Hollywood pedophiles


like marbles on glass
aCultureWarrior;513033 Regarding Judge Roy Moore's accusers: Any concern that one is a diehard Hillary Clinton/Joe Biden/Doug Jones supporter and another has a history of accusing Christian leaders of abusing her? [URL said:


I don't consider either of your links to be an adequate new source by any stretch of the imagination.

Case in point: This was the source for one of gatewaypundit's stories: an anonymous Twitter user.

The Troll Smearing Roy Moore’s Accuser Stole a Dead Navy SEAL’s Identity
And that’s just one of a host of lies from “@Umpire43,” whose attempts to discredit Roy Moore’s accusers went instantly viral in the Trumposphere.

The rightwing blog The Gateway Pundit pushed a single-sourced rumor from an anonymous Twitter account, @Umpire43,
claiming that one of Roy Moore’s accuserswas offered $1,000 by The Washington Post to go public with her claims.

That rumor quickly made its way to InfoWars and the top of r/The_Donald, the most active pro-Trump community on the web. The pro-Trump cable station One America News Network even aired the news, citing a "report."

But the source for that viral accusation is a serial fabulist who has been using the identity of a Navy serviceman who died in 2007, records show.

. . . .

Umpire43’s now-infamous allegation that “A family friend in Alabama just told my wife that a WAPO reporter named Beth offered her 1000$ to accuse Roy Moore,” posted last week, was deleted with the rest of his Twitter account Tuesday morning.

. . . .

This is not the only time The Gateway Pundit, a heavily influential website in the pro-Trump infosphere, sourced an article entirely from a false claim by @Umpire43.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit’s owner, wrote an article in February of 2016 solely citing Umpire43, who claimed he “just got a robocall from a Nazi group and they made a mistake.”

Lewis claimed he was “able to track (the call) to ‘Conservative Solutions Pac’ THAT IS A RUBIO PAC.”

Hoft is a notorious disinformation peddler on the far-right. The Gateway Pundit has framed three separate people for terror attacks in 2017 alone, frequently citing a single tweet by deleted Twitter accounts to blame uninvolved far-left groups.

Hoft claimed the Charlottesville car attack on a Michigan man who was attending a wedding thousands of miles away, and labeled him an “anti-Trump protester.”

In January, Hoft posted a photo of an entirely different person with the name Esteban Santiago after someone with the same name shot 13 people and left five dead Ft. Lauderdale’s airport.

He also claimed CNN aired a lightened photo of the man Hoft and InfoWars host Paul Joseph Watson misidentified as the Ft. Lauderdale shooter, citing a single tweet by a deleted Twitter account. CNN did not air a photo of the misidentified man, let alone lighten his skin tone.

Hoft also misidentified the Las Vegas shooter hours after the terror attack, citing an anonymous 4chan post. Gateway Pundit identified the man as a Democrat, then deleted the post entirely.

patrick jane

Trump supporters entire argument seems to revolve around Clinton and how 'he did it too'.

Change the narrative.

The thread is about Hollywood pedophiles not Roy Moore who you brand as a child molester. You lefties changed the subject like you do in every thread.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Trump supporters entire argument seems to revolve around Clinton and how 'he did it too'. Change the narrative. Compelling
Nope.The argument is that morals have never mattered to the left.If you think this is about their concerns for morality in the White House, you have been hoodwinked.It's a political ploy and they are milking it for all it's worth.


New member
Nope.The argument is that morals have never mattered to the left.If you think this is about their concerns for morality in the White House, you have been hoodwinked.It's a political ploy and they are milking it for all it's worth.

You've been hoodwinked if you think if it matters to either 'side'. All anyone vested in the politics game cares about is power, obtaining it and holding onto it by any means necessary. I have nothing in common with any of them.

It's a political ploy when the left does it and it's a political ploy when the right does it.

You disagree?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You've been hoodwinked if you think if it matters to either 'side'. All anyone vested in the politics game cares about is power, obtaining it and holding onto it by any means necessary. I have nothing in common with any of them.

It's a political ploy when the left does it and it's a political ploy when the right does it.

You disagree?
It would be naive to think either side suddenly woke up with a moral conscience.
Which is why we know this whole thing is going to continue to be politically biased and motivated.

The law will take care of any criminal charges that can hold water.
But as we have seen throughout history, politics is not going to raise a stink at all about morals unless it can benefit their side in some way.
You cannot separate the left from the right on this issue.
But you can recognize that the condition politics is in is NOT the fault of Trump.

And you should also recognize that telling anyone they shouldn't bring up the past to address the present is real funny when we see the same tactic coming from y'all ------ bring up a protest towards BLM, and what happens immediately????? SLAVERY.

So if you REALLY want to address an issue and not be party biased, be consistent and not flip-flop just because the opportunity offers a chance for one party to pound another.
Neither party miraculously woke with morals.
Can you think of any reason why either of them are acting appalled NOW?
I can.
And it ain't because either of them care about morals in the White House.


New member
Several women came forward and accused Bill of sexual misconduct.
Rape is illegal and Bill raped Juanita Broaddrick.

That's true, but that wasn't the Monica Lewinsky affair. And there was a whole special prosecutor to look into all of the charges. And he couldn't find anything solid enough to take to court other than the perjury. If you're having trouble remembering, that's because it's been more than 20 years. And the reason it's coming up again now is that Republicans desperately need a distraction.

Here's a deal for you. We both agree, or say we agree, that children should be protected from adults, that women shouldn't be assaulted, and that anyone who behaves otherwise should be regarded as criminals. Right?

So here's the deal. We agree, both of us, to disavow any person who is reliably accused of breaking these rules, to refuse to support their careers, and demand that they resign from any position of power that they may hold, regardless of partisanship or favor? Can we agree to that?


New member
Reliably accused? The Salem witch trials were based on reliable accusations.

Here's the thing, Pat. I'm not even specifying what the standard for a reliable accusation is. I assume that we will probably still disagree on that to some extent. But if we can agree on the standard of conduct, we can evaluate the evidence and see who it applies to.


Well-known member
Here's the thing, Pat. I'm not even specifying what the standard for a reliable accusation is. I assume that we will probably still disagree on that to some extent. But if we can agree on the standard of conduct, we can evaluate the evidence and see who it applies to.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty...in a court of law.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
That's true, but that wasn't the Monica Lewinsky affair. And there was a whole special prosecutor to look into all of the charges. And he couldn't find anything solid enough to take to court other than the perjury. If you're having trouble remembering, that's because it's been more than 20 years. And the reason it's coming up again now is that Republicans desperately need a distraction.
Ahhh, but it was not handled the same and you know it.
Clinton's accusers got no sympathy from the left, the left tried to discredit her and so did the media.
And they were no less credible accusers than all the women coming forward to accuse now.
But now the left would like everyone to just believe the accusers and are saying how horrible it is to attempt to discredit them.

Here's a deal for you. We both agree, or say we agree, that children should be protected from adults, that women shouldn't be assaulted, and that anyone who behaves otherwise should be regarded as criminals. Right?

So here's the deal. We agree, both of us, to disavow any person who is reliably accused of breaking these rules, to refuse to support their careers, and demand that they resign from any position of power that they may hold, regardless of partisanship or favor? Can we agree to that?
That is a wonderful sentiment.
Unfortunately it is not realistic, and trusting both parties to abide would be a mistake that will come back and bite ya.
I think the reality is that things are going to continue as they have with both parties doing what benefits them.

Say, for instance, that most of the left did just as you request, but most of the right did not.
That's practically a sure win for the right because they did not split votes from their main candidate.
We know that splitting votes is a poor strategy and is suicide for a party in most all cases.

But I do like the fact that media outlets are vastly different now, with all the social media sources that can be used.
You get to hear first hand what many of Americans think rather than depending on how the TV and newspaper reporters sum it up.
That gives you more info.
Of course it also gives you more lies and exaggeration to weed through.

Long story short, I think we have to tackle it with reality and not a pie in the sky hope.

And I think we should discuss if it is possible to separate the inappropriate from the appropriate in a person that I'm going to bring up in my next post.