The old, "You are so mean spirited, belligerent, 'unChristian," mistreating others, not reflecting the sweet spirit of the lowly Galilean fisherman,"........diatribe, tired routine, eh, Danoh? Stumped me there. No, I mistreat wolves, and mark/identify/expose false doctrine, and those that promulgate it, as demanded by the LORD God. That is showing love, to both the antagonists, and the sheep/wolves. And you, since you are so much "sweeter, kinder....." and all that jazz, call it "mistreatment of others is unbecoming of "a Grace Believer-stop!!!!!Wa, wa, wa!!!!"
Save it. The LORD God has gotten a lot of mileage out of me, despite my short comings, despite your railings from the bleachers, fox hole. The bible is a rough book......War is rough...Accept it, and stay out of the way of the troops, man pleaser.