How can God resurrect us if we do not have an immortal soul?


Well-known member

The thief was with God

died spiritually

like he said was dead

but in this case this is the spiritually dead

no Christians here


spiritually dead

spiritually dead

spiritually dead

Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
spiritually dead

Rom 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
spiritually alive

Way to go - do you believe some folks will burn forever in hell?

And if so, do you think this portrays God in a good light?


Please explain Isa 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Which righteousness do you think Isaiah is referring to as filthy rags?

When Isaiah includes himself by saying "we are all as an unclean thing" do you think the great Isaiah is just being modest?

1Co 13:3
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,... it profiteth me nothing.

Consider this person giving all his goods to feed the poor, yet profiting nothing...

What is wrong with his righteousness, apart from the obvious fact that he did not have love?

Your explanation or reasoning of producing fruit is way off. Jesus says to produce fruit which is good deeds.

I am Jesus' simple follower, I follow what Jesus says. I strive to be like Jesus. That's what Jesus tells His followers to do.


Well-known member
What is wrong with our righteousness?

Let's take the best type of "our righteousness", righteousness which comes from keeping the OT law.

Phl 3:6
Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
Phl 3:7
But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
Phl 3:8
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
Phl 3:9
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

Paul was, no doubt, a very righteous man before he became a Christian.

Yet, on becoming a Christian, he called his prior righteousness, a (dead) loss.

How much more Gentile righteousness?

So this begs the question - what is so unique and valuable about "the righteousness which is of God by faith"?

All Gentile, worldly and even OT, law-based righteousness are a loss, meaning count nothing.

So to say that God is looking through Gentile lands and valuing unsaved folks with this kind of righteousness - is ridiculous.

The problem lies with Christian theology, which cannot explain why OUR righteousness is as filthy rags, why Paul's OT righteousness is useless, why pagan moral folks don't even have one foot on the rung to heaven.


New member
When Is our Chinaman resurrected?
the ones judged by their faith and obedience to the truth they were revealed since creation will be resurrected when He comes again...when the dead in Him...our chinaman too unawares he was judged worthy...will rise to meet Him...our china man of course accepting Him 100%

Let's suppose it is after the Millennium (Rev 20:5).

What if our Chinaman sees Jesus, and does not like what he sees, just like many folks in Jesus day rejected Jesus, and as many folks growing up in our Christian culture reject Jesus today.
nope he was resurrected because in his life he lived for beauty truth justice and mercy and when he sees it personified in Him of course he will meets like and likes it

Just like christians now believe they are in Him...but will wail when He returns

Just like all faithful and obedient in the OT NEVER saw Him but are resurrected and when upon seeing Him realized He was for which they yearned after...and lived for...shadows having pointed to Him...the goal of their Laws

So here we have Jesus reigning on earth, the Chinaman has been resurrected with access to the Tree of Life, but our Chinaman rejects Christ. What then?
you are in a pickle here

If you say our Chinaman WILL love Jesus, I can already tell you I don't believe every Chinaman will automatically love Jesus.
yup...nor will every Christian at His coming


New member
when scripture says it is Samuel believe it is samuel.

You gave no scriptural evidence from this verse ,so your opinion is that verse is a lie

1Sa 28:12 When the woman saw Samuel

You gave no scriptural evidence from this verse ,so your opinion is that verse is a lie
1Sa 28:14 ... And Saul knew that it was Samuel,

You gave no scriptural evidence from this verse ,so your opinion is that verse is a lie
1Sa 28:15 Then Samuel said to Saul,

You gave no scriptural evidence from this verse ,so your opinion is that verse is a lie
1Sa 28:16 And Samuel said,

You gave no scriptural evidence from this verse ,so your opinion is that verse is a lie
1Sa 28:20 Then Saul fell at once full length on the ground, filled with fear because of the words of Samuel

1Sa 28:15 And Saul answered,

do you believe it was Saul when it says it is Saul?
if yes or no , how do you know?

Peter wrote the donkey spoke...but did it really?

Moses wrote the serpent spoke...but did it really?

Disobedient Israelites thought the calf brought them out of egypt...but did it really?

Other ones worshipped the bronze serpent believing it saved them from snake bites...but did it really

Now some insist Samuel was brought up by the witch despite the Jewish folk tale having Abraham teach that no one believes one risen from the dead...the irony

All the above written in scripture...but it was not so

Saul knew it was Samuel as written but the desperate rejected of Him believe anything...


New member

And yet, "I" think scripture says you are wrong :think:
choose ye this day...

Us standing before Him, I think, is important precursor to discussions :think:

Your next post in this thread adds real leverage to this veiled threat...your having superiority and all with scriptures having gone through it multiple times...and then of course your high grades...oh and high IQ

And certainly your willingness to prove your prowess...oh my

Your fruits are quite beyond ripe...


Well-known member
the ones judged by their faith and obedience to the truth they were revealed since creation will be resurrected when He comes again...when the dead in Him...our chinaman too unawares he was judged worthy...will rise to meet Him...our china man of course accepting Him 100%


nope he was resurrected because in his life he lived for beauty truth justice and mercy and when he sees it personified in Him of course he will meets like and likes it

Just like christians now believe they are in Him...but will wail when He returns

Just like all faithful and obedient in the OT NEVER saw Him but are resurrected and when upon seeing Him realized He was for which they yearned after...and lived for...shadows having pointed to Him...the goal of their Laws

you are in a pickle here

yup...nor will every Christian at His coming

Let's suppose there was no Bible, God had never interacted with any human ever.

There would still have been "good" folks in all cultures, because in these cultures it is as if the God of the Bible never existed, since they lived thousands of miles away and thousands of years away from any contact with God.

So why did God not just choose the best of the best from all cultures, and not bother to have Jesus suffer and die?


New member
It was Samuel.

1Ch 10:13

“So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the LORD, even against the word of the LORD, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to enquire of it; called up Samuel to enquirer of him.”

There fixed it to say what you wish it to say...


New member
Let's suppose there was no Bible, God had never interacted with any human ever.


There would still have been "good" folks in all cultures, because in these cultures it is as if the God of the Bible never existed, since they lived thousands of miles away and thousands of years away from any contact with God.

So why did God not just choose the best of the best from all cultures, and not bother to have Jesus suffer and die?

I said ok to the now there is no world no cultures no good no selection of best no sacrifice of Son needed

But then there is no character witness that Yah is INDEED not only God but a GOOD God...revealing His mercy and grace and work for salvation of one created to have true serve Him free willingly and not paid or threatened into loving Him...

Can’t say it enough...all this is about Him not us...

It (the entire OT)just so happened not to have happened in china to chinamen...but there are those there that had it happened there they would have followed...had faith and obeyed...

I think you are trying to describe the life of the faithful in the OT...not no bible but no New cross no resurrection...

They are just as far from Him (and most rejected BTW when they did see Him) as the chinaman but either of them, the ones in the OT or the china man, faithful and obedient to what they know to be true, just, beautiful, merciful will accept the Person Who their life’s goal was...

Both hebrews in the OT and the chinamen longed and yearned and are called by the Father to Him...yet never saw Him...but for their faith and obedience are resurrected
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1Ch 10:13

“So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the LORD, even against the word of the LORD, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to enquire of it; called up Samuel to enquirer of him.”

There fixed it to say what you wish it to say...
Stop lying.
I do not change scripture.

1 Samuel 28:15-20 KJV
(15) And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am sore distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me, and answereth me no more, neither by prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do.
(16) Then said Samuel, Wherefore then dost thou ask of me, seeing the LORD is departed from thee, and is become thine enemy?
(17) And the LORD hath done to him, as he spake by me: for the LORD hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David:
(18) Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the LORD, nor executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath the LORD done this thing unto thee this day.
(19) Moreover the LORD will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the LORD also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hand of the Philistines.
(20) Then Saul fell straightway all along on the earth, and was sore afraid, because of the words of Samuel: and there was no strength in him; for he had eaten no bread all the day, nor all the night.


Well-known member

I said ok to the now there is no world no cultures no good no selection of best no sacrifice of Son needed

I think you are trying to describe the life of the faithful in the OT...not no bible but no New cross no resurrection...

They are just as far from Him and most rejected BTW as the chinaman but either of them the ones in the OT or the china man faithful and obedient to what they know to be true, just, beautiful, merciful will accept the Person who their end was...

Both hebrews and chinamen longed and yearned and are called by the Father to Him...yet never saw Him...
I can show you a whole Bible full of folks all saved by the same process, which is to draw close to Jesus in OT and NT times. The God who spoke to all holy men of old was Jesus.

So I have the whole Bible with just one way of being saved which is consistent with ...
Act 2:21
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Act 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Find me one name of one person saved the way you describe, where they have never known Jesus? Just one name will do just fine :)


New member
I can show you a whole Bible full of folks all saved by the same process, which is to draw close to Jesus in OT and NT times. The God who spoke to all holy men of old was Jesus.

So I have the whole Bible with just one way of being saved which is consistent with ...
Act 2:21
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Act 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Find me one name of one person saved the way you describe, where they have never known Jesus? Just one name will do just fine :)

You are not even using the name Paul heard getting knocked off his high horse when he asked “who are you?”


New member
Stop lying.
I do not change scripture.

1 Samuel 28:15-20 KJV
(15) And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am sore distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me, and answereth me no more, neither by prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do.
(16) Then said Samuel, Wherefore then dost thou ask of me, seeing the LORD is departed from thee, and is become thine enemy?
(17) And the LORD hath done to him, as he spake by me: for the LORD hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David:
(18) Because thou obeyedst not the voice of the LORD, nor executedst his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath the LORD done this thing unto thee this day.
(19) Moreover the LORD will also deliver Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me: the LORD also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hand of the Philistines.
(20) Then Saul fell straightway all along on the earth, and was sore afraid, because of the words of Samuel: and there was no strength in him; for he had eaten no bread all the day, nor all the night.

Asked and answered. But thanks...

Bible says serpent said...donkey said...but not really right? A spirit used them just as with the apparition...

Oh again 1 chron 10:13 says otherwise...why you gotta divide the word...add to it?


New member
Yes, scripture does tell us that.
You wanna rewrite that too?

Not at all...I understand it as a spirit used both and they were not actually themselves just like a spirit used an apparition of Samuel to convince Saul...just like a spirit used the serpent to deceive and seduce Eve to a talking serpent...and not Satan himself...imagine if it was Satan in the

Which is ironic that Saul was indeed convinced as scripture also has Abraham himself saying ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’ So Abraham was

Saul had both Moses and the prophets and rejected both...and was persuaded from one “risen from the dead”...NOT according to this other folk
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