If you aren't Catholic, you are not fully Christian


There are two categories of tradition, one is of man, and one is of God.

The Scripture records many divine traditions, that before they were written down, were traditions passed down by bishops, from bishop-to-bishop. The Gospels were all oral tradition before they were written down. All of the divine tradition originates in Christ, and was handed down to the Apostles, who handed them down to the first generation of bishops. Those bishops handed them down to new bishops, and this transmission and preservation process has continued ceaselessly to this day.

And one of those divine traditions, that comes from Christ, through the Apostles, is the office of a bishop (cf. 1st Timothy 3:1).

Protestants, who claim to hold Scripture in the highest regard in terms of authority, do not even follow the Scripture that tells the story of the Apostles establishing the pastorate that's always been known even up to this day, as bishops.
Presbuteros means elder, and overseer means bishop, and the term priest was for anyone who could do a miracle. A successful apostolic succession has never been established. And the catholic church includes more than just Rome.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I was never attached to it to begin with.

Again, the Bible IS NOT SAYING that Christ was being slain from the foundation of the world.

It's saying that names have been written in the Book of Life, which belongs to the Lamb slain, since creation. Can you acknowledge that fact?
It's really more about whether the Bible is saying to rightly divide or not, because that's the biggest difference between Catholic and Dispensational ecclesiology. Rightly dividing is fundamental to Dispensational ecclesiology, but rightly dividing only appears in the King James Bible. If the KJV isn't authoritative, then Dispensationalism is dead on its feet.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ


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Temp Banned
There are two categories of tradition, one is of man, and one is of God.

The Scripture records many divine traditions, that before they were written down, were traditions passed down by bishops, from bishop-to-bishop. The Gospels were all oral tradition before they were written down. All of the divine tradition originates in Christ, and was handed down to the Apostles, who handed them down to the first generation of bishops. Those bishops handed them down to new bishops, and this transmission and preservation process has continued ceaselessly to this day.

And one of those divine traditions, that comes from Christ, through the Apostles, is the office of a bishop (cf. 1st Timothy 3:1).

Protestants, who claim to hold Scripture in the highest regard in terms of authority, do not even follow the Scripture that tells the story of the Apostles establishing the pastorate that's always been known even up to this day, as bishops.
FYI, scripture does not set up a gestapo hierarchy to run over and control the sheep. Nice try though.


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It's really more about whether the Bible is saying to rightly divide or not,

No, it's not, and yes, it does say to rightly divide.

2 Timothy 2:15

Strong's g3718

- Lexical: ὀρθοτομέω
- Transliteration: orthotomeó
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Phonetic Spelling: or-thot-om-eh'-o
- Definition: to cut straight; met: to handle correctly, teach rightly.
- Origin: From a compound of orthos and the base of tomoteros, to make a straight cut, i.e. (figuratively) to dissect (expound) correctly (the divine message).
- Usage: rightly divide.
- Translated as (count): accurately handling (1).

because that's the biggest difference between Catholic and Dispensational ecclesiology. Rightly dividing is fundamental to Dispensational ecclesiology,

It's fundamental to understanding the entire Bible, Idolater.

but rightly dividing only appears in the King James Bible.


The idea/concept of "rightly dividing" (see the box above) existed long before the KJV ever existed, and appears in every bible.

If the KJV isn't authoritative, then Dispensationalism is dead on its feet.

Again, go read https://kgov.com/kjo, since it seems you haven't. This position is addressed there.

See also the TOL thread on this topic:

Nope not at all. I know you believe the Scripture.

Then don't libel me with such accusations.

There's still no such thing as rightly dividing, outside of the KJB.

False, as I showed above.

The post was entirely about showing that the King James Version is wrong.

By the way, can I just point out that you never truly responded to my post?

Because you didn't. You sidestepped every single one of my points by accusing me of "abandoning" the KJV, despite me explicitly using the NKJV in my post.

I would like you to at least acknowledge, even if you can't personally accept it, that the Bible does not say, for the reasons outlined in my post, that the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world, but rather that names have been written in His book since the beginning of creation.

Or, if you can't, do that, provide a counter-argument that supports your position better than mine does.

Do either of those, rather than avoiding the points I made.

There wasn't another point. And you liked it.

Supra. Go read the kgov link.

There are like three people following this thread and you're one of them.

People have lives which come before TOL. If you want to get a particular person's attention on TOL, the best way to do it is to @ tag them, or to quote their post. RD's request is not unreasonable.