How the Gospel Interprets the Bible

God's Truth

New member
The Bible teaches that nothing happens until we believe the Gospel and are born again by the word of God, which is the Gospel, 1 Peter 1:23.

It is then that we are given the Holy Spirit.

That is what Calvin taught and what Luther taught. They got it from the false teachers like Augustus before them.

We can obey to get saved; we are to do what Jesus says and repent of our sins.

God's Truth

New member
I will allow it's hypothetical plausability forbthe sake of conversation if you require such to simply show scripture for what you said was scriptural...

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Jesus went to prison/hell after he died on the cross.

Do you know that scripture?

Do you know why he went there and what he did?


New member
Jesus went to prison/hell after he died on the cross.

Do you know that scripture?

Do you know why he went there and what he did?
It does not say He went to hell explicitly. It says He went to the grave. And seems to be a reference to His body which had yet to have been resurrected, or gone to be with GOD almighty.

He was working through Noah.

No where in scripture does it say we are conscious after death prior to the resurrection.

Please provide the scripture that shows that Christ.....the Spirit of GOD.....descended to hell. Better yet; just provide the verses showing one can repent after death as you agreed to do.

I am not against the theology and it genuinely interests me.....why will you not simply produce it for conversation and thought?

How many hoops must I jump through to wring the truth you love so much out of you?

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New member
You believe we have to repent of our sins when we want to be saved? Good for you for believing the truth.

You, gt, are still working on repenting of sins, working to make sure that you do not forget not a single sin you have ever committed because if you forget to repent of one single sin, as you teach that God only forgives one of the sins one remember to repent (which you have never said what happens with the sins you forget to repent of), you will have failed in all.

Don't forget what your favorite apostle says:

James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking ALL of it. (That's that ALL again)

You are preaching more like the penitence preached and practiced by the RCC.

Good for me for BELIEVING the truth when I heard it. (Ephesians 2:8-10)

God's Truth

New member
It does not say He went to hell explicitly.

Yes it does.

It says He went to the grave.

And seems to be a reference to His body which had yet to have been resurrected, or gone to be with GOD almighty.

You are speaking about something else now.

He was working through Noah.

You learned to say that from someone else in falseness.

No where in scripture does it say we are conscious after death prior to the resurrection.

Many scriptures tell us that. I have already given them to you before and you reject the truth.
Please provide the scripture that shows that Christ.....the Spirit of GOD.....descended to hell.

I have already shown you on another thread and you reject the truth.

Better yet; just provide the verses showing one can repent after death as you agreed to do.
There is no reason to tell you about repenting after a person dies if you don't believe that they die and live on.

I am not against the theology and it genuinely interests me.....why will you not simply produce it for conversation and thought?
You prove you are against it.

How many hoops must I jump through to wring the truth you love so much out of you?

I don't have to answer anything here. I can discuss as much or little as I want.

God's Truth

New member
You, gt, are still working on repenting of sins, working to make sure that you do not forget not a single sin you have ever committed because if you forget to repent of one single sin, as you teach that God only forgives one of the sins one remember to repent (which you have never said what happens with the sins you forget to repent of), you will have failed in all.

Don't forget what your favorite apostle says:

James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking ALL of it. (That's that ALL again)

You are preaching more like the penitence preached and practiced by the RCC.

Good for me for BELIEVING the truth when I heard it. (Ephesians 2:8-10)

You just made up things about me that are not true.


New member
Yes it does.

You are speaking about something else now.

You learned to say that from someone else in falseness.

Many scriptures tell us that. I have already given them to you before and you reject the truth.

I have already shown you on another thread and you reject the truth.

There is no reason to tell you about repenting after a person dies if you don't believe that they die and live on.

You prove you are against it.

I don't have to answer anything here. I can discuss as much or little as I want.
I new you wouldnt procuce the verses you errinously said that we can repent after death.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
God has ALREADY provided salvation for everyone by Jesus Christ, Hebrews 2:9. All that we have to do is receive it and believe it.

God's Truth

New member
If I'm afraid of no man or even death then why would be afraid to speak the truth to your face?

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A lot of people don't fear death but there are things worse than death.

Only a person such as yourself would call someone a liar on the Internet.

You lost your fearless stance. I think your picture that you posted shows your puffy eyes and you look like you cry a lot.