New member
Just tell me how you do it.
I told you it would go over your head, gt.
Now, you're throwing the line, the hook, and the sinker to see what you, gt, can catch, for you do not follow Luke 9:23-24, for you do not even know what it is, so that you, gt, can come back with one of yours 'I, gt, OBEY all of Jesus' commandments EXACTLY, however, Luke 9:23-24, might be one of those I, gt, OBEY Jesus EXACTLY but not that one because that one also does not fit my doctrine. It will depend on what you, lifeisgood, tell me, gt, how you, lifeisgood, follow Luke 9:23-24'.
Why don't you answer my question, gt?
Why is it, gt, that you ask a question a person answers and you REJECT their answer?