I consider myself a....

I consider myself a....

  • Christian - Protestant

    Votes: 63 44.1%
  • Christian - Catholic

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • Christian - Other

    Votes: 43 30.1%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • Pagan

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 11 7.7%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 12 8.4%

  • Total voters

Z Man

New member
What if you go to a non-denominational Bible Church that interprets the bible to believe that one must be baptized in order to be saved? Just playing devil's advocate....


New member
Originally posted by Z Man
What if you go to a non-denominational Bible Church that interprets the bible to believe that one must be baptized in order to be saved? Just playing devil's advocate....

I have never attended a Bible Church that interpreted it that way.

Bible Churches I've attended are similar to Baptist in doctrinal interpretation, just not as legalistic. I've attended Baptist Churches that put the Christian back under the law.
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Well-known member
It seems to most Christians that the least mature denomination is the Baptists, and yet, if they were not out there on the streets going door-to-door witnessing the Gospel, who would be?

Before anyone asks, I am not singularly a Baptist (anymore).


New member
Actually, I'd argue the least theologically mature group is the Pentecostals.

The Baptists are around there, but still somewhat better.

But there's no reason to throw around generalizations. I personally prefer Christians. They are pretty down-to-earth people. :cool:

Z Man

New member
I grew up Pentecostal; my dad's a pentecostal preacher. But by being in the Navy, I've met tons of people with so many different beliefs, and instead of one view, I saw many. It made me study the Bible more passionately, and I became open-minded a bit. Then I met a guy who totally changed my view on salvation by showing it to me in the Bible. I never saw it there before because many of the verses he used, pentecostals skip or ignore or just don't go into plain detail about. Anyways, I do not like pentecostal churches now; too much religion and not enough God for me... :D


New member
Originally posted by famousGandalf7
Personally, I like the way Jesse Duplantis answers this question. He turns it back on the asker, and whatever they say, he usually says, "I am too," and is able to witness to them. He says that everyone that lives in Louisanna has been Catholic, at least once. He says that He is a witness to Jehovah. He says that he is (whatever someone says) so that they will feel relaxed and confide in him what they really think of the situation they are in (plane ride, shopping check-out, whatever) and they are then off to a running start in a good conversation.

I'm from Louisiana, but I was never a Catholic. It's true, though, most people who are from Louisiana are or were Catholic at some point. :)


New member
Matthew 18:16
But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that "by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.'

Acts 22:15
For you will be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard.



New member
Missed the following option:


The position of a materialist is a more fixed and well defined position as that of a atheist, which is in itself a theistic point of view, but then in a negative sense (denying the existence of a deity).

Materialism states that the outside objective world, independend of our minds, exists in a material way, which is in endless motion.
Matter is the primary component of reality, consciousness or mind is secondary. Matter can neither be created or destroyed. Apart from matter, nothing exists (that is: not in an objective way, outside and independend of mind)


New member
All of the poll choices are ill-fitting to me...:)

Not that it really matters, but: I am not hostile to anything, except cretinism.


New member
Originally posted by Tye Porter

There are only two choices:
1) Saved
2) Unsaved

If you are unsaved, you are hostile to God.

That is what is seen through your eyes.

You have your version of god.
I have my way of life...I am only hostile to fools.

But I am expansive, I can give the hand of friendship to a foe,
if he comes around to my thinking...Can you?

In my view, there are many ways to live on this Earth.
If you restrict yourself, in time you will be crushed, by your own self-made walls.

Live your life and leave others to theirs, best way to be.

Z Man

New member
Well then, why worry about other's mind being? If they want to kill someone their angry at, let them be. Why arrest them? Isn't that getting into their business?


New member
Live your life and leave others to theirs, best way to be.

I am talking about self-determination and minding your own business.

A theological discussion board is the wrong place to be if you want to be left alone.


New member
Originally posted by Z Man
Well then, why worry about other's mind being? If they want to kill someone their angry at, let them be. Why arrest them? Isn't that getting into their business?

You are reading into it, Z Man.

I am talking about the normal people in day-to-day life.
Not San Quentin jail...

How many people have you killed today?