How do you defend yourself against people who will blow themselves up to kill you?


New member
"Everyone" being the voices in your head?

I'd made a comment that empirical data showed Muslims in this country were decreasingly likely to be linked to terrorist acts.

Sod's answer, which for some reason appeared clever to CS...okay, that actually makes sense, but in any event here it is again:

There's nothing to "get" in that. It's like a nose on a face. It's also a fallacious response. Like suggesting that if you say "violent crime is down" a qualifying rebuttal to it is, "tell that to the victims of violent crime".

Or, it's utterly beside the point. Which is why I answered: "You need a "not" before slaughtered to avoid the non sequitur...or at least nonsense."

The only way Sod's bit goes over anyone's head is if they're buried. The reason CS is trying so hard, again, for that point is to salve the hurt of Sod, who literally couldn't get a telegraphed bit a while back.

CS I don't need to estimate. Any number multiplied by zero is zero. :e4e:
So, it flew over your head. All that smoke and mirrors only served to prove my point.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Watch this one:
So, it flew over your head.
What did? Name anything not noted (he can't).

You almost have to admire it...well, if you had to you would. ;)

Being born into wealth and living a life of constant contact with other people of old wealth and connections and all the concomitant privileges is an extreme danger to ones soul I have concluded.
I'd ask what other things you know nothing about have led you to conclusions, but I already know (and only just noted) the answer. :plain:


Well-known member
You and your "Brit" wife ought to discuss sometime about the charism of infallibility given to the popes on behalf of the Church. This special gift, which preserves the pope from teaching any error, in matters of faith and morals, is in effect whenever and only when, a pope teaches on matters of faith and/or morals, "ex cathedra," which means "from the chair," and that is St. Peter's chair, on which Peter sat, during his reign as supreme pastor of Jesus' Church. Right now the only "ex cathedra" teachings are contained within the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which was published in 1994 or 1995, and no pope has added to or taken away from the teachings therein. It is reliable, trustworthy, and authoritative. It is Christian-trademark teaching, unadulterated.
See above, and realize that no sins committed by any popes or any bishops or any priests or any deacons can or does change the infallible teachings of the papacy in matters of faith and morals.

This is one of the happiest posts that I have seen on TOL.
I'm going to search into this subject matter, study it, fil it and refer to it from time to time.

I think I can slow down on this thread now........


New member
Hello ! That law is still active and on the books. Has the 1st and 4th been annulled ? Answer: no

But they are up for annulling since 1808. Through constitutional convention. So if someone can get enough people to agree, they are fair game.


New member
We have laws against rape and illegal immigration and female genital mutilation and honor killings too. Doesnt stop it.

We have all kinds of laws, and none of them stop people from breaking them. They only provide grounds for legal action when they are broken.

Sharia conflicts with US law.

Where it does, people in the US are subject to US law.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Keeping terrorists out of your country isn't hard to do,
It depends on whether or not you want a free and open society.

you just have to be willing to offend a bunch of people who think you're the Devil anyway from having full carte blanche with your immigration system.
If there's one thing America has proven of late, there's no shortage of people willing to offend one another and demonize the other.

When Obama was in office- AKA the President of Everywhere Else Except Here :plain:
:plain: Okay. I think we're zeroing in here.

- such things were ignored.
No. . . there was more, but that seems enough.

Also, that's why innocent people died why liberals were more concerned about the right of sodomy.
And why ice cream started tasting funny, why it got warmer, and boom garden salad shoots the cymbal bucket, 12.

Just thought I'd take your sentence to its logical conclusion.

Sorry, but there's a bigger enemy than Islam, and it's right here_
I agree, if not on what that enemy appear to think it's a who. I may start calling you Horton. :eek:

The enemy is irrationality and fear, and too many people, otherwise decent and thoughtful people have been swallowed by that beast.