If Evolution


Then unforgiven you shall remain.That's not going to end well for you.

Once again.... I don't worship the book, I worship the GOD that WROTE it.

The LORD GOD almighty gave the actual account of what happened. That you don't accept the LORD GOD's account is par for the course for someone that thinks great knowledge comes from space aliens.

Gabriel is a space alien, he came down to tell Mary that his boss was in her belly. Then he went back to space. Roughly 2,000 years later the same Gabriel sanctioned the Urantia Book revelation under the authority of the same boss. More has been revealed.

God has always been forgiving, an unjust murder by religious fruit cakes wasn't needed!


New member

So what of species able to interbreed? Are they proof of evolution?

Many can and produce viable offspring with other species. Bears, for instance

Species, all kinds, they all revert back to their original design or parish. That is what we find in nature.

Right Divider

Body part
Gabriel is a space alien, he came down to tell Mary that his boss was in her belly.
That is just plain idiotic. Gabriel was an angel and NOT a "space alien".

Then he went back to space.
No, he did not.

Roughly 2,000 years later the same Gabriel sanctioned the Urantia Book revelation under the authority of the same boss. More has been revealed.
Absolute baloney.

God has always been forgiving, an unjust murder by religious fruit cakes wasn't needed!
God can do things any way that He likes, and that is how He did it. That you don't like it is your problem.


That is just plain idiotic. Gabriel was an angel and NOT a "space alien".

No, he did not.

Absolute baloney.

God can do things any way that He likes, and that is how He did it. That you don't like it is your problem.

Space Alien is your term. Gabriel was a celestial being actually. Where is Gabriel if he isn't out there in space somewhere?

But the Jews were just as hard headed as you are. Had you been a Jew devoted to the perfection of the scripture you would have been just as nasty to Jesus as you are to me. That's the problem with making the writings of corrupt holy men into Gods Words.
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Right Divider

Body part
Space Alien is your term.
Only because you used it first.

Gabriel was a celestial being actually.
The Bible says that Gabriel is an angel. I'll stick with the Bible.

Where is Gabriel if he isn't out there in space somewhere?
The spirit world is NOT "out there in space somewhere".

But the Jews were just as hard headed as you are. Had you been a Jew devoted to the perfection of the scripture you would have been just as nasty to Jesus as you are to me. That's the problem with making the writings of corrupt holy men into Gods Words.
Poor Caino.

It was NOT a problem with the SCRIPTURE, but with their MAN-MADE traditions and their unbelief that caused the problems.

You are a schizophrenic, one moment using the Bible and the next minute condemning it. Is it GOD BREATHED or not?


New member
Really? Care to explain how?

Originally horses had stripes, when left in the wild they get their stripes back. We have a few in Oregon. It is by selective breeding, on the part of humans that we have the horses we do. The same is true about dogs and other life forms. Again, that is what we find in nature. Species parish or revert back to their original form. That is observable in nature.


New member
I once saw a giant lizard here in Oregon when I was about eight years old. It was stretched out across a log sun bathing. It was on top of a hill at the Lewis and Clark Park. It was about 6 to 12 feet long.


Only because you used it first.

The Bible says that Gabriel is an angel. I'll stick with the Bible.

The spirit world is NOT "out there in space somewhere".

Poor Caino.

It was NOT a problem with the SCRIPTURE, but with their MAN-MADE traditions and their unbelief that caused the problems.

You are a schizophrenic, one moment using the Bible and the next minute condemning it. Is it GOD BREATHED or not?

In Judaism salvation was based on keeping Gods commandments according to their scripture. There is no Son of God in Judaism, and certainly no killing the Messiah as a human sacrifice.

One moment you say the Jews suffered from traditionalism because they followed the laws of the scripture, the next moment you say that those commandments that they followed were God breathed???? It's you who are inconsistent.


New member
Most fish, amphibians, lizards, and snakes are indeterminate growers; they continue to grow until something happens to them. That is the reason why there were giant lizards in the past.


New member
Horses resembled zebras with stripes until man changed their color by selectively breeding them.

The Kiger mustangs in Oregon are genetically related to the original Spanish mustangs and exhibit similar color characteristics known as the “dun factor,” which may include dorsal stripes.
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Right Divider

Body part
In Judaism salvation was based on keeping Gods commandments according to their scripture. There is no Son of God in Judaism, and certainly no killing the Messiah as a human sacrifice.

One moment you say the Jews suffered from traditionalism because they followed the laws of the scripture, the next moment you say that those commandments that they followed were God breathed???? It's you who are inconsistent.
God revealed MORE that you know nothing about. Stay blind if you like.

Greg Jennings

New member
I once saw a giant lizard here in Oregon when I was about eight years old. It was stretched out across a log sun bathing. It was on top of a hill at the Lewis and Clark Park. It was about 6 to 12 feet long.

Not to be that guy......but there are no lizards bigger than iguanas in the US. And iguanas MIGHT be 5 feet long

Greg Jennings

New member
Originally horses had stripes, when left in the wild they get their stripes back. We have a few in Oregon. It is by selective breeding, on the part of humans that we have the horses we do. The same is true about dogs and other life forms. Again, that is what we find in nature. Species parish or revert back to their original form. That is observable in nature.

Do you know WHY the stripe pattern reappears in horse species allowed to go "wild"?

Hint: it has to do with selective pressure


New member
Not to be that guy......but there are no lizards bigger than iguanas in the US. And iguanas MIGHT be 5 feet long

Not everything gets reported. I knew about those little horses in the Superstition Mountains before they caught any. No one believed me then until years latter they caught some.


New member
This is what is observable in the fossil record.
Life forms arrived suddenly, and then many disappeared suddenly, only to be replaced by new life forms suddenly.
Life form links would give Evolution credibility, but they are all missing.
There is no evidence for Evolution, because it is a theory not based upon any facts to support it.


Well-known member
Dr. Snelling of Australia (with John Baumgartner and Stephen Austen)finally said what I've been trying to find published on what Genesis with about 500 other accounts are trying to say:

'The collision of the earth's plates happened quickly and recently. We can tell this from the shapes or forms of the various impacts around the world...'

'If you have 2 cars set to meet each other at 1 mph, and a source of energy that cannot stop (the engine cannot die), the interface will eventually resemble something like putty against putty; there would be a plane of meeting and you would see lines in each piece melt into each other...

'But if you have 2 cars meet each other at 100 mph, you have chaos, tangles, twists, untraceable and irregular exchanges and deposits of material from one into the other...

'Whether you are in Colorado, or the Himalayas, or the Andes, what you find is much more like the 100 mph collision than the 1 mph collision. There are sedimentary settlements from clear across continents, in the thousands of feet; there are uplifts of thousands of feet; there are glommed residues from several miles below (or above) on other surfaces. They are tangled, twisted, scattered around, and most of these have the fresh-break appearance, not the faded, polished, smoothed look of millions of years...'