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When we go back to Pentecost, we see two groups receiving the Holy Spirit that day. Each one in a different way.
Speak for yourself. What is it about D'ists trying to divide a coherent picture in to two parts all day long?
The arrival of the tongues was a special sign to Israel that God really had brought Messiah and his message, I Cor 14:21. That is how the mission is launched, with overwhelming signs and wonders. That is why I cannot understand the people here at TOL who react so strongly to the centerplace of the mission. No other effort or thrust gets this special treatment. Instead, they keep searching the modern horizon for some special sign and wonder about another age of Judaism to get started...
Can't see what the different way is.
This might be a clue: by the end of the day, there were 3000 believers. Without PA systems, it is hard to imagine one person's speech reaching that many people at once. So all those listening at 9am probably went to speak to others, empowered by the Spirit though not necessarily in other languages. They would have spoken in other languages if the others were the visitors from all over the empire. The important thing is they kept repeating and speaking the message so that the total was 3000 believers by the end of the day.