I believe many churches are corrupted.

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And they are the majority and popular churches of denominations.

What is the formula of being popular church?


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I believe many churches are corrupted.

Says the blasphemous heretic who rejects plain scripture.

You are so stupid to make a statement like that.
I post things that are over you head so you misjudge me.
I can not help you if your dumb. You will never find truth because your a follower of men, not Christ.

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You are so stupid to make a statement like that.
I post things that are over your head so you misjudge me.
I can not help you if your you're dumb. You will never find truth because your you're a follower of men, not Christ.

I'm not the one who rejects scripture. You reject it and then try to say that scripture says things that it does not say, adding to scripture. The Bible warns about that:

For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. - Revelation 22:18-19 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation22:18-19&version=NKJV

I'm not stupid. I'm not dumb. But don't take my word for it, because I could be lying.

Your statements are not over my head, they're simply antichrist and heretical and blasphemous. They go against what the Bible says. Making the claim that the Bible has been corrupted or that the church doesn't teach truth anymore does not change the fact that your statements are not founded on Scripture.


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You are so stupid to make a statement like that.
I post things that are over you head so you misjudge me.
I can not help you if your dumb. You will never find truth because your a follower of men, not Christ.

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I don't throw insults at people just because they offend me or I don't like what they say or I don't like them.

I tell people the truth about what they say with no holds barred. My standard for truth is the Bible, not my own opinion. If I am shown to be wrong on something, I can admit that I'm wrong and change my views.

Your standard for truth is your own opinion, and that of the Bible and the Church. You place yourself above the authority of the Bible, instead of simply accepting what it says at face value. You have been shown that what you say does not come from scripture, but you continue to preach it anyways.


Well-known member
I don't throw insults at people just because they offend me or I don't like what they say or I don't like them.

I tell people the truth about what they say with no holds barred. My standard for truth is the Bible, not my own opinion. If I am shown to be wrong on something, I can admit that I'm wrong and change my views.

Your standard for truth is your own opinion, and that of the Bible and the Church. You place yourself above the authority of the Bible, instead of simply accepting what it says at face value. You have been shown that what you say does not come from scripture, but you continue to preach it anyways.

You call any one who dares to disagree with you a heritic. You have no clue how deep I have gone on my studies. I do not call folks who disagree with me heritics. That is an insult.

I put the scriptures first over all churches. The churches are in a mud hole that they are not smart enough or courageous enough to over come. They follow the fables of their early church fathers who sold out to the pagans.

I might be 1 in a 1000, or 10,000. But my faith comes from what I understand the scriptures to mean. I love the God of my Lord Jesus Christ and I only answer to him. I am many things but a heretic is not one of them. If you do not like being called stupid stop making stupid statements about folks you really know nothing about.

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Churches can become popular for many reasons. Some become popular because they endorse things people want to hear. Others become popular for better reasons.

I attend a large, popular church. I think it is popular because the teaching is good and God is glorified.


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You call any one who dares to disagree with you a heritic.

Let me stop you there. if someone disagrees with me, I don't immediately call them a heretic, especially if we're not talking about the Bible.

I call people heretics who disagree with what Scripture says, who reject scripture in favor of their own interpretation. I call you a heretic because you reject scripture in favor of your own interpretation.

You have no clue how deep I have gone on my studies. I do not call folks who disagree with me heritics. That is an insult.

I honestly don't care how deep you go in your studies. If you disagree with what Scripture says, or place your own interpretation of it above what scripture says, you're a heretic, no matter how deeply you've thought about it.

I put the scriptures first over all churches.

And you put your own interpretation above the Bible's, instead of letting scripture interpret scripture.

The churches are in a mud hole that they are not smart enough or courageous enough to over come.

While I agree that some churches have abandoned scripture to varying degrees, it still doesn't give you the right to place your own interpretation of scripture above the Bible.

They follow the fables of their early church fathers who sold out to the pagans.

Keypurr, you have yet to establish which teachings were introduced by pagans.

I might be 1 in a 1000, or 10,000. But my faith comes from what I understand the scriptures to mean.

Your faith comes from your own understanding of scripture, and not simply what the Bible says.

I love the God of my Lord Jesus Christ and I only answer to him.

You deny the deity of Christ so casually, yet you ignore the fact that over 400 times in the Old Testament it says "Thus saith the LORD" (yes, small capital letters indicating YHWH), but not once in the New Testament does it say that, but instead Jesus says over 100 times "I say unto you."

I am many things but a heretic is not one of them.

False. You are a heretic because you reject scripture.

If you do not like being called stupid stop making stupid statements about folks you really know nothing about.

Keypurr, there's a difference between calling someone stupid because it's the truth and calling someone stupid as libel (bearing false witness). One is a sin and a crime, the other is righteous judgment. I'm sure you can figure out which is which.

Calling me stupid just because you don't like me calling you a heretic because you reject what scripture plainly states does not reflect well on your character.

Me calling you a heretic is a statement of fact. You are a heretic because you reject scripture.

You calling me stupid is your own opinion, and you have no supporting evidence. Therefore it's libel (written).


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There are not many churches. Just 1.

All others are imposters.

True or false?
Scripturally speaking, there is only one church.

What Meshak is talking about is all the different denominations of churches, such as catholic, presbyterian, united methodist, etc.


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So tell us if you will not admit
that there is just one church

You misunderstood me.

The Body of Christ is the church. There is one Body of Christ.

However, there's a difference between the Body of Christ and what the definition of "church" is.

Hence why I said "Scripturally speaking, there is one church."

Meshak isn't speaking about the Body of Christ, because many of the "churches" today are not part of it, as they don't teach the gospel, but "religion."

how many churches
are there that Jesus started?

Jesus didn't start a church.

When Jesus came to earth, the "church" was the house of Israel (or, house of Jacob). If you wanted to enter the house of God (ie, be called God's child), you had to go through Israel and her priests, and become a Jew.

After God cut off Israel, and grafted in the Gentiles so that anyone who wanted to enter God's house could do so through Christ, the church was no longer "Israel", but was anyone who became part of the Body of Christ. Paul was the first person to become part of the Body, and he would be the first member of the new church, the "Body of Christ."

However, when God is done with the Body of Christ, He will return to working with Israel, and she will be the church again.


All that to say, the "church of the Body of Christ" and the "church of Israel" are not the topic of discussion here, but simply the denominations which have formed since God switched to working with the Jews AND Gentiles.

True or False

You misunderstood me.

The Body of Christ is the church. There is one Body of Christ.

However, there's a difference between the Body of Christ and what the definition of "church" is.

Hence why I said "Scripturally speaking, there is one church."

Meshak isn't speaking about the Body of Christ, because many of the "churches" today are not part of it, as they don't teach the gospel, but "religion."

Jesus didn't start a church.

When Jesus came to earth, the "church" was the house of Israel (or, house of Jacob). If you wanted to enter the house of God (ie, be called God's child), you had to go through Israel and her priests, and become a Jew.

After God cut off Israel, and grafted in the Gentiles so that anyone who wanted to enter God's house could do so through Christ, the church was no longer "Israel", but was anyone who became part of the Body of Christ. Paul was the first person to become part of the Body, and he would be the first member of the new church, the "Body of Christ."

However, when God is done with the Body of Christ, He will return to working with Israel, and she will be the church again.


All that to say, the "church of the Body of Christ" and the "church of Israel" are not the topic of discussion here, but simply the denominations which have formed since God switched to working with the Jews AND Gentiles.

This so full of errors and flaws I will not bother with it.
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