How will 2P2P's Jews get to the millenium? Will they believe the Gospel?

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Well-known member
You are a pathological liar. Show us the POST where he said that.

Neither twerp.

I'm the constant scape-goat of the accusation of reading other books. You have no memory and no mind.

That's why you don't have a specific question because you'll be skunked out. Better to you if you just think you're right as a sweeping panacea.
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Right Divider

Body part


New member

I am fascinated by and listen to a lot of debates on you tube. Maybe I'll try to figure out what method is being used and perhaps it is a combination, which you describe, including Socratic.

I am just learning about this topic and find it very important regarding evangelization.

Thanks for you informative post.

If you'll read and re-read Romans 1-5 repeatedly - just read it; not pausing to study it - just reading it - you'll not only get a deeper and deeper sense of many aspects of man's condition, and of God's solution in His Son; but of both its' logic and the flow of its' logic when evangelizing.

The key in Evangelizing being a strong grasp of man's condition; God's provision; and how the understanding of both play their role in one's clear understanding of how to present to the one in light of the other.

Patrick Cronin

New member
A prophecy is of value only when it is fulfilled. This truth is demonstrated in the coming of Jesus; The Jewish theologians had always asserted with confidence that the Messiah would bring the glorious triumph of the Jews over their oppressors. They were hopelessly wrong- and were completely unprepared to accept the Messiah who did not fit in with their interpretation of prophecy. You can guess as much as you like how the Jews will be looked after by Jesus, but you will never come up with a definite picture. However we will all see how the prophecies are being fulfilled when it begins to happen, so let us be prepared and not be taken by surprise. Watch and pray for you do not know the day nor the hour when your Lord will come. (Patrick Cronin).


Well-known member
A prophecy is of value only when it is fulfilled. This truth is demonstrated in the coming of Jesus; The Jewish theologians had always asserted with confidence that the Messiah would bring the glorious triumph of the Jews over their oppressors. They were hopelessly wrong- and were completely unprepared to accept the Messiah who did not fit in with their interpretation of prophecy. You can guess as much as you like how the Jews will be looked after by Jesus, but you will never come up with a definite picture. However we will all see how the prophecies are being fulfilled when it begins to happen, so let us be prepared and not be taken by surprise. Watch and pray for you do not know the day nor the hour when your Lord will come. (Patrick Cronin).

The apostles spoke of this--of things being fulfilled unlike how it 'looked' in the OT. That is why I put no stock in futurist--D'ist--2P2P on prophecy because they think it supposed to look a certain Judaistic way. It is coincidentally the same thing the 1st century leaders of Judaism thought.


Well-known member
That is not when the Spirit came, and not when Rom 11:26 is about. It is not a prediction. It is the way 'all Israel' (the new one) comes about. It is not about the ethne, because God no longer does things with ethnes.

Hi amd Matt 2u:29i and 20 was NEVER fulfilled and ETHNOS /jewish Nation , Gentiles , RACE and can be translated in Matt 28:19 !!

And there are 3 verbs in verse 19 and 2 are in the AORIST TENSE and the other is in the Greek PERSENT GTENSE of Continuous Action , so where do you see the apostles going to there Jewish brethren , where are they DEAD you say !!

That is why Israel was set aside !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi amd Matt 2u:29i and 20 was NEVER fulfilled and ETHNOS /jewish Nation , Gentiles , RACE and can be translated in Matt 28:19 !!

And there are 3 verbs in verse 19 and 2 are in the AORIST TENSE and the other is in the Greek PERSENT GTENSE of Continuous Action , so where do you see the apostles going to there Jewish brethren , where are they DEAD you say !!

That is why Israel was set aside !!

dan p

What about Paul?


New member
The Dialectic Trick, Trick...

The Dialectic makes things o so very hectic.

Is a false accusation against MAD by those who find it so electric.

MAD shocks them so to their core; the last thing they want is more and more.

Look, they shout - the Dialectic!

The same old opposition to MAD, tryin out some new...trick, trick, trick.

Petty coat junction - woo- woo!



Well-known member
The Dialectic Trick, Trick...

The Dialectic makes things o so very hectic.

Is a false accusation against MAD by those who find it so electric.

MAD shocks them so to their core; the last thing they want is more and more.

Look, they shout - the Dialectic!

The same old opposition to MAD, tryin out some new...trick, trick, trick.

Petty coat junction - woo- woo!


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