Barbarian suggests:
Separated by fossils in desert sands, fossil forests, and ancient rivers. Tell us how forests and deserts had time to form and be buried during the flood.
Well, let's take a look. YE creationists tell us that all the strata exposed by the Grand Canyon are "flood deposits", and the Grand Canyon was formed by water erosion during the "Flood Year."
Yet the Redwall limestone layer has ocean fossils and the overlying Supai Sandstone shows an arid climate, with tracks of animals throughout. How, exactly, does a desert, complete with plants and animals, suddenly develop underwater during a flood?
Higher up, in the Hermit Shale?
"Raindrop impressions, the molds of salt crystals and numerous sun-cracks also add to the picture. This region has been described by Dr. David White as "the scene of showers, burning sun, hailstorms, occasional torrents and periods of drought and drying up of pools" during Hermit times."
Explain to us how the land dried up and showed sun-cracks in the soil at the bottom of the sea you think covered the Earth.
Farther up, the Coconino formation shows arid conditions and sand dunes with the tracks of desert animals.
Farther up, the Kaibab Formation:
"Along both sides of Grand Canyon at the top, two buff and gray layers of limestone stand out as massive cliffs separated by a tree-covered slope. The upper of these limestones forms the plateau surface and may be seen for a great distance in every direction. Both layers were formed as the result- of vast accumulations of organic and sandy materials on sea bottoms, and in places they are composed largely of the remains of marine life-shells, corals and sponges. The teeth of sharks have also been found in the upper limestone."
Tell us, Stipe. How does all this (there's more layers if you want to hear about them) form in the "Flood Year?" How do deserts form at the bottom of a sea?
Or are YE creationists wrong, and these aren't "Flood Deposits?"
(Bunny Trail deleted)
Sorry, Stipe. If you'd like to make another try at fitting your flood story into Genesis, start another thread.
And do tell us how you fit those deserts into the flood.