Hollywood pedophiles


What I don't believe is that all accused are guilty, and all accusers are innocent.
So I'm sceptical when accusations arise and I do not want to fall into the trap of "accusations are all that is needed to prison someone".
That would be a terrible solution.
You're just un-American. :chuckle:


New member
Why are you not sure?
You don't think anyone would lie about it?
I do.

I think it's exceedingly rare, given the typical cost to the accusers, who stand to lose friends, colleagues, opportunities, etc. Especially when they aren't suing. What do they stand to gain?

I believe there are folks like that too, and it too should be a concern.

What I don't believe is that all accused are guilty, and all accusers are innocent.
So I'm sceptical when accusations arise and I do not want to fall into the trap of "accusations are all that is needed to prison someone".
That would be a terrible solution.

30 sources, on the record (meaning asserting the allegations publicly using their names). They include victims, and friends of victims, their stories show a consistent pattern, and they don't know each other.

It's a pretty solid story.


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Hall of Fame
I think it's exceedingly rare, given the typical cost to the accusers, who stand to lose friends, colleagues, opportunities, etc. Especially when they aren't suing. What do they stand to gain?
I don't think it is an everyday occurrence either.
But it does happen.
We shouldn't act like it doesn't happen.

30 sources, on the record (meaning asserting the allegations publicly using their names). They include victims, and friends of victims, their stories show a consistent pattern, and they don't know each other.

It's a pretty solid story.
Right. He could very well be guilty of all accusations or just some accusations.
He should only be found guilty for the accusations that are true.


like marbles on glass
Facebook post from Mary Jo West, friend of the family of Leigh Corfman:


I need to say something, not because I want to get political, but because I know the truth and I need to tell it.

The now-national story about Roy Moore and Leigh Corfman is true, and I have known it for over 20 years. Leigh’s mother and step-father have been friends of mine since 1992 and I know them to be the best of people. We don’t share the same political beliefs but we love and respect each other on a level deeper than politics and these wonderful friends tell the truth. They are caring and educated and accomplished people who would choose privacy over headlines any day.

Leigh’s mother told me and others “The Roy Moore Story” in the mid-1990s, because her daughter had finally unburdened herself after years of silence and that burden lay dark and deep on a mother’s shoulders and in that mother’s heart. I listened to the same details as those that are printed now, and while some of the story has faded with time, several facts are seared into my brain: 1) the attacker was attorney Roy Moore and the victim was then teenager Leigh Corfman; 2) Roy Moore got Leigh to his house under false pretenses; 3) Roy Moore made overt sexual advances to Leigh which involved Roy Moore coming out of the bathroom undressed and ready for action; 4) Leigh was terrified and had the good sense to say NO and Roy Moore accepted her NO.

During Roy Moore’s political ascent, I’ve almost called Leigh’s mother many times to suggest that they expose who Roy Moore is at his core, but I realize that this story is Leigh’s to tell… no one else’s. Why has she not exposed him before now? Perhaps because no one likes being called a liar – and she is being called that now. Perhaps because that secret was safer locked away from the pain that she must be reliving now and having to deal with all over again.

Whatever it is, it is NOT a political conspiracy. Leigh’s parents bleed Republican red as long as I have known them…and Leigh says she has voted Republican in the last three elections. While this story has the “He said, She said” element, surely the counterbalance on the scales in Leigh’s favor is US…the group of friends who knew the story before it was a headline. There was simply no reason for Leigh to make this story up when she was young and trying to figure out life. Roy Moore’s terrifying advances surely had to complicate the path that she admitted was filled with choices she would like to redo. She owned them, admirably, but I wonder if some of her young years might have been easier if she hadn’t been abused by Roy Moore when she was 14 years old, vulnerable and confused.

Perhaps it’s simply that it’s time to shout from the rooftops that this man, Roy Moore…who wants our nation’s trust and our belief that he is a good man... simply doesn’t deserve our trust. He lied yesterday when he said he had never met Leigh Corfman. Maybe he’s gotten too old to act on his abnormal urges now, but in his heart, he still knows that when he could, he scared and emotionally scarred young women and in that chamber of his heart, his blood still runs mean and cold.

I believe in redemption and forgiveness. I’ve asked for forgiveness many times in my life, but first, you have to acknowledge that you did something wrong. And yesterday Roy Moore stood staunch and unyielding that he did no wrong. Take a lie detector test, Mr. Moore. There’s nothing fake in this story. Roy Moore is lying. This story happened and it was shared mother-to-mother with no agenda other than to get it off her chest and share her agony. Women friends do that, thankfully. Leigh’s mother told me this story when Roy Moore was a nobody…now he’s just a lying somebody.

Just because Leigh Corfman didn’t come forward and tell this horrific story about a bad man until now, doesn’t mean that it never happened. It’s her story. Yes, it was a long time coming, but she told her own story on her own timeline. The swelling tides filled with the tears of victimized women’s deep dark secrets can no longer return to the sea. There are many of us standing with you, Leigh, saying “Good for You”, and “Me Too”. #NoMoore​


like marbles on glass
And let's not let get lost in all of this that there's one member of this forum who's on the record in this thread as saying that a 32-year-old groping a 14-year-old girl's breast and guiding her hand on his private parts is "not even a case of molestation."

Plus, it's not even a case of molestation, the worst I have heard ALLEGED about Moore was touching a bra and guiding a hand over his underwear. As I noted earlier, I saw aCW say that the "14 year old" has credibility issues including her age.


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Hall of Fame
So we should just automatically believe all accusations made are true?
I don't like that idea at all.

I don't think anyone here doesn't think Moore is a sleeze, and I certainly am not against him being locked up for any molestation that can be proven.
Our laws demand proof.

We have all heard about stories of both sides of this issue.
We know they exist, both men that are guilty of molestation and men that have been accused but are not guilty.

Molestation is hard to prove at times because it boils down to a he-said she-said, especially if there is no eye witness to the actual assault.
It is tragic that most will get away with it because of that.
But proof is still what we should require to convict.


like marbles on glass
Another woman has come forward:

Beverly Young Nelson said that Roy Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 16 years old, making her the fifth woman to publicly accuse Moore of initiating a sexual or romantic relationship with her as a teenager.

Nelson said she feared Moore was going to try to rape her and she began crying as he assaulted her.

"I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him," Nelson said. "I was terrified. I thought he was going to rape me. At some point, he gave up and he looked at me and he told me, 'You're just a child,' and he said, 'I am the District Attorney and if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you.'"


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I was watching his interview with Hannity.
There are inconsistencies in his story.

One part of the interview had him saying that he doesn't recall dating anyone that young.

But later in the interview he says that he would have never gone out with an underage girl without her mother's permission, and this girl's mother not only allowed her to go out with him but encouraged her to go out with him.

That doesn't add up to his previous statement that he doesn't recall dating anyone that young.


I was watching his interview with Hannity.
There are inconsistencies in his story.

One part of the interview had him saying that he doesn't recall dating anyone that young.

But later in the interview he says that he would have never gone out with an underage girl without her mother's permission, and this girl's mother not only allowed her to go out with him but encouraged her to go out with him.

That doesn't add up to his previous statement that he doesn't recall dating anyone that young.
No it doesn't. 'Sounds sketchy.


like marbles on glass
50 pastors sign letter of support for Roy Moore

Kayla Moore, wife of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, shared a letter on Facebook over the weekend indicating support from more than 50 Alabama pastors. Not all the pastors said they gave permission for their name to be be used, however.

Moore's wife Kayla posted the letter to her Facebook page Sunday after days of controversy surrounding her husband and allegations he had sexual contact with a 14-year-old in 1979 when he was 32-years-old. Three other women said Moore pursued them as teenagers. The letter was posted before a fifth woman, Beverly Young Nelson, came forward with additional charges Monday.

Moore denies the charges.

In their letter, the pastors said Moore was an "immovable rock in the culture wars," and has met attacks with a "rare unconquerable resolve."
"It's no wonder the Washington establishment has declared all-out war on his campaign," the letter notes before urging voters to cast their ballot for Moore, who faces Democrat Doug Jones in the Dec. 12 election.

After the letter was published on AL.com, Tijuanna Adetunji of the Fresh Anointing House of Worship in Montgomery, said she was not contacted about the letter and did not give permission for her name to be used.

"I was not asked about this story or allegations," Adetunji said.

The letter appears to be a version of one already posted on Moore's campaign website. That letter, posted prior to the primary, contains all the same wording as below but with three extra paragraphs at the top, including a sentence referencing the Aug. 15 vote.

Moore's campaign did not respond to questions related to the letter.

The text of the letter and its signatures are below:

So: either these 53 pastors are supporting Roy Moore in spite of the allegations against him - or is it possible that this letter pre-dating the primary has been 'updated' and reissued post-allegations, giving the impression that their support still holds firm?

patrick jane

And let's not let get lost in all of this that there's one member of this forum who's on the record in this thread as saying that a 32-year-old groping a 14-year-old girl's breast and guiding her hand on his private parts is "not even a case of molestation."
She may be lying, she may have been older , and the accusations do not amount to molestation. I have always considered molesting to be when clothes are off.

patrick jane

Another woman has come forward:

Beverly Young Nelson said that Roy Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 16 years old, making her the fifth woman to publicly accuse Moore of initiating a sexual or romantic relationship with her as a teenager.

Nelson said she feared Moore was going to try to rape her and she began crying as he assaulted her.

"I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him," Nelson said. "I was terrified. I thought he was going to rape me. At some point, he gave up and he looked at me and he told me, 'You're just a child,' and he said, 'I am the District Attorney and if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you.'"
Yep, gotta be molestation.


Well-known member
She may be lying, she may have been older , and the accusations do not amount to molestation.

The women come out of the woodwork with false allegations....for their 15 minutes of fame.

If the claims are true, there will be witnesses who've heard the story before now. I wouldn't believe any of them without concrete proof of some kind. If the Hollywood pervs get their day in court, so should Moore.

patrick jane

The women come out of the woodwork with false allegations....for their 15 minutes of fame.

If the claims are true, there will be witnesses who've heard the story before now. I wouldn't believe any of them without concrete proof of some kind. If the Hollywood pervs get their day in court, so should Moore.
I guess I should look up what molestation is myself, I thought it meant naked touching. I saw the Hannity interview and Moore sounds guilty. In this day and age you're guilty if accused anymore.

patrick jane

[FONT=&quot]Sexual abuse can happen across all ages, but molestation is strictly limited to younger children. Because a child’s penis or vagina is too small for physical penetration, molestation occurs when the child is "forced to perform oral sex, touched in an inappropriate manner, and/or made to watch the adult masturbate."[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Sexual abuse happens over a longer period of time and involves actual physical penetration, in addition to everything that is included in molestation.



New member
Another woman has come forward:

Beverly Young Nelson said that Roy Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 16 years old, making her the fifth woman to publicly accuse Moore of initiating a sexual or romantic relationship with her as a teenager.

Nelson said she feared Moore was going to try to rape her and she began crying as he assaulted her.

"I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him," Nelson said. "I was terrified. I thought he was going to rape me. At some point, he gave up and he looked at me and he told me, 'You're just a child,' and he said, 'I am the District Attorney and if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you.'"
And you think this story of hers is true? Why?