Jesus is seated at The Right Hand of The Father, expecting until His enemies be made into His Footstool. He isn't going to get up and go defeat Satan (again) for you. He did so ONCE. He is seated now, having given His Authority over ALL the power of the enemy to you and me and He is waiting for us to rise up with the same determination He had when He entered Jerusalem, His Face set like flint, ready to face The Spirit of Death, The Spirit of Hell and The Spirit of the Grave and defeat them upon Mount Olivet. He overcame them through prayer and fasting and under the greatest pressure of anyone who has ever prayed (no one else I've ever heard of has prayed so hard that his blood pressure exceeded the ability of his body to hold the blood inside of it) and prevailed. He cut that New Covenant with God in His Own Blood at Mount Olivet. The next day He paid the price of having that Covenant: His Own Life. Satan was already defeated by Jesus' Faith in God through prayer and His Covenant. It is His Blood which represents our covenant with God that makes us clean from sin and His own children. It is His Blood and our testimony of Him that gives us the victory over sin, death, hell and the grave. It is His Blood that gives us His Eternal Life. Amen.