If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to the Catholic Church

God's Truth

New member
I think she wants to be admired as someone great. She has diluted the commandments to the point where she claims to keep them all.

Warped attention is a good way to describe it.

Which commandments are you not obeying? Do you really think you should be doing any of those sins?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Which commandments are you not obeying? Do you really think you should be doing any of those sins?

He's in the "Body of Christ" and has the righteousness of Christ.
He needs not, anything else. However, you on the other hand, have
self-deceived yourself into believing you must follow the Law that
was given to the Jews.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
He's in the "Body of Christ" and has the righteousness of Christ.
He needs not, anything else. However, you on the other hand, have
self-deceived yourself into believing you must follow the Law that
was given to the Jews.

That's the key, his righteousness is what we must have.
Not our own.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
GT, one cannot be obedient to God, until one has heard the Grace Message (Paul's
Gospel) placed ALL of their faith in Christ and not themselves (that's where you
come in) been sealed, indwelt and baptized (not by water) into the Body of Christ
by the Holy Spirit. That's the ONLY route that's available in this age. (Dispensation of Grace)


New member
I obey everything Jesus says.

What are you not obeying?

Do you really think you should be doing those sins?

Your presence here is a violation of what Jesus said... so is the fact that you are trying to teach men when you should be silent.

Why don't you practice what you preach... or did Jesus teach you to be a hypocrite?

Or do you feel you should just obey what you feel like obeying?


Active member
GT, one cannot be obedient to God, until one has heard the Grace Message (Paul's
Gospel) placed ALL of their faith in Christ and not themselves (that's where you
come in) been sealed, indwelt and baptized (not by water) into the Body of Christ
by the Holy Spirit. That's the ONLY route that's available in this age. (Dispensation of Grace)

Why do they have to listen to Paul if they have already been saved and are hearing the Holy Spirit. Would not Paul just confirm what the spirit is already telling you?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul says no other gospel. Why don't you believe Paul?

Paul is speaking of the Gospel that the "Ascended Christ" gave to Paul.
Truly, there is ONLY one Gospel today and that is "Paul's Gospel." You,
on the other hand are trying to follow Christ's earthly Message to the
lost sheep of the House of Israel. That's the "Kingdom Message." (Gospel)

God's Truth

New member
GT, one cannot be obedient to God, until one has heard the Grace Message (Paul's
Gospel) placed ALL of their faith in Christ and not themselves (that's where you
come in) been sealed, indwelt and baptized (not by water) into the Body of Christ
by the Holy Spirit. That's the ONLY route that's available in this age. (Dispensation of Grace)

Paul says no other gospel.

Paul's gospel is also my gospel, it is God's gospel, the gospel of Christ.