an interesting experiment. Lets start over, with just our Bible's to guide us.

'Fact is thats not how the actual Church started. The Bible (including the New Testament and the Greek Old Testament) was the Churches' idea. The Christian Bible is a product of the Church, not the other way around. So to "re-start" the Church based "solely" on the Bible, ought to lead you right back to the Church herself, if the Church did it right; and thats the point of the O.P.

I believe this is a severe and mostly laity, mistake and heterodox...
Say's 1 "laity" to another then. :chuckle: (Your not a bishop, right? :))
... The Catholic church 'recognized' the canon, not created it. There are a lot of reasons this has to be true and why many Catholic authorities say the same thing. You have to 'write' the books to be the author...
The Apostle's, the foundation of the Church (Ephesians 2:19-20 KJV), put their by Jesus Christ Himself, mind you; the Apostle's didn't win a contest to be the foundation of the Church; they were placed their, by our Lord, the Master Builder.

And they approved of book's like Luke and Act's, and Jame's; even though these were not written by Apostle's. This show's the authority of the Apostle's, that they can define Scripture for the Church. And they did. It was the Old Testament, the Greek Old Testament, and the New Testament. This is the Church Bible, and it alway's has been, essentially from the time that each book was penned. The Apostle's had this authority (2 Peter 3:15-16 KJV) because of the key's (Matthew 16:19 KJV) and from rather direct instruction's from our Lord (John 20:21 KJV (John 20:23 KJV)).
...Collating the OT and the Apostles is/was a no-brainer chore. You simply take books that are written in the OT bible and add anything written by an Apostle or included by an Apostle, and that's the end of it for us. You Orthodox/Catholics can get lost in confusion after the clarity is all over (and that is precisely what happens).
The clarity that exist's that Protestant's cannot see, is that Jesus Christ clearly built His Church upon the Apostle's, and not upon the Christian Bible, or the Old Testament, or anything else. Its right their, in black-and-white. The Apostle's themselve's are sent by Christ. He gave them the responsibility and the authority to rule His Church.

And I'm not Catholic or Orthodox.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
All you have are accusations.

If you had the truth, you would defend it with God's written Word, and not with lies about me.

I'm afraid you have everything, "Topsy-turvy" GT. You don't
have the slightest idea what "Rightly dividing" the Word means.
You strive to attain eternal life through your good works and deeds.

As if, your good deeds and works could gain you eternal life! You're
not impressing anyone. You're only deceiving yourself. That is utterly
disdainful. You ought to start your own Cult perhaps?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You ascribe your, "verbal fisticuffs" to your desire to spread truth yet, you
act like a brawling Misanthrope. You ought to feel ashamed of your uncivil
behavior? Instead, you flaunt it. What a pity it is.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I don't know what she thinks she's gaining? Perhaps, she seeks relevance or some kind of warped attention?

I think she wants to be admired as someone great. She has diluted the commandments to the point where she claims to keep them all.

Warped attention is a good way to describe it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You're a "One woman army" GT. You have no followers. Your false doctrine
is your constant companion. How sad, to see you going down the wrong path.