How Can Hillary Claim to be Pro-Woman When Abortion Has Killed 29 Mil Girls?

King cobra

Stop using the Bible to justify your Stockholm's Syndrome.
Stop using the Locker Room Syndrome to justify your rebellion against God.
One of the complaints of feminists is that the leading people on pro-life advocacy are men. In fact, they are upset with virtually anything where men correct them.
Largely because of hypocrisy on the part of men. Again, men need to man a Godly way.
A4T loves your post- she thanked it because it alleviates her- but go and actually pick up the reins and see what happens then.
I don’t know A4T well (thank you for the thank you!) but I’d be willing to bet that she is the kind of Godly woman who appreciates Godly men who “pick up the reins.”
You're the one making Adam's mistake.
Adam was created first, Eve was to be his helper. Clearly, Adam had the roll of leadership but didn’t protect Eve as he should have.
Though Eve fell first, God confronted Adam first.
And then when confronted; That feminist that YOU gave me made me do it!
That’s the same mistake that you are making......and Satan chuckles.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...women are human too after all.



Adam was created first, Eve was to be his helper. Clearly, Adam had the roll of leadership but didn’t protect Eve as he should have.
Though Eve fell first, God confronted Adam first.
And then when confronted; That feminist that YOU gave me made me do it!
That’s the same mistake that you are making......and Satan chuckles.

Adam made a mistake and you figure man should just be made to suffer by it.. Satan is doing a bit more than chuckling at that, Broseph :wave2:

Paul justifies patriarchy by directly bringing up Eve's deception. I'll take his word over your man-guilt :chuckle:

King cobra

Adam made a mistake and you figure man should just be made to suffer by it..
Actually, God thought of it first.

Satan is doing a bit more than chuckling at that, Broseph :wave2:
Yes. Satan loves the unrepentant. Men and women.
Paul justifies patriarchy by directly bringing up Eve's deception.
Agreed. Of course he preceded that with an exhortation for men to lead with godliness and reverence.
I'll take his word over your man-guilt :chuckle:
I prefer man-responsibility, as Paul advocated.
If we don’t acknowledge that men fuel the porn industry, finance the abortion industry, vote into power wolves...then radical feminism will continue to rear its ugly head.
And if we blame everything on women, soon we’ll be "marrying" them when they're six years old, wrapping them up from head to toe, throwing acid on them when they don’t act “right,” or not letting them drive.
( I could maybe go along with that last one.)


International studies have shown that women will continue having abortions irrespective of the laws.

Even if there were 9 conservative justices on the Supreme Court, American women would still find a way to have abortions.

Unless Americans are now willing to jail millions of young women, there are no effective deterrents to force women to have full term pregnancies against their will!

The Horn

Hillary Clinton does NOT "support " Partial birth abortion . You can't "support" something which doesn't even exist or happen .


New member
Hall of Fame
Stop using the Locker Room Syndrome to justify your rebellion against God.

Largely because of hypocrisy on the part of men. Again, men need to man a Godly way.

I don’t know A4T well (thank you for the thank you!) but I’d be willing to bet that she is the kind of Godly woman who appreciates Godly men who “pick up the reins.”

Adam was created first, Eve was to be his helper. Clearly, Adam had the roll of leadership but didn’t protect Eve as he should have.
Though Eve fell first, God confronted Adam first.
And then when confronted; That feminist that YOU gave me made me do it!
That’s the same mistake that you are making......and Satan chuckles.
:thumb: Well said and great to see you back around here posting :)


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Adam made a mistake and you figure man should just be made to suffer by it.. Satan is doing a bit more than chuckling at that, Broseph :wave2:
Reaping what one sows is a foreign concept to you isnt it. Willful sin isnt a "mistake" a mistake is being tricked into something, or not having accurate information when one acts, or something random happens.

Adam with full knowledge sinned. Willfully.

Paul justifies patriarchy by directly bringing up Eve's deception. I'll take his word over your man-guilt :chuckle:

Its not "eves deception" but thanks for slivering that into your sentence, to imply that eve was the trickster, instead of satan, when you should have said eve having been deceived, in others words, she made the mistake (not adam who willfully did not guard her, causing her to be vunerable to deception and who willfully ate with full knowledge).

You are doing just what adam did, blaming women for your own poor choices to sit on the throne instead of acknowledging it belongs to God and not you.


Reaping what one sows is a foreign concept to you isnt it. Willful sin isnt a "mistake" a mistake is being tricked into something, or not having accurate information when one acts, or something random happens.

Adam with full knowledge sinned. Willfully.

Because he was a fool for the woman.
I fail to see how you don't get it- God commanded that because of this, man NOT be fooled by women and be their head.

It is not some green light for women to be a misery to men, or that they are equal.

Its not "eves deception" but thanks for slivering that into your sentence, to imply that eve was the trickster, instead of satan, when you should have said eve having been deceived, in others words, she made the mistake (not adam who willfully did not guard her, causing her to be vunerable to deception and who willfully ate with full knowledge).

Eve knew about the Tree. She was deceived into rebellion, and Adam was foolish into following her lead.
That is why he blamed Eve, and God held him accountable just the same because it was nonetheless disobedience.

The event is something you all have tried your damnedest to to alleviate Eve, which means that your statement that I'm 'doing what Adam did' ridiculous- you just can't take a hit for anything, all the way from current affairs down to the first human beings.

You are full of it, and labor under nothing more than Jezebel :wave2:


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Hall of Fame
Because he was a fool for the woman.
I fail to see how you don't get it- God commanded that because of this, man NOT be fooled by women and be their head.

It is not some green light for women to be a misery to men, or that they are equal.

Eve knew about the Tree. She was deceived into rebellion, and Adam was foolish into following her lead.
That is why he blamed Eve, and God held him accountable just the same because it was nonetheless disobedience.

The event is something you all have tried your damnedest to to alleviate Eve, which means that your statement that I'm 'doing what Adam did' ridiculous- you just can't take a hit for anything, all the way from current affairs down to the first human beings.

You are full of it, and labor under nothing more than Jezebel :wave2:

Adam blamed eve and God.

Aleviate eve? No, i just didnt slither like a snake and claim she deceived anyone else, she was deceived, not a deceiver, she did nothing to deceive adam who was suppose to teach her and protect her, which he didnt and then blamed her and God for.

You know, like youre doing, your name isnt adam is it?

PS, she had a "lead" just by offering him forbidden fruit? He was helpless to say no thanks?


Adam blamed eve and God.

Aleviate eve? No, i just didnt slither like a snake and claim she deceived anyone else, she was deceived, not a deceiver, she did nothing to deceive adam who was suppose to teach her and protect her, which he didnt and then blamed her and God for.

You know, like youre doing, your name isnt adam is it?

PS, she had a "lead" just by offering him forbidden fruit? He was helpless to say no thanks?

Man is deceived by feminism while internally knowing, even if it's not fully realized, that it is a sham built on lies and denial. Deception comes in different forms, and women lead the fool now just like in the garden.

Even now, Hillary is bringing up the mythical wage gap in her ads- they are potentially about to have a woman tap from their potential earnings and put it to women based on a falsehood, and men are going to deny they are being screwed.
And then they're going to get screwed some more :rolleyes:

The fact of the matter is that Eve knew not to eat from the Tree either, which is why my interpretation is right and yours is wrong. Sometimes I wonder how a lot of you could ever follow a plot :chuckle:


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Man is deceived by feminism while internally knowing, even if it's not fully realized, that it is a sham built on lies and denial. Deception comes in different forms, and women lead the fool now just like in the garden.

Even now, Hillary is bringing up the mythical wage gap in her ads- they are potentially about to have a woman tap from their potential earnings and put it to women based on a falsehood, and men are going to deny they are being screwed.
And then they're going to get screwed some more :rolleyes:

The fact of the matter is that Eve knew not to eat from the Tree either, which is why my interpretation is right and yours is wrong. Sometimes I wonder how a lot of you could ever follow a plot :chuckle:


Tell me he-man master of your own universe, will you also stand up and take responsibility for your wifes sins (provided you get one) since you are the ruler and make her take responsibility in life for yours?

Will you stand before God and beat your chest and cry im the man, all my faults are this woman YOU created - she tempted me?

Sounds like you believe women have the real power, since you claim you cant resist sin because of us.



Tell me he-man master of your own universe, will you also stand up and take responsibility for your wifes sins (provided you get one) since you are the ruler and make her take responsibility in life for yours?

Will you stand before God and beat your chest and cry im the man, all my faults are this woman YOU created - she tempted me?

Sounds like you believe women have the real power, since you claim you cant resist sin because of us.


You should focus on their sin instead of dumping it on men. It's the entire reason I ever brought it up in the first place- you all seem to think that Adam's sin is some sort of green light for you to be a straight up Jezebel.

There are men who condone it, and there are men who do not- you call those men 'misogynists' because you are simply in rebellion against God; men to other men, because they are reprobates :wave2:


New member
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You should focus on their sin instead of dumping it on men. It's the entire reason I ever brought it up in the first place- you all seem to think that Adam's sin is some sort of green light for you to be a straight up Jezebel.

There are men who condone it, and there are men who do not- you call those men 'misogynists' because you are simply in rebellion against God; men to other men, because they are reprobates :wave2:

Oh, what Jezebel type action, are you accusing me of? Back it up.

Also lets get it straight again, i called YOU a misogynist, and you are not all men, shall we take a poll? (Do you have a couple little buddies in there with you perhaps since you keep acting as if you are more than one boy man?)


Oh, what Jezebel type action, are you accusing me of? Back it up.

Manipulation, self idolization, and sowing discord among men.
King David would have told you to shut up a long time ago :rolleyes:

Also lets get it straight again, i called YOU a misogynist, and you are not all men, shall we take a poll?

All men who disagree with your feminist notions is a 'misogynist' to you.
It's sad to see women act like this is the only era in history they could ever be content in.


New member
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Manipulation, self idolization, and sowing discord among men.
King David would have told you to shut up a long time ago :rolleyes:
What men and what discord?

All men who disagree with your feminist notions is a 'misogynist' to you.
It's sad to see women act like this is the only era in history they could ever be content in.

:rotfl: You have lost your mind.

Imagine me saying this, and youll be happy tonight.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Ignoring your poor grasp of history, I agree that men should take the lead. But taking the lead shouldn't involve blaming women for our own failures. God didn’t excuse Adam for that, and He’s not going to excuse us.

And who did Adam blame?

We, as men in general, have to admit failure where we’ve failed...before we can lead effectively.

Your Boogeyman is Hillary. And she’s gotten you to support a child killer.

Not “all" of their failures...women are human too after all.

These men that women blame...
Are you talking about men who neglect God?
The men who cheat on their wives?
The men who beat their wives so they can feel tough?
The men who use women, then disappear?
The men who use women, then throw money at them to get rid of the “problem”?
The men who gamble the grocery money away?
The men who drink themselves to a stupor every night?
The men who vote for pro-aborts (a lot are voting for Hillary too)?
If these are the men they are blaming, they have a case.

Of course, like Eve blaming Satan, that doesn’t give women the right to do wrong.
And, unlike Adam blaming both God and should man up, admit wrong, and lead justly.

Stop using the Locker Room Syndrome to justify your rebellion against God.

Largely because of hypocrisy on the part of men. Again, men need to man a Godly way.

I don’t know A4T well (thank you for the thank you!) but I’d be willing to bet that she is the kind of Godly woman who appreciates Godly men who “pick up the reins.”

Adam was created first, Eve was to be his helper. Clearly, Adam had the roll of leadership but didn’t protect Eve as he should have.
Though Eve fell first, God confronted Adam first.
And then when confronted; That feminist that YOU gave me made me do it!
That’s the same mistake that you are making......and Satan chuckles.

Actually, God thought of it first.

Yes. Satan loves the unrepentant. Men and women.

Agreed. Of course he preceded that with an exhortation for men to lead with godliness and reverence.

I prefer man-responsibility, as Paul advocated.
If we don’t acknowledge that men fuel the porn industry, finance the abortion industry, vote into power wolves...then radical feminism will continue to rear its ugly head.
And if we blame everything on women, soon we’ll be "marrying" them when they're six years old, wrapping them up from head to toe, throwing acid on them when they don’t act “right,” or not letting them drive.
( I could maybe go along with that last one.)
Many thanks to King Cobra for his posts of wisdom.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Women are the biggest conflict that men have among each other, and of themselves.

You've lost your mind :idunno:

Everyone looks at the woman doing dishes, never minding the man in the suit to go work all day.

That's what feminism does to your brain.

What happened to traumatize you to the point of disliking Females? Did one reject you when you asked her to the Prom?