Hollywood pedophiles


But what do you do legally to two underage boys that sodomize each other consensually?
Jail them?
I don't know what should be done.
I don't know. My first thought is, What should not be done? Should they not be given the death penalty? Not imprisoned as felons? Not fined? Not registered as sex offenders/predators/perverts, so that all of their future neighbors, especially those with kids, will know they're living near sexual deviants? Not required to compulsory three-monthly AIDS testing for the rest of their earthly lives? If we can start where we shouldn't go, and work backwards maybe?


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In case the liberals still want to act like the left cares about morality, let me remind everyone what Nina Burleigh encouraged when Bill Clinton was being impeached for the Monica Lewinsky ordeal.


I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.

Yeah, they really care about morality.

Don't let them fool you, this is political.


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I don't know. My first thought is, What should not be done? Should they not be given the death penalty? Not imprisoned as felons? Not fined? Not registered as sex offenders/predators/perverts, so that all of their future neighbors, especially those with kids, will know they're living near sexual deviants? Not required to compulsory three-monthly AIDS testing for the rest of their earthly lives? If we can start where we shouldn't go, and work backwards maybe?
Beats me.
I mean, sodomy is legal, so they are not committing any crime by doing it.
Other than their parents whooping their behinds, I'm not sure anything can be done to curb it.
That's a scary thought, isn't it.


Beats me.
I mean, sodomy is legal, so they are not committing any crime by doing it.
But should it be legal? It's associated with greater health risks and sickness, and death.
Other than their parents whooping their behinds
And do you kick them out, or wait til they're older to kick them out, if they don't repent?
, I'm not sure anything can be done to curb it.
That's a scary thought, isn't it.
They tax the rooster off cigrits to try to curb an amoral tobacco habit associated with greater health risks and sickness, and death. I wish there was a way to tax the rooster off of sodomy somehow also, to try to curb that. It's a public health risk, along with promiscuity, which is still causing the spread of STDs, which is at an all-time high right now in America.

But bottom line, no, I don't know either. As far as scary, I'm still confident that we're not as bad as it was in the Gentile Mediterranean basin in the centuries following Christ's Ascension, so I think we'll weather this period of perversion and depravity just fine, we're just fumbling around in the dark a bit right now.


New member
Bill didn't step down or resign when he was impeached for lying about sexual abuse of Monica, that was ok for dems, maybe if he did we as a people could have addressed these issues decades ago.

He wasn't accused of sexually abusing Monica Lewinsky. That relationship was consensual, and she was an adult. The worst you can say about it is that there was an imbalance in the power dynamic between them, but that didn't make it a crime.


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He wasn't accused of sexually abusing Monica Lewinsky. That relationship was consensual, and she was an adult. The worst you can say about it is that there was an imbalance in the power dynamic between them, but that didn't make it a crime.
Way to downplay what Bill did since he's a democrat.


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Alabama voters will decide the truthfulness of allegations against Moore

patrick jane

He wasn't accused of sexually abusing Monica Lewinsky. That relationship was consensual, and she was an adult. The worst you can say about it is that there was an imbalance in the power dynamic between them, but that didn't make it a crime.
The crime was lying about it and that's why he was impeached.


like marbles on glass
Alabama voters will decide the truthfulness of allegations against Moore

No. Alabama voters will decide if they want to support Moore despite well-documented charges of sexual abuse.

Alabama evangelicals will decide if their outrage over homosexual unions is greater than their outrage over the well-documented charges of sexual abuse against minors.

See Roy Moore:

"The forces of evil will lie, cheat, steal –– even inflict physical harm –– if they believe it will silence and shut up Christian conservatives like you and me."

This isn’t accidental, and it reveals quite a bit about why many white Alabamian evangelicals will stick with him.
Never underestimate the depth of the evangelical martyrdom complex: In their view, Moore has taken public stands for the word of God, and now the secular world is punishing him for his righteousness. This is the fate promised to all faithful Christians. Thus, Moore’s brother compared Moore, an alleged pedophile, to Jesus Christ.

There is not a shred of Christian feeling here, certainly not for the women who claimed they suffered from Trump and Moore’s predations. What animates this movement is a sense of persecution; after all, you can’t be part of a faithful remnant unless you are surrounded by enemies. This is such a bedrock belief for some evangelicals that little can change it; the claims of mere women do not suffice.

A general disdain for women is another reason evangelicals will continue to defend Moore. As any woman who grew up evangelical can tell you, the subculture is not overly concerned with the bodily autonomy of its female members, who are often treated as mere vessels for procreation. Look even further into the wilder weeds of this world, and you’ll find that antiquated ideas about courtship—essentially arranged, chaperoned dating—still hold and are still used to justify relationships between young girls and older men. Former ex-fundamentalist Kathryn Brightbill explains: "We should probably talk about how there is a segment of evangelicalism and homeschool culture where the only thing Roy Moore did wrong was initiating sexual contact outside of marriage. 14 year old girls courting adult men isn't entirely uncommon."
. . . .

And repentance, as everyone knows, only works if you first admit your error. It is much easier to blame the persecutors, to live inside the world you know.
. . . .​


Well-known member
No. Alabama voters will decide if they want to support Moore despite well-documented charges of sexual abuse.

Alabama evangelicals will decide if their outrage over homosexual unions is greater than their outrage over the well-documented charges of sexual abuse against minors.

See Roy Moore:

"The forces of evil will lie, cheat, steal –– even inflict physical harm –– if they believe it will silence and shut up Christian conservatives like you and me."

This isn’t accidental, and it reveals quite a bit about why many white Alabamian evangelicals will stick with him. Never underestimate the depth of the evangelical martyrdom complex: In their view, Moore has taken public stands for the word of God, and now the secular world is punishing him for his righteousness. This is the fate promised to all faithful Christians. Thus, Moore’s brother compared Moore, an alleged pedophile, to Jesus Christ.

There is not a shred of Christian feeling here, certainly not for the women who claimed they suffered from Trump and Moore’s predations. What animates this movement is a sense of persecution; after all, you can’t be part of a faithful remnant unless you are surrounded by enemies. This is such a bedrock belief for some evangelicals that little can change it; the claims of mere women do not suffice.

A general disdain for women is another reason evangelicals will continue to defend Moore. As any woman who grew up evangelical can tell you, the subculture is not overly concerned with the bodily autonomy of its female members, who are often treated as mere vessels for procreation. Look even further into the wilder weeds of this world, and you’ll find that antiquated ideas about courtship—essentially arranged, chaperoned dating—still hold and are still used to justify relationships between young girls and older men. Former ex-fundamentalist Kathryn Brightbill explains: "We should probably talk about how there is a segment of evangelicalism and homeschool culture where the only thing Roy Moore did wrong was initiating sexual contact outside of marriage. 14 year old girls courting adult men isn't entirely uncommon."
. . . .

And repentance, as everyone knows, only works if you first admit your error. It is much easier to blame the persecutors, to live inside the world you know.
. . . .​
Take him to court if they have a case.
Sue the pants off him.....

Shouldn't be to hard if they have all this against him.

Sent from my SM-G920V using TOL mobile app


. . . .And repentance, as everyone knows, only works if you first admit your error...

Hence the reason it's impossible to embrace the child murdering/molesting pro abortion/homosexual movement and still call yourself a follower of Christ.

I knew what we'd eventually agree on something anna.

Regarding Judge Roy Moore's accusers:

Any concern that one is a diehard Hillary Clinton/Joe Biden/Doug Jones supporter and another has a history of accusing Christian leaders of abusing her?




New member
More and more people are starting to wake up to the fact that the charges leveled at Moore are real and solid. Some people will never be convinced, but the sheer volume of accusations will pile up to persuade people. There are a few things about the Roy Moore situation that I hope people will remember:

...how the "fake news" narrative was deployed by right-wing media to discredit credible allegations.
...how the so-called mainstream media has been diligent in applying actual journalistic ethics of evidence and sourcing to produce a solid, credible story the first time.
...how conservative pundits, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, and Steve Bannon would stop at nothing to spin the narrative and distract from the case with irrelevant distractions about Bill Clinton who is not running for any office this century, until their spin collapsed under the weight of its own absurdity.
...how evangelicals, who often push "bathroom bills" on the pretense of protecting children from predators, saw no problem with making a literal child predator a US Senator, and in fact are more likely to support one.
...how Breitbart tried openly to smear the accusers for nakedly political reasons.
...how conservatives were thrilled to moralize about how corrupt "liberal" Hollywood is, but when the same pathology infected their own, all they could think of were excuses for the guilty.

Hollywood is cleaning house. It's time for the Alabama and GOP political establishment to do the same. And if Breitbart and Fox News are going to side with the abusers, they should be purged from the movement.


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...how the "fake news" narrative was deployed by right-wing media to discredit credible allegations.
Clinton's accusers were treated how?

...how the so-called mainstream media has been diligent in applying actual journalistic ethics of evidence and sourcing to produce a solid, credible story the first time.
Clinton's accusers were treated how by journalists?

...how conservative pundits, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, and Steve Bannon would stop at nothing to spin the narrative and distract from the case with irrelevant distractions about Bill Clinton who is not running for any office this century, until their spin collapsed under the weight of its own absurdity.
Leftist tactic ---- be selective.

...how evangelicals, who often push "bathroom bills" on the pretense of protecting children from predators, saw no problem with making a literal child predator a US Senator, and in fact are more likely to support one.
How many evangelicals do you think voted for Clinton the rapist?

...how Breitbart tried openly to smear the accusers for nakedly political reasons.
I know you hate comparison, but Clinton accusers.

...how conservatives were thrilled to moralize about how corrupt "liberal" Hollywood is, but when the same pathology infected their own, all they could think of were excuses for the guilty.
Being selective again. The left led the way for years of praising immoral candidates.

Hollywood is cleaning house. It's time for the Alabama and GOP political establishment to do the same. And if Breitbart and Fox News are going to side with the abusers, they should be purged from the movement.
Do you see those that side with Clinton in the same light, or are you being selective again?

Fair play will demand equal standards for both parties.
And we already have proof that the left cares little to nothing about morals when it comes to a candidate that can benefit them.
They will vote them in anyway and then go on to do anything to discredit any accusers.
Sorry, bud, but if you really care about morality you cannot condemn one side more than the other.

That's another reason the shocked Hillary lost, because the public could plainly see the hypocrisy of "Listen to what we say but don't examine what we do, Just let it slide so we can win".

All of this has been going on for decades.
None of this is due to Trump.