How Can Hillary Claim to be Pro-Woman When Abortion Has Killed 29 Mil Girls?

The Horn

You should read the article in the NY Times yesterday which showed how Trump lies about the non-existent thing called "partial birth abortion ".
No pregnant woman with a normal,healthy fetus in her womb waits until the last minute, the article points out , goes to a doctor and asks him or her to abort it . This just doesn't happen. Period. And no doctor has ever agreed to perform such an abortion, or used the gruesome "techniques"
anti-choicers claim they use .
Partial birth abortion is an urban legend created by anti-choicers, and it is not even a recognized, legitimate medical term in obstruct and gynecology .
Trump is a pathological liar . The overwhelming majority of abortions take place far too early in a pregnancy for a fetus to feel pain or have any consciousness . Late term abortions are done in cases of medical emergencies only. And they have saved the lives of many women whose fetuses were not viable and would not have survived out of the womb .

King cobra

if you were forced to choose between stopping a murderer who would murder seven people and stopping a murderer who would murder seven hundred people, what would you do?

There is a big difference between stopping a murderer, and supporting a murderer.
Would you be comfortable telling God that you supported the murder of seven of His innocent children?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
There is a big difference between stopping a murderer, and supporting a murderer.
Would you be comfortable telling God that you supported the murder of seven of His innocent children?

God would know if he had repented so I wouldn't have to tell God anything. You do understand that Christianity is about repentance and forgiveness, right? Or are you some pagan moron. Your signature is certainly ignorant enough so maybe you are.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There is a big difference between stopping a murderer, and supporting a murderer.

in this case, you would be stopping one much worse murderer by "supporting" one less worse murderer

just to clarify, i don't support trump's morality, or those positions of his with which i disagree

i support his candidacy because it's the only way to stop hillary

i count on the republicans (and the democrats) in congress to keep him in check once he's been elected and hillary has been stopped

that's the important thing at the moment - stopping hillary

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

From WikiLeaks:



Let’s look at it like this: If you vote for Trump, you support murder. If you vote for Hillary, you support murder.

Don’t support murder.

If you pay your taxes, you support 'murder'.
Don't pay your taxes.

I think many Christians need to broaden their perspective a bit more before throwing 'murder' on others.


I hear this all the time. Tell me, what CAN a president do, other than appoint the right kind of SCOTUS justices.... .......which by the way Trump WILL do.

They're not going to do anything about it neither. Overturning Roe vs Wade is a fantasy. The 1st World has been overrun by feminist bias, and every generation becomes more and more a slave to it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
They're not going to do anything about it neither. Overturning Roe vs Wade is a fantasy. The 1st World has been overrun by feminist bias, and every generation becomes more and more a slave to it.

Lot's of laws chipping away at the edges are passed in the states all the time. You're not giving those lawmakers a fair shake. Pro-Life groups are very active and often successful.

patrick jane

in this case, you would be stopping one much worse murderer by "supporting" one less worse murderer

just to clarify, i don't support trump's morality, or those positions of his with which i disagree

i support his candidacy because it's the only way to stop hillary

i count on the republicans (and the democrats) in congress to keep him in check once he's been elected and hillary has been stopped

that's the important thing at the moment - stopping hillary
Thanks for clarifying

King cobra

God would know if he had repented so I wouldn't have to tell God anything.
You should be concerned about what God knows about you.
You do understand that Christianity is about repentance and forgiveness, right?
You do understand that your candidate is unapologetic about killing the innocent, much less repentant, right?
Or are you some pagan moron.
Pagan? No.
Moron? Yeah....I voted for a pro-abort once. I’ve since repented.
Your signature is certainly ignorant enough so maybe you are.
Which one?
Do you not believe everyone deserves the God given right to life (first chance)?
Do you consider Jesus ignorant when He said, “...broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.”?
Are you a fan of Nietzsche and his rejection of Christ?

King cobra

in this case, you would be stopping one much worse murderer by "supporting" one less worse murderer
If a leader was able to end all murder on the condition that he/she be allowed to murder one, just one innocent person, and everyone consented...then everyone would be complicit in that one murder. Satan would rejoice...Jesus would weep.

just to clarify, i don't support trump's morality...
I know you don’t. That’s one reason you’re one of my favorite TOLers.

King cobra

If you pay your taxes, you support 'murder'.
Don't pay your taxes.
Paying taxes is justified. A lot of what’s done with those taxes is unjustified.
Don’t justify anyone who would condone murder with taxes.
I think many Christians need to broaden their perspective a bit more before throwing 'murder' on others.
I think many Christians need to broaden their perspective a bit more by doing right...and removing 'murderer' from others.


Paying taxes is justified. A lot of what’s done with those taxes is unjustified.
Don’t justify anyone who would condone murder with taxes.

I think many Christians need to broaden their perspective a bit more by doing right...and removing 'murderer' from others.

First you have to believe it is murder, which none of you really do. It's a sales pitch.

If you had to choose between a newborn and a mid term fetus, you'd choose the newborn- and if they were terminating newborns rather than fetuses, you would emulate a person witnessing murder.

As it stands, you don't, because you don't actually see it that way- and that's why you pay your taxes :wave2:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If Trump’s position on abortion changed, that is something we should celebrate and applaud him for.

As Christians, do we not hope to change hearts and minds, to lead people out of the darkness and into the Light of Christ? And don't we Pro-Life people want to change the minds of the Pro-Death abortionists?

Well, Trump is such a person. I say, God bless him. And because of those things I just said, my admiration for people like Jeb and Ted turned to acid, because instead of admiring a man for leaving the wrong side and coming to the right side, they ridiculed him for it. That was despicable.

And for the lowlifes in this thread to attack a man who has done the very thing that we hope all pro-choicers will do is also despicable. You people make me sick.