The Hebrew says that God made the raqiya on day two. Raqqa (verb), the root word of raqiya (noun), means "to spread out by beating."After the creation of heaven God came to a body of water without form. Another word for Earth is Tera-forma. God teraformed the Earth. God caused the sun to shine, the clouds were blocking the sunlight. The sun had already been created when God created the heavens.
God experiences time at the same rate we do.
He describes Himself in His book. Haven't you read it? It's called the Bible.I always wonder why people think they can know so much about the Almighty.
Are you familiar with Buckland's ideas of natural theology?
Your ideas somehow remind me of his book.
Either their own spirit, or Him.
Water is still water, whether you're a fish or a human.
Obviously, a fish lives in water, and we in air, but both fish and humans can swim in water.
After the creation of heaven God came to a body of water without form. Another word for Earth is Tera-forma. God teraformed the Earth. God caused the sun to shine, the clouds were blocking the sunlight. The sun had already been created when God created the heavens.
And? We are 'thinking' that all space is the same. We tend to 'extrapolate' and our science knowledge is based off that. For me, it is better for science in the long run NOT to posture over these matters. Religion is dogmatic and has to be. Science doesn't have to be because it is always retesting and NEEDS to be willing to rethink consensus. Consensus can be a death knell to further good science.
Not when you admit factors can affect it. Again, we 'extrapolate' what we 'think.' Good 'theory' but such MUST be testable. If not? :nono: Science is theory, but untestable science is a best guess. I'd grant that I'd take Spocks 'best guess' over my own. In the video, gravity and lack of vacuum etc. are all factors.
:nono: No they don't. :think: They NEED to read and listen to what God says if two cross the same subject matter.
:nono: If given to its physical limitation, it is our best guess but Colossians 1:17
IS God capable of doing anything? :think: Science is supposing the 'way' such is done. We SHOULD always see if God has said something about the subject matter.
Again, they are 'supposed to!' Science IS about using whatever we have, but we haven't cured cancer yet. IF scientists just settled, they are no longer doing 'science' and they'd not have gone toward immunotherapy etc.
It is an extrapolation. As I said, we have NO way to actually test that theory. Models? Sure, but to actually check it out? We can't. Nobody has a billion years to wait.
:think: Are you a Hebrew scholar?
The history of science is full of things that were once settled, but later found not to be settled.Lon, I respect your opinions on spiritual matters, but I get the impression that you regard science as shades of grey.
There are some areas of science which are still unsettled, such as subatomic particles, unifying gravity with other forces, multi-dimensional string theory, etc.
But I thought the speed of light in the vacuum of space was settled![]()
You're outside of water, just as God is outside of time.
God created all things, including time.
And it exists in the world He made for us. But He's not limited by His creation, nor is He part of it.
Many have been told that time was created by God, and that it is not an aspect of His existence. Please consider though that time cannot be created. Why not? Because creation means going from non-existence to existence, which itself is a sequence, a before and after. And any before and after sequence requires time. Time therefore is a precondition of creating. Thus time itself cannot be created. So just as Scripture describes God's creation of matter and space, light and life, but not of time, even the secular BBC begins their Before the Big Bang program acknowledging that the notion of time coming into existence "may be a logical contradiction." The scientific fad, with its ubiquitous acceptance, of claiming that time came into existence with the big bang, could effortlessly disappear if not needed by the next fad, the multiverse. For although the statement that "time came into existence" launched a million words in its defense, men have no way of even thinking about the notion, for in a deep sense it is meaningless. (Similarly, men have no way of even thinking about the evolutionary notion of how a merely physical system could give rise to a biological information systems. So in both the alleged materialist evolution of information, and in the claim that time came into existence, meaninglessness reveals itself through this inability even to think about such things.) |
God did terraform the earth.
And God did cause the sun to shine through the clouds which were blocking the sunlight.
But why do you say that "The sun had already been created when God created the heavens".
He describes Himself in His book. Haven't you read it? It's called the Bible.
You are starting to go the route Barbarian follows....his old arguments have been disprove, so he resorts to dishonesty. When you mispresent someone else's position, because you can't refute the actual argument...its called the straw man fallacy.2003cobra said:6day is under the mistaken impression that Jesus did not have that authority
Disagree. Again "Sovereign" means "God is in control." Colossians 1:17 and John 15:5. Disagreement? Depends upon how important such is. Generally, I'd reckon science business and Christian business don't often collide AND when they do, it is often mutually good (leprosy cure for instance).... of course, there's nothing that stops a true Christian from fooling himself.
Again, thank you for looking and giving the benefit too. :e4e:Don't worry about the textbook. I can remember some really bad ones, so it's not impossible. But definitely not what state standards were in Washington State at the time.
Funny that I would be called dishonest by someone who rejects the text of the second creation story and rewrites the text of the first creation story.You are starting to go the route Barbarian follows....his old arguments have been disprove, so he resorts to dishonesty. When you mispresent someone else's position, because you can't refute the actual argument...its called the straw man fallacy.
I know Jesus forgave sins before His blood was shed.Of course Jesus had the authority to forgive sin. So, are you saying that forgiveness of sin by Jesus has no connection to His she'd blood? (People past, and present). The question remains... Scripture tells us that there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood. For all humanity, past and present what... or who's blood forgives sin? Do you think the cross was not necessary... that Jesus could forgive sin without going to Calvary?
George, I had hoped you would not deny what the text says.
Yet the second creation story story, the one beginning in Genesis 2.4b, has a different order and method of creation from the first creation story.I had hoped you would not read into the text something that it does not say.
Just so you know, JEDP died a natural death when the church moved past the documentary hypothesis fable.
There is only one version of creation because there was only one creation.
Gen 2 increases magnification on the 'man' creation part and tells more details about it.