How Can Hillary Claim to be Pro-Woman When Abortion Has Killed 29 Mil Girls?


We will never see the Supreme Court rule on what is or isn't a person, but if it did, odds are they will declare an unborn baby is not a legal person.

The Constitution is the law of the land, not the Supreme Court.

We'll never see Roe v Wade overturned unless a true Constitutionalist is elected President. Donald Trump is neither pro life or a Constitutionalist.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
We will never see the Supreme Court rule on what is or isn't a person, but if it did, odds are they will declare an unborn baby is not a legal person.

Didn't the court once say that a slave was 2 thirds of a person? That didn't last too long.

If this ever comes up before the court again, the Pro Life side needs to produce scientists and doctors to say, A) The fetus is human in nature, and B) The DNA is not the same as the mother which means its a unique individual.

Liberals love their science and are always calling people Science Deniers. Let them deny THAT science.


Didn't the court once say that a slave was 2 thirds of a person? That didn't last too long.

If this ever comes up before the court again, the Pro Life side needs to produce scientists and doctors to say, A) The fetus is human in nature, and B) The DNA is not the same as the mother which means its a unique individual.

Liberals love their science and are always calling people Science Deniers. Let them deny THAT science.

If you knew anything about our country's founding documents, you'd know that it's not necessary for SCOTUS to rule on personhood in order for Roe v Wade to be overturned.

Do your homework, I've supplied enough material in this thread alone for someone to know what it takes to overturn Roe v Wade.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that Donald Trump flip flops on practically every issue that he's spoke about, what exactly is it that "he says that he'll do"?

make america great again! :banana:

And the Trump lemmings went wild!!!



Well-known member
Didn't the court once say that a slave was 2 thirds of a person? That didn't last too long.

If this ever comes up before the court again, the Pro Life side needs to produce scientists and doctors to say, A) The fetus is human in nature, and B) The DNA is not the same as the mother which means its a unique individual.

Liberals love their science and are always calling people Science Deniers. Let them deny THAT science.

They already do.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Do they have tacos in Canadia?

mmmmmm - poutine taco


Once the world was blessed with the poutine burrito, we knew it wouldn’t be long until Mexican and Quebecois food cultures collided once again to create yet another magical fusion of flavour.

Well the wait is over folks, and it’s our pleasure to introduce you to the poutine taco, the latest addition to “Quebexican” culinary creations.

Created by Victor Albisu of Taco Bamba, a Mexican takeout counter in Falls Church, Virgina, the poutine taco is officially titled “La Poutina” and was introduced to the resto’s menu only a few short weeks ago.

As you could expect, the reaction from customers was a resounding “dayummmmm dat’s delicious,” as is usually the case with anything poutine-related.

Not simply some fries and cheese thrown into a taco shell, La Poutina respects its dual culinary heritage. At the tacos base is a handful of spiced fries then topped with barbacoa jus, cotija cheese, escabeche (read: pickled) onion, and a healthy dousing of chipotle mayo.


King cobra

First you have to believe it is murder, which none of you really do. It's a sales pitch.
Of course it’s murder, what do you say it is??
If you had to choose between a newborn and a mid term fetus, you'd choose the newborn-
If it’s choosing to murder...I’d choose neither.
If it’s choosing life...I’d choose both.
and if they were terminating newborns rather than fetuses, you would emulate a person witnessing murder.

As it stands, you don't, because you don't actually see it that way- and that's why you pay your taxes :wave2:
Do you actually see no difference between those who are subject to taxes and those who would defile said taxes?
Jesus and Paul both make it clear that we are to pay taxes. They also make it clear that we are not to advocate the murder of innocents.

King cobra

If Trump’s position on abortion changed, that is something we should celebrate and applaud him for.
He was pro murder...and now he is pro murder. How is that a change?
As Christians, do we not hope to change hearts and minds, to lead people out of the darkness and into the Light of Christ?
Yes. That is what I’m trying to do...with you. You’re worth it!

And don't we Pro-Life people want to change the minds of the Pro-Death abortionists?
Yes! And the way to do that is not to further their ilk (like Trump) with our advocacy.

Well, Trump is such a person. I say, God bless him.
The best chance he has is to be shown the error of his ways, not covering for him.

And for the lowlifes in this thread to attack a man who has done the very thing that we hope all pro-choicers will do is also despicable. You people make me sick.
Like Trump, "all pro-choicers” support the murder of a human if his/her father is a rapist.
Like Trump, "all pro-choicers” support the murder of a human early in development.
Like Trump, "all pro-choicers” support Planned PareTheHood because they have “good aspects."
Like Trump, "all pro-choicers” claim that only 3% of Planned BarrenHood’s services are abortion related.
Like Trump,"all pro-choicers” would likely support rabid pro-abort Judge Barry for the Supreme Court, maybe even saying “she’d be one of the best."
In other words, Trump should make you sick.

King cobra

Because with Hillary Clinton in office true conservatives know who the enemy is and can take action to stop any legislation that will continue to destroy Judeo-Christian values.

Republicans are notorious for sitting back and allowing their President to "fix it all". The presidency of Ronald Reagan is a prime example:

He talked the talk, but when it came to pro life/pro traditional family legislation, he most definitely didn't walk the walk.



Of course it’s murder, what do you say it is??

A sin against nature, perpetuated by an intrinsic immorality of women.
You all go after the states and the doctors, but the blood is primarily on the woman's hands. Even the law recognizes that hiring someone on to kill another is a worse crime than the one who takes the cash.

I wonder why so many of you dance around the matter :plain:
Everyone is dubious from it's supporters to the opposition.

If it’s choosing to murder...I’d choose neither.

This is the part where neither one of us believe you :rolleyes:

Jesus and Paul both make it clear that we are to pay taxes. They also make it clear that we are not to advocate the murder of innocents.

Render unto Caesar. Except in your case, you don't live in an autocracy.
The fact is that modern, 1st World society is in a conundrum it doesn't realize it's in morally.

King cobra

A sin against nature,
There are many “sins against nature.” Why is it difficult for you to say “murder”?
perpetuated by an intrinsic immorality of women.
Plenty of culpability to go around. It’s called “falling short."
You all go after the states and the doctors, but the blood is primarily on the woman's hands.
Primarily, yes, but all involved are complicit. So why then do you advocate a wannabe leader who would cower when asked if the primary perpetrators should be punished?
This is the part where neither one of us believe you :rolleyes:
Neither one of us???
Anyway, what leads you (both?) to believe that I would advocate murder?
Render unto Caesar. Except in your case, you don't live in an autocracy.
The principle remains.
The fact is that modern, 1st World society is in a conundrum it doesn't realize it's in morally.
Because most don’t do right for fear of the consequences.
You (both?) shouldn't fear Hillary more than you fear God.


There's no biblical indication that abortion is murder. In fact, Jewish tradition always held that life doesn't begin until they have seen the light of day, when the fetus is halfway through the birth canal.
The Bible mentions 'light of day' several times, and in Exodus women take priority over the fetus which were for all intensive purposes property.

These are well established things that are lost on the pro-life crowd, who cannot be convinced anymore than they are willing to actually go after the real institution of abortion.

King cobra

There's no biblical indication that abortion is murder.
The Bible is very clear that after the Flood, unjustly taking the life of an innocent human being is a capital crime. We know that an unborn baby is an innocent human being.
In fact, Jewish tradition always held that life doesn't begin until they have seen the light of day, when the fetus is halfway through the birth canal.
Jewish tradition also held that up to 40 days, the unborn baby is “mere fluid.”
Kind of hard to accept since we now know that even the heart is beating before that.

Jewish tradition also held that in later stages of development, the baby is actually a part of the mother (like a limb).
Kind of hard to accept since now we know that the baby is completely different from the mother (half the time not even the same sex!).

And, if life doesn’t begin until the baby is halfway through the birth canal, how could Elizabeth have known that the unborn John “leaped for joy” in her womb?
The Bible mentions 'light of day' several times, and in Exodus women take priority over the fetus which were for all intensive purposes property.
The Exodus passage refers to a departing of the child. If the result is a premature birth, then a fine is levied, presumably for the added burden. If a miscarriage…life for life.
These are well established things that are lost on the pro-life crowd, who cannot be convinced anymore than they are willing to actually go after the real institution of abortion.
I believe radical feminism is only part of the problem. The percentage of support for abortion is very close to being equal between men and women. Pro-murder women welcome abortion so they aren’t “burdened.” Pro-murder men welcome abortion so they can use women, then not be “burdened.” We need to actually go after the real institution of abortion ~Rebellion against God~