How the Gospel Works

patrick jane

We hear the gospel when we read it. You don't hear the words while you read it?

Peter and the other apostles words ARE scripture and the words were not all written down yet.

Paul is explaining to the GALATIANS that they received the Spirit by believing Jesus' blood cleans them of the sins they repent of doing, and that the observance of special days and the circumcision of the flesh they were talked into will not clean them.
You should be happy and content with your obedience and salvation. You already have everything figured out, stop embarrassing yourself

Right Divider

Body part
How much of any of this theological debate is motivated by true love?

I'm whittling down to the most important doctrine of the Trinity, as the key to salvation.

If one hasn't a firm understanding there, it is the place to start.

Preaching to the choir I'm sure.
I was simply pointing out GT's hypocrisy in complaining about others not expressing "love" in their posts while she is calling glorydaz names.

I guess that you missed that point.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
How much of any of this theological debate is motivated by true love?

I'm whittling down to the most important doctrine of the Trinity, as the key to salvation.

If one hasn't a firm understanding there, it is the place to start.

Preaching to the choir I'm sure.

The greatest love that you can show someone is to tell them how Jesus has saved them.


Well-known member
Matt 5:48 (KJV)
(5:48) Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

She doesn't keep that command either.

Nope, but she's doing a better job of trying than anyone else she knows (it's implied). Like JohnW says, she's hoping to be the cleanest rat of all.


TOL Subscriber
Okay. Back on topic.

Can a reprobate be saved by the Gospel that works?

Sinners are saved only if they have been chosen for redemption in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 1:3-4

It is the election, love, and grace of God for individuals that saves. Romans 9:13

Without these qualifications, no man will call upon or believe in the name of God.

"Reprobate" is a state of being in disfavor with God.

The King has the authority and right to name who He favors and those He will invite into His court.

Reprobates hate to hear this truth . . .

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Sinners are saved only if they have been chosen for redemption in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 1:3-4

It is the election, love, and grace of God for individuals that saves. Romans 9:13

Without these qualifications, no man will call upon or believe in the name of God.

"Reprobate" is a state of being in disfavor with God.

The King has the authority and right to name who He favors and those He will invite into His court.

Reprobates hate to hear this truth . . .

The biggest sin of Calvinism and the one that will cause you to be lost is that you believe that God is unjust. If God only chose some to be saved and damned the rest to hell, you have an unjust God.

Calvinism is self defeating. We are saved and justified by faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ.

If you believe in predestination, then you must also believe that God is unjust. Worse yet, Calvinist do not believe that Jesus atoned for the sins of the whole world.

You do not have saving faith in God, nor do you have saving faith in his Son Jesus Christ.