If God created...


New member
Moses used those words because they mean exactly what we think they mean. Exodus 20. God created everything in six days, and on the seventh, he rested.

According to some, those words can be translated as plural. (Evenings and Mornings.Plural)That may be why the ancients said the creations days are epochs of time.


New member
"God does not make brand spankin' new things that look old!"


Sorry, don't mean any derailment whatsoever but couldn't help it! :)
(Besides, it seems to lend credence to the OP suggestion in some strange way).

Jesus turned water into wine. The wine was new but seemed as if old. It was mature wine. When Adam was created he was brand new but a mature man.

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New member
The age of the Universe is almost 14 billion years old, measured by the speed of light. The earth is much younger. The bible speaks of the creation days as epochs of time, not literal days.

There is no compelling reason in the text to understand the days as anything other than literal. Evening and morning... the first day. Moses says in Ex 20 that in six days God made the heavens and earth and all that is in them...

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New member
Or is there rather the appearance of not so much age because...there is not so much? The fuzzy S shape of galaxies should actually be concentric circles with varying degrees of brightness if they are 14B.

The normal meaning of the days in Gen 1 is the same as ours. There is only one other possible angle in the language that could allow other time, in the expressions of v2.

But before we get to this, from 'all' that we know about heaven in the Revelation, etc., does God need physical things to exist?

No. God existed before the material universe. He did not need to create to be happy. He was eternally happy in himself. He needs no one and nothing. To create was a sovereign choice.

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New member
There is no compelling reason in the text to understand the days as anything other than literal. Evening and morning... the first day. Moses says in Ex 20 that in six days God made the heavens and earth and all that is in them...

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Hosea 6:2
After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence.

2 Peter 3:8
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.


New member
Jesus turned water into wine. The wine was new but seemed as if old. It was mature wine. When Adam was created he was brand new but a mature man.

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Someone changed that verse. The Old Wine is the Old Covenant, and the New Wine is the New Covenant.


New member
If God created the earth and the universe with "the appearance of age", then what is the "apparent age" of the earth and the universe?

The apparent age is about 6,000 years. It's not any different today than it was on the 6th day. God told Adam that Eve had just been created from his rib. Adam could have argued with God saying her apparent age is about 25 years. Or, Adam could believe Gid based on evidence of the the truthfulness of God.... and the evidence of his now missing rib.


New member
Tbe verse in Peter is not telling you its ok to believe Joshua and the Israelites marched around Jericho for 7,000 years... nor is it saying God took 6,000 years to create. The verse is telli g us that God is patient waiting for people to turn to Himself.
The days in Genesis are day / night periods ghe same as we now experience. The Hebrew context demands literal days... And the Gospel depends on no death, pain, suffering in our world until first Adam sinned.


The apparent age is about 6,000 years. It's not any different today than it was on the 6th day. God told Adam that Eve had just been created from his rib. Adam could have argued with God saying her apparent age is about 25 years. Or, Adam could believe Gid based on evidence of the the truthfulness of God.... and the evidence of his now missing rib.

But it is really about 13.8 billion years old.


New member
The apparent age is about 6,000 years. It's not any different today than it was on the 6th day. God told Adam that Eve had just been created from his rib. Adam could have argued with God saying her apparent age is about 25 years. Or, Adam could believe Gid based on evidence of the the truthfulness of God.... and the evidence of his now missing rib.

"It is not any different...." False. One need only to look at images of earth from space. Look at the difference in only 50 years. I know, for a fact, that Adam had way more trees and way less people. And certainly no skyscrapers.

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New member
No. God existed before the material universe. He did not need to create to be happy. He was eternally happy in himself. He needs no one and nothing. To create was a sovereign choice.

The Most High is not narcissistic. Love is empty unless it is reciprocated.

Even Bo Diddley asked who do you love.

The Most High wanted children and had angels created to minister to them.

"Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14)


New member
But it is really about 13.8 billion years old.

And 6000 years ago the earth was temperate and covered with water.

The sun kept the earth from being a frozen planet.

The pre-Adamic environment was very pleasant and lush.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The apparent age is about 6,000 years. It's not any different today than it was on the 6th day.

When did stars start to go supernova? How did the light from exploded stars reach us in just 6,000 years? The Milky Way alone is about 100,000 light years across. That is a long time for light to reach us here on earth. If you say that God created supernovas, that is like saying that God created trees with tree rings, and that also would be "appearance of age."

God told Adam that Eve had just been created from his rib. Adam could have argued with God saying her apparent age is about 25 years. Or, Adam could believe Gid based on evidence of the the truthfulness of God.... and the evidence of his now missing rib.

From anyone's perspective, Adam was created as a fully grown man of a certain age, hence his appearance of age. Not actual age, but appearance of age. Eve as well.


New member
When did stars start to go supernova? How did the light from exploded stars reach us in just 6,000 years? The Milky Way alone is about 100,000 light years across. That is a long time for light to reach us here on earth. If you say that God created supernovas, that is like saying that God created trees with tree rings, and that also would be "appearance of age."

From anyone's perspective, Adam was created as a fully grown man of a certain age, hence his appearance of age. Not actual age, but appearance of age. Eve as well.

So the assumption is that God is able to create a supernova without its light, but he is not able to create a supernova that is already lit?

I'm pretty sure that Genesis says that God said "Let there be light" and he didn't have to first create a star to make that light then wait for it to travel huge distances.


New member
User Name said:
When did stars start to go supernova?

Super Novas are just one of many evidences that we live in a yoing universe as in the Biblical account. If we lived in an old universe we should see several thousand exploded star remnants about 300 light years in diameter. If we live in a young universe we wouldn't expect any.

Which prediction is correct? The Biblical model of course! Astronomers who believe in the old earth model are understandably puźzled asking "Why have the large number of expected remnants not been detected?’ and these authors refer to ‘The mystery of the missing remnants" <Clark and Caswell, in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1976>.

When did they go Super Nova? It depends on a couple things. For example scripture tells us that God spread, and is spreading the stars. How fast did God initially spread the stars? We don't know...but, we do know Adam could see the stars on his first day.


New member
You are right there. The earth is at least 800,000 years old, by the counting of the annual layers in the ice.

Here are eleven such annual layers from Greenland:



Do you have any idea just how many "annual" layers of ice they had to dig through when they unearthed a WW2 aircraft that had been frozen over? Hundreds of "annual" rings. :)
