Idol Worship -- what does it look like?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I don't think they are bowing down to the object. I think they are bowing down to the divinity they believe the object represents. And I think it's your own desire to condemn people that you don't even know that's causing you to blindly assume that they are blowing down to the objects, themselves.

Exodus 20:4-5 (KJV)

john w

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When we confuse the icons, idols, and artifacts with the divine entities they were intended to merely represent, it's called idol worship. Or in a word: idolatry.

The most prevalent example on TOL is the idolatry of the Bible, when people treat the written text as if God had written or spoken it. Treating a man-made book as if it were the voice of God is no different than treating a man-made statue as if it were the embodiment of God. It's all idol worship … and it's all idolatry.

Visual icons and intellectual artifice (mythos) are fine, so long as we understand that's what they are. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not understand that this is what they are, and so they make false idols of them by presuming them to be the reality of God.

"a man-made book as if it were the voice of God "

Satanic. Tell us just what is "the voice of God," demon. Unpack it for us. Show us this "God made" book.

Let me guess: "God"/"god" spoke to you in a dream, a vision. It's also called subjectivity, mysticism.

No, punk, we honor, praise, esteem, magnify, and glorify what the LORD God honors, praises, esteems, magnifies, glorifies-His written word. You call that "worship," which is a really cute sound byte, that you think bedazzles us all, so that we just don't know how to respond, to your shining brilliance.....Sssssssssssssssssssss.

You talk like the subtil serpent....He talks like you....

"Yea, hath God said,..?"-Genesis 3:1 KJV

john w

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Looks can be deceiving. If these folks understand that the statue is NOT the embodiment of their venerated deity, but is only a clay representation, then this is not idol worship. Even though it may appear to be, to you.

Conversely, assuming that every word you read in the Bible came directly from the mind, mouth, or hand of God IS idolatry, pure and simple, even though it may not appear to be, to you. And the reason it is idolatry is because those words did not come from the mind, mouth, or hand of God, but from the minds and hands of men. Just as any statue, painting, or mythical story has. Refusing to recognize this is exactly what makes it idolatry.
"those words did not come from the mind, mouth, or hand of God, but from the minds and hands of men."

You are a man? Thus, we can dismiss your posts, and file you under "moron.

Give us the words that did come from God. Do be a dear.

john w

New member
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I don't think they are bowing down to the object. I think they are bowing down to the divinity they believe the object represents. And I think it's your own desire to condemn people that you don't even know that's causing you to blindly assume that they are blowing down to the objects, themselves.

Is bowing down to an object wrong? Who/what says? Give us your source authority.Is " bowing down to the divinity they believe the object represents" OK? Says who/what?Give us your source authority.


Well-known member
Is bowing down to an object wrong? Who/what says? Give us your source authority.Is " bowing down to the divinity they believe the object represents" OK? Says who/what?Give us your source authority.
I don't need "authorities" to tell me what to think. I am able to think for myself.

You should try it sometime. You don't HAVE to be enslaved by your own fear and ignorance, forever.
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john w

New member
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I don't need "authorities" to tell me what to think. I am able to think for myself.

You should try it sometime. You don't HAVE to be enslaved by your own fear and ignorance, forever.

"I am able to think for myself"

Quite irrelevant, off topic=not the issue. Most can also. And? Tell us your source authority, standard, by which you assess right/wrong. I have given you/others, mine, w/o reservation. What is yours? Your mind? God? How did you come to know the objective truth re. the true God?

As I thought-mysticism, subjectivity.
Again-you argued:

"I don't think they are bowing down to the object."-Purex

Is bowing down to an object wrong? Who/what says? Give us your source authority.Is " bowing down to the divinity they believe the object represents" OK? Says who/what?Give us your source authority.

This is your argument. Defend it, instead of just spamming emotional sound bytes, that do NADA for your argument, or do NADA to discredit a bible believer's argument.


If you took the Commandment of idolatry literally, without context, everything would be idolatry.

These retards will sit here and be literal, but don't actually hold to a literal view themselves.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If you took the Commandment of idolatry literally, without context, everything would be idolatry.

These retards will sit here and be literal, but don't actually hold to a literal view themselves.
Post a pic of what literal idol worship looks like.


Post a pic of what literal idol worship looks like.

Why don't I literally dispose of all the idols in my house, pictures and all. Have you ever put your hand on the Bible in prayer?
Guess what that is_

If a person isn't worshiping something, then they aren't worshiping it. You get no say in it- it is something of one's volition, not opinion.

This debate is pointless anyway- you all worship yourselves. It isn't about idolatry, it's just a feeding into your narcissism :rolleyes:


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Are you saying they are worshiping the ark, or who is sitting between the cherubim wings on the mercy seat of the ark?

The answer would dictate whether or not there is idol worship happening there.

Oh, that's different though :rotfl:

I don't think you understand the point :plain:

No, i dont think you understand it, one would be those old covenant priests worshipping God whose Spirit is literally sitting between the cheribum on the mercy seat, and the other would be them bowing down before the ark itself and worshipping the ark.

So which scenerio are you claiming that picture to be, because those are apples and oranges in comparison.


New member
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Are you saying they are worshiping the ark, or who is sitting between the cherubim wings on the mercy seat of the ark?

The answer would dictate whether or not there is idol worship happening there.

Why don't I literally dispose of all the idols in my house, pictures and all. Have you ever put your hand on the Bible in prayer?
Guess what that is_

If a person isn't worshiping something, then they aren't worshiping it. You get no say in it- it is something of one's volition, not opinion.

This debate is pointless anyway- you all worship yourselves. It isn't about idolatry, it's just a feeding into your narcissism :rolleyes:

Do you bow down before the pictures in your home and pray to them?


Well-known member
If a person isn't worshiping something, then they aren't worshiping it. You get no say in it- it is something of one's volition, not opinion.
This pretty much says it.

I think the argument is more about people here who practice idolatry, trying very hard to deny it, … within themselves.

There are lots of folks, here, who read every word in their Bibles as if those words were coming directly from the mouth of God.

THAT IS IDOLATRY by any definition of the term. But they don't want to acknowledge this, so they are trying very hard to limit idolatry to the "worship of" or "praying to" man-made objects. While they completely ignore the essence of both those practices, which is to endow a man-made object with the "being of God". Exactly what a lot of folks, here, do with the Bible.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
This pretty much says it.

I think the argument is more about people here who practice idolatry, trying very hard to deny it, … within themselves.

There are lots of folks, here, who read every word in their Bibles as if those words were coming directly from the mouth of God.

THAT IS IDOLATRY by any definition of the term. But they don't want to acknowledge this, so they are trying very hard to limit idolatry to the "worship of" or "praying to" man-made objects. While they completely ignore the essence of both those practices, which is to endow a man-made object with the "being of God". Exactly what a lot of folks, here, do with the Bible.

I find it interesting that you can so clearly define that a person holding a bible, believing it is words from God, is blatant idolatry; but balk on whether any of the other pics or descriptions is idolatry.
Cause they certainly seem to think that there is something supernaturally special about their statues.
They treat them as if they are pure gold to be preserved, adorned, protected.
And when anything bad happens to one of these statues, they go into a frenzy of sorrow as if it was an attack on God Himself.