How do you defend yourself against people who will blow themselves up to kill you?


New member
2. Step two - give the American soldiers a blank check to kill every last man, woman and child that sides with their ideology that they get to blow my grandson into pieces thinking that I'm not going to retaliate.

I can see you're working through some things, and I don't think I can help with any of that. I hope you can eventually find some peace.


Wow! A Warmonger........ nice and safe in Hawaii?
Is that where you are?

You must be very very scared to feel the need for all that killing.
And yet you want to stand in the tough guy's line?

The tough guys are trying to find a peaceful resolution as well as seeking out the groups, any groups, that want to kill innocents.

Call me Genghis

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Why thank you intojoy.

I was in Viet Nam 69-70 ! Went to Iraq 3 times as a D.O.D. contractor and 3 times to Afghanistan as a D.O.D. contractor.

I figured America was worth fighting for.

Thanks for the warning. I'll be more nice now.

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New member
Thanks for the warning. I'll be more nice now.

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lol, brother I would pray for you before I ever tried to hurt you UNLESS you tried to harm any of my family then the old Rickey would jump out of the coffin and destroy you.


New member
Hall of Fame


It's good to finally read that you will stand by lawful and decent Muslims. Good!

I don't mind you calling me moron....... keep at it, but you might do better to focus upon your own faith rather than chuck bricks at others' faiths.

Those dedicated to some international harmony between religions, focusing upon the Abrahamic background of all Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bahais and maybe others, might see your protestations as ....... moronic. But they would never say so.

....just sayin'.....
You can't quote-unquote just say something like that you censored. Keep it to yourself if you're quote-unquote just sayin', especially since none of your words are of value, and you're wasting electricity having your machine and the TOL machine publish your dreck, you faithless imbecile. I'm going to kill Islam. I don't censored what you think about that plan either, since you are speaking from a feckless position of doubt, and fear. I won't take any advice from something like that. Nope.


New member
Hall of Fame
You can't quote-unquote just say something like that you censored. Keep it to yourself if you're quote-unquote just sayin', especially since none of your words are of value, and you're wasting electricity having your machine and the TOL machine publish your dreck, you faithless imbecile. I'm going to kill Islam. I don't censored what you think about that plan either, since you are speaking from a feckless position of doubt, and fear. I won't take any advice from something like that. Nope.

Ignore is a glorious thing on that one, i stopped bothering with their trolling long back.



Haaj is required at least once for every male who can physically and financially do it. Destroy the tent housing the meteor = haaj is impossible = Allah had to allow the infidels to do it = the Quran end time predictions won't come true = Allah is very displeased with Muslims, or he doesn't exist.

Medina is possibly the holiest of their sites. Crater Mo's tomb = Allah had to allow the worst possible desecration, meaning he is very displeased with Muslims, or he doesn't exist.

Kinda like if St. Peter's went up in smoke while your pope was home, along with the top Marian shrines. Catholics such as yourself couldn't compute it and would be thrown into deep despair of Mary's love for them.
Oh, hey: I didn't realize you'd worked out the math. :AMR:

Why don't you censored. Thanks.

For others, especially of the saner variety, listen to Musterion's grand plan here? Destroy the Muslim holy sites! Hey, whaddya think? If you thought having parts-per-million Muslim Kamikazes was bad, wait till you get a load of 2 billion Muslims walking around shell-shocked, because of what CHRISTIANS have done. Yeah, that's a great idea Musterion; I'm sure glad you worked out the math on that one.


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, hey: I didn't realize you'd worked out the math. :AMR:

Why don't you censored. Thanks.

For others, especially of the saner variety, listen to Musterion's grand plan here? Destroy the Muslim holy sites! Hey, whaddya think? If you thought having parts-per-million Muslim Kamikazes was bad, wait till you get a load of 2 billion Muslims walking around shell-shocked, because of what CHRISTIANS have done. Yeah, that's a great idea Musterion; I'm sure glad you worked out the math on that one.

I agree with him, because i know what islam actually believes, and if you get rid of it, shazam, islam would fold. Its not even comparable to early jews, since God is Spirit, not an idol that requires idol worship.

The jews saw the temple destroyed multiple times.


I agree with him, because i know what islam actually believes, and if you get rid of it, shazam, islam would fold. Its not even comparable to early jews, since God is Spirit, not an idol that requires idol worship.

The jews saw the temple destroyed multiple times.
I just don't see it, I don't get it, I disagree. And Musterion's a punk, and you're not, and that's why I gave that user account that tone. When the last Jewish temple was ruined and wrecked, and even the stones were pulverized in order to get every last grain of gold or silver to be had, that I understand isn't precisely the same thing as what you're talking about, but it's pretty close, and to my mind, it is certainly close enough that before anybody thinks that it's a go on that plan, to consider it as deeply as possible, from all angles, and namely, from the angles of, is there a better way, and two, if we do this, would any innocent people get blamed and penalized for it, by accident, as an unintended consequence, as "blowback?" We would own that. That would be because of us, anything like that that happens.

Besides, our faith ruins and wrecks false faiths all the time. There are so many dead religions in history that met their match in Christianity. Here, on the American continents there were a number of paganisms that fell to the Church, just as a number of them had fallen in Europe. We leave dead false religions in our wake. They never come back either. This is something we are good at. It's our heritage, as Christians. We need to do it, we must do it, we will do it. We will kill Islam dead. And in the process, we will unchain Muslims. And it will be glorious, but mainly, it will be happy.


Well-known member

2. Step two - give the American soldiers a blank check to kill every last man, woman and child that sides with their ideology that they get to blow my grandson into pieces thinking that I'm not going to retaliate...

Read what you wrote. How exactly is this going to work?

American soldiers come into a town in Iraq, Afghanistan, wherever. 100,000 people live there, and they figure about 50% of them support the ideology of ISIS. So, they administer an ideology exam to every man woman and child in the town, score the exams, and line up the losers against a wall and machine gun them all? Maybe it would be more convenient to shoot them next to a pit- you can have them dig it themselves (why get sweaty?).

If the exam thing doesn't work out- say no time, or language problems, or you think they are lying- just kill them all and let God sort them out?

Meanwhile, in the next town, Americans have become wildly popular. So when you give them an exam, only 10% want to kill Americans! Right?

Does this sound like a reasonable way of handling things? Is this who you want to be?


New member
Youre an idiot and desperate, the article doesnt say hes a christian terrorist, his NAME is Jeremy Christian.

What he did was wrong too, now what?

You did NOT just stupid up this thread with the imbecile-level reading comp of confusing his name with his non-faith, did you? REALLY?

You're right, he doesn't appear to be a Christian. He's just really, really anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-"libtard", pro-Nazi, pro-Confederate...kind of a smattering of odds and ends of extreme views. That may be the only thing he's not. He also appears to have been Bernie-or-bust until after the election, and then decided he liked Trump after all.