How the Gospel Interprets the Bible


New member
It means God did not cut off a whole race of people forever.
There are NO SPECIAL people except for those who obey God.
How special do you think Jews are who reject Jesus, calling Jesus a false prophet and a liar? You are ridiculous.

That you like it or not, gt, God's gifts and calling are WITHOUT REPENTANCE.

No way is obeying God filthy. That is a devil thing to say if ever I heard one.

Yeah, you think your filthy rags are clean.

Sure, relax.

Romans 1:14 I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.

So, in your MIXED up false doctrine that brings nothing but CONFUSION to the table Greeks are not gentiles. :chuckle:

Romans 1:14 - I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and to unwise.

God's Truth

New member
That you like it or not, gt, God's gifts and calling are WITHOUT REPENTANCE.
It means they are not all cut off without being to be grafted back in.
The Jews are bound over to the same place as the Gentiles.

Yeah, you think your filthy rags are clean.

It is not filthy to obey God. That is beyond stupid.

So, in your MIXED up false doctrine that brings nothing but CONFUSION to the table Greeks are not gentiles. :chuckle:

Romans 1:14 - I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and to unwise.

Not every Gentile is a Greek.


New member
It means they are not all cut off without being to be grafted back in.

That you like it or not, gt, God's gifts and calling are WITHOUT REPENTANCE.

The Jews are bound over to the same place as the Gentiles.

At the Cross of Calvary the field plain is leveled.

It is not filthy to obey God.

It is when you bring your filthy rags as payment to be saved.

That is beyond stupid.

Only for those who bring their filthy rags as payment to be saved.

Not every Gentile is a Greek.

Not every Greek is a Greek. :chuckle:


Well-known member
That you like it or not, gt, God's gifts and calling are WITHOUT REPENTANCE.
That doesn't mean that you don't have to repent to to be saved, it means that God won't turn away and his gifts are always there for those who turn to him, he chose the Jews, And that is irrevocable, his gifts are there and waiting for them. So the Jews who reject Jesus still have a chance, God wants them back, they belong to him, but they must believe in Jesus and repent as we all must do, as Jesus preached the truth. To reject Jesus and the gospel is to blaspheme against the Spirit.

And I'm not talking about believing in the way of the denominations because they've changed the word and truth. But the teachings of Jesus he is the way the truth and the life. And his words are Spirit and they are life his way is the way to the father.

God's Truth

New member
That you like it or not, gt, God's gifts and calling are WITHOUT REPENTANCE.

At the Cross of Calvary the field plain is leveled.

It is when you bring your filthy rags as payment to be saved.

Only for those who bring their filthy rags as payment to be saved.

Not every Greek is a Greek. :chuckle:

All have to come to God through Jesus. All must come to God and ask for forgiveness and know that all sins must be stopped, or you really aren't sorry for them.


New member
All have to come to God through Jesus. All must come to God and ask for forgiveness and know that all sins must be stopped, or you really aren't sorry for them.

You have placed yourself under law for salvation and being that you are so fond of bringing James into the conversation about dead faith, here is what he says about those who put their dead faith on law:

James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking ALL of it. (That's that ALL again)

Translation: All law does is condemn.


New member
That doesn't mean that you don't have to repent to to be saved, it means that God won't turn away and his gifts are always there for those who turn to him, he chose the Jews, And that is irrevocable, his gifts are there and waiting for them. So the Jews who reject Jesus still have a chance, God wants them back, they belong to him, but they must believe in Jesus and repent as we all must do, as Jesus preached the truth. To reject Jesus and the gospel is to blaspheme against the Spirit.

And I'm not talking about believing in the way of the denominations because they've changed the word and truth. But the teachings of Jesus he is the way the truth and the life. And his words are Spirit and they are life his way is the way to the father.

Another one bringing her filthy rags as payment for salvation.


New member
All have to come to God through Jesus.


All must come to God


and ask for forgiveness


and know that all sins must be stopped,

You left to your own devices will never stop sinning. NEVER. No matter how much you vociferously say that you do not sin because you repent of all the sins you remember.

What happens with those sins you forget to ask forgiveness for?

or you really aren't sorry for them.

Verse please.


Well-known member
Another one bringing her filthy rags as payment for salvation.
If you think you can live how to please before God, you are greatly mistaken. We can't just live as we please, those born anew should be covered in Christ and our garments should be being cleansed through Christ by the power of the Spirit and our life should be bringing forth the fruit of the Spirit.

Those who have filthy garments are those who choose sin, and this world before God!

James 1

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

We can say we are saved all we want, but others will see it in our lives. And God knows our hearts.

No repentance, no obedience, no salvation!

Acts 5

And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

God's Truth

New member
You have placed yourself under law for salvation and being that you are so fond of bringing James into the conversation about dead faith, here is what he says about those who put their dead faith on law:

James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking ALL of it. (That's that ALL again)

Translation: All law does is condemn.

James was speaking of the ROYAL LAW OF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR.

Love is 'not harming your neighbor' that is how we love our neighbors; we do no harm to them. See Romans 13:10.

If you do not harm your neighbor by not murdering your neighbor, it is good and you have obeyed a commandment of do not murder---do not murder/love your neighbor.

If you do not harm your neighbor by committing adultery with your neighbor's wife, then you have obeyed another commandment, and you show you love your neighbor.

If you do not harm your neighbor by bearing false witness against your neighbor, you have done right and obeyed yet another command of the law and you still are loving your neighbor.


Do you understand now? You obeyed all those commands and were doing right by loving your neighbor, you loved your neighbor by not harming him by murdering him; you loved your neighbor by not committing adultery with his wife; you loved your neighbor by not bearing false witness against him, ...BUT THEN, you missed up on one. You did not kill your neighbor, commit adultery with his wife, you did not bear false witness against him...but you stole something from him...YOU HAVE NOW broke one law and stole...AND NOW you are guilty of breaking the whole law of love your neighbor because you hurt him by stealing from him.

God's Truth

New member



You left to your own devices will never stop sinning. NEVER. No matter how much you vociferously say that you do not sin because you repent of all the sins you remember.

What happens with those sins you forget to ask forgiveness for?

Verse please.

Obeying Jesus is NOT being left to your own devices.

Obeying Jesus is trusting him to show you the way and to save you.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Obeying Jesus is NOT being left to your own devices.

Obeying Jesus is trusting him to show you the way and to save you.

The teachings of Jesus plainly tells us "That there is none righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10.

It would be easier to jump across the Grand Canyon than to obey the teachings of Jesus. You are under the law and will be judged by the law and condemned.

You should be "In Christ" but you are not, because you don't believe the Gospel. Jesus has justified, sanctified and redeemed you, 1 Corinthians 1:30. You should be resting in what he has accomplished for you, but you are not. Instead, you are trying to be good enough to be saved.

God's Truth

New member
The teachings of Jesus plainly tells us "That there is none righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10.

That is why even Jews have to go through Jesus.

It doesn't mean that is why no one has to obey Jesus.

It would be easier to jump across the Grand Canyon than to obey the teachings of Jesus. You are under the law and will be judged by the law and condemned.

Jesus gave a new covenant of his blood.

Why don't you believe Jesus gave a new covenant?

You should be "In Christ" but you are not, because you don't believe the Gospel.

You are the one who is not in Christ and you actually preach against him.

Jesus has justified, sanctified and redeemed you, 1 Corinthians 1:30. You should be resting in what he has accomplished for you, but you are not. Instead, you are trying to be good enough to be saved.

I trust everything that Jesus says and that is why I am saved.

You are ensnared by the devil to preach against obeying him.


New member
If you think you can live how to please before God, you are greatly mistaken. We can't just live as we please, those born anew should be covered in Christ and our garments should be being cleansed through Christ by the power of the Spirit and our life should be bringing forth the fruit of the Spirit.

Those who have filthy garments are those who choose sin, and this world before God!

James 1

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

We can say we are saved all we want, but others will see it in our lives. And God knows our hearts.

No repentance, no obedience, no salvation!

Acts 5

And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

Some of you are so full of yourselves you do not know that you do not know. How sad.


New member
how many times do you have be refuted to understand Jesus' followers claims?

Have you started your ministry in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth as Jesus commanded His followers do, meshak? No? Then, go and do what He did not command you and then give us reports of how much you're doing for Him that He did not ask you to do.

Jesus is for the whole world, not just for the Jews.

I do not see anyone fighting you over that.


New member
James was speaking of the ROYAL LAW OF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR.

Love is 'not harming your neighbor' that is how we love our neighbors; we do no harm to them. See Romans 13:10.

If you do not harm your neighbor by not murdering your neighbor, it is good and you have obeyed a commandment of do not murder---do not murder/love your neighbor.

If you do not harm your neighbor by committing adultery with your neighbor's wife, then you have obeyed another commandment, and you show you love your neighbor.

If you do not harm your neighbor by bearing false witness against your neighbor, you have done right and obeyed yet another command of the law and you still are loving your neighbor.


Do you understand now? You obeyed all those commands and were doing right by loving your neighbor, you loved your neighbor by not harming him by murdering him; you loved your neighbor by not committing adultery with his wife; you loved your neighbor by not bearing false witness against him, ...BUT THEN, you missed up on one. You did not kill your neighbor, commit adultery with his wife, you did not bear false witness against him...but you stole something from him...YOU HAVE NOW broke one law and stole...AND NOW you are guilty of breaking the whole law of love your neighbor because you hurt him by stealing from him.

You're so full of yourself, gt. You never fail to amaze me.

You're reading into James what James did not say, but hey, that's your MIXTURE coming to the surface.