I, YHWH, the first, and the last, I am He.


Well-known member
You're just cattle to the Jews, they've never done a single thing for you except make you dance around the authenticity of your own god while they go on the media and mock you.
But you've tended to their needs very well, and so long as John Q Moron hands out his praise you'll keep being adversarial to gentile Christians all the same.
I already know your stance on Muslims without you even having to say a damn thing about it. But because they are Semites, it's fine if they criticize the Jews, right :rolleyes:
You're no different than an atheist- you are fundamentally deceptive within your claimed religion, and try to make an appeal through demonizing white culture.

I have not claimed any religion and you do not know who I am even though I just told you. :)


Well-known member
Your religious affiliation reads: 'Other'
Tells me all I need to know.

There's nothing legitimate about anyone with that label :rotfl:

Your mother and father slew my mother and my brethren and burned many of their writings while reworking other portions to suit themselves because your mother and your father wanted to start a new religion. Hate is the only reason your mother and brethren have been antisemitic for the last seventeen hundred years: and that of course is all I need to know about you, your brethren, your mother, and your father. :Nineveh:



Your mother and father slew my mother and my brethren and burned many of their writings while reworking other portions to suit themselves because your mother and your father wanted to start a new religion. Hate is the only reason your mother and brethren have been antisemitic for the last seventeen hundred years: and that of course is all I need to know about you, your brethren, your mother, and your father. :Nineveh:


The Muslims have more integrity than the Jews, that is why Christians have not like the Jews. That is why neither one of them like the Jews.

There's nothing new under the Sun, just as Jews now publicly mock Christianity and try to shape Gentile interests to their bidding, so to did they do the same whenever it availed them- they mixed in with Gentiles and have the nerve to see us a 'goyim'- a dumb, rich, blonde hair, bue eyed slattern goes on the media and calls herself Jewish just so she can rail on Christians. . Damnable things by the very standard of Abrahamic religion.


Well-known member
The Muslims have more integrity than the Jews, that is why Christians have not like the Jews. That is why neither one of them like the Jews.

There's nothing new under the Sun, just as Jews now publicly mock Christianity and try to shape Gentile interests to their bidding, so to did they do the same whenever it availed them- they mixed in with Gentiles and have the nerve to see us a 'goyim'- a dumb, rich, blonde hair, bue eyed slattern goes on the media and calls herself Jewish just so she can rail on Christians. . Damnable things by the very standard of Abrahamic religion.

Just as I stated: through the eyes of a religio-political mindset, which is why you would side with Muslims who are even beheading Christians, which you yourself purport to be; for you view the world just as Muslims do, "Kill em' all and let 'God' sort them out on the other side." And you can do no wrong because everything you do, in your perverted mindset, is the supposed predetermined will of what and who you imagine to be your "God". That is what happens when you see ancient spiritual writings as physical and carnal in meaning.


Just as I stated: through the eyes of a religio-political mindset, which is why you would side with Muslims who are even beheading Christians, which you yourself purport to be; for you view the world just as Muslims do, "Kill em' all and let 'God' sort them out on the other side." And you can do no wrong because everything you do, in your perverted mindset, is the supposed predetermined will of what and who you imagine to be your "God". That is what happens when you see ancient spiritual writings as physical and carnal in meaning.

I don't 'side' with Muslims- they recognize Jesus as the Jewish Messiah whereas the Jews crucified him, the Jews have become mostly lawless while the Arabs have kept theirs. They choose to not play by the corruption of media and pour themselves into the very society they are warned about- the Jews do exactly that.

The fact is that they are hardly Jews at all- there is no strong connection to even the most biologically relevant Jew to those in the Bible. There is nothing more clear than that Christianity is Spiritual Israel, and you people are really just against Jesus' Deity and kingdom.

All Jews believe they are the chosen people in stark contrast to everyone else- when push comes to shove, all is done in their favor and we are the ones expendable.
That is why they show no charity to anyone other than themselves. You're just mad at people like myself because we're not fools.


Well-known member
That is why they show no charity to anyone other than themselves. You're just mad at people like myself because we're not fools.

Louis Armstrong

He also worked for a Lithuanian-Jewish immigrant family, the Karnofskys, who had a junk hauling business and gave him odd jobs. They took him in and treated him like family; knowing he lived without a father, they fed and nurtured him.[10] He later wrote a memoir of his relationship with the Karnofskys titled, Louis Armstrong + the Jewish Family in New Orleans, La., the Year of 1907. In it he describes his discovery that this family was also subject to discrimination by "other white folks" nationalities who felt that they were better than the Jewish race... "I was only seven years old but I could easily see the ungodly treatment that the White Folks were handing the poor Jewish family whom I worked for."[11] Armstrong wore a Star of David pendant for the rest of his life and wrote about what he learned from them: "how to live—real life and determination."[12] The influence of Karnofsky is remembered in New Orleans by the Karnofsky Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to accepting donated musical instruments to "put them into the hands of an eager child who could not otherwise take part in a wonderful learning experience."[13]​


Well-known member
I don't 'side' with Muslims- they recognize Jesus as the Jewish Messiah whereas the Jews crucified him, the Jews have become mostly lawless while the Arabs have kept theirs. They choose to not play by the corruption of media and pour themselves into the very society they are warned about- the Jews do exactly that.

Too funny, ISIS is more media savvy than the former so-called Christian, (and his former record labeling bonfire burning wife), Vice President Al Gore's Al Jazeera. But after seeing good ole "inconvenient truth" Al in that first link, so happy to be done with his former wife and now able to listen to all the W.A.S.P. albums he missed out on for all those years, I was not surprised to find out that he too either is or was a Calvinist impelled by a Calvinist fear of chaos. Imagine that, the VP of the most powerful nation on the planet was a Calvinist and sold his media empire to Al Jazeera which, if I'm not mistaken, is now called Al Jazeera America? It is not that I'm angry over anything, much less as you say, the possibility of whether or not you might be a fool: but I would suggest, (yet again), that you might want to take another look in the mirror, O finger pointer extraordinaire. :chuckle:


Imagine that, the VP of the most powerful nation on the planet was a Calvinist and sold his media empire to Al Jazeera

So what :idunno:
Anyone can claim to be anything or be brought up in a certain church- you don't make any point at all, it's a completely worthless observation.

Jews don't do anyone any good, they believe everyone should be working for their prominence because that is their religion. That is something you don't want to acknowledge because it makes you look like a damn fool :chuckle:

The 'antisemitism' card doesn't work anymore, hombre. It started to die in the late 90's, at the beginning of mass media, when people began to see that Jews puppeteer you morons.

Trump is a Presbyterian. Maybe you'll watch the Inauguration tonight and cry about it :wave2:


Well-known member
So what :idunno:
Anyone can claim to be anything or be brought up in a certain church- you don't make any point at all, it's a completely worthless observation.

Jews don't do anyone any good, they believe everyone should be working for their prominence because that is their religion. That is something you don't want to acknowledge because it makes you look like a damn fool :chuckle:

The 'antisemitism' card doesn't work anymore, hombre. It started to die in the late 90's, at the beginning of mass media, when people began to see that Jews puppeteer you morons.

Trump is a Presbyterian. Maybe you'll watch the Inauguration tonight and cry about it :wave2:

Okay, so don't look in the mirror then, it's your soul . . .
Oh, almost forgot, that's right, there's nothing you can do about it! :doh:
You can lead a horse to water but he will only drink if it was preordained! :Nineveh:



New member
Wrong. God is not physical, so God is not a nation.

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world My servants would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now My kingdom is not from here.” (John 18:36)​


Well-known member
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world My servants would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now My kingdom is not from here.” (John 18:36)​


The kingdom of the messiah is from there, so therefore JC was not the messiah.