Hollywood pedophiles


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Phil Robertson has a new show on the same channel as Steven Crowder and Gavin McGinnes and Mark Levin and Michelle Maulkin. It's called "In The Woods With Phil Robertson" Phil is really popular here in the states Art.
Phil is not my cup of tea.
But the rest are.
Gavin cracks me up when talking about the difference in men and women.

patrick jane

Who would have guessed someone would use Mary and Jesus as an excuse for the allegation that Roy Moore had sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl?

I would - because I remember the Phil "you got to get them when they're 15-16" Robertson threads here where a couple Christians used just that argument.

Alabama's state auditor Jim Zeigler: "Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus."

It would come as no surprise to me to see that Trump supporters who looked the other way at Trump's admitted sexual assault would just as easily look the other way at the allegations against Roy Moore, and in fact, would blame the victim. These women didn't come forward without a great deal of trepidation because of what they knew would happen if they did, which is why so many women remain silent for so long - and a man may never get this.

And now these women are being castigated by the right-wing - even Sean Hannity said Moore's contact with the 14-year-old was "consensual." And before anyone rushes to Hannity's defense, I've read the transcript.
HANNITY: How do you possibly tell, know the truth, except -- OK, so the two other girls were older in this case. He was apparently, like, 32, and he dated -- one girl was 18, one girl was 17. They never said he did -- there was no sexual -- there was kissing involved, and then they're saying this one encounter with a 14-year-old --

MCLAUGHLIN: And it was consensual --

HANNITY: And consensual, that's true. And there's -- I just -- I don't know how you find out the truth.​
Except questions are arising about the age if this "14 year old" habitual liar and accuser. Apparently she attended various churches accusing pastors and others of sexual misconduct on a routine basis. The demonrats will do and say anything to win as evidenced by their heroine Hillary, the criminal cheater.


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Except questions are arising about the age if this "14 year old" habitual liar and accuser. Apparently she attended various churches accusing pastors and others of sexual misconduct on a routine basis. The demonrats will do and say anything to win as evidenced by their heroine Hillary, the criminal cheater.
Things like that are what concerns me.
There ARE serial accusers out there.
And accusations alone are enough to ruin the life of an innocent.
Trail by accusation instead of proof.
Which is why cases like that are harder to prove, as it is just a he-said she-said.

Even if he did molest other girls, if this girl is lying, then she should be prosecuted.
And the problem of lying to ruin someone's life or to lie to join the same accusation bandwagon with others that are not lying do you can get attention needs a solution also.

But I can tell ya right now that feminists are not helping to solve this at all when they lump things like ..... complementing your looks or asking you out .... into the sexual misconduct box.
It has gotten to where you cannot say anything or look at anything without someone labeling you as a pervert.

So what do you do when one is saying it happened and the other is saying it did not?
How do you determine who is lying?

patrick jane

Things like that are what concerns me.
There ARE serial accusers out there.
And accusations alone are enough to ruin the life of an innocent.
Trail by accusation instead of proof.
Which is why cases like that are harder to prove, as it is just a he-said she-said.

Even if he did molest other girls, if this girl is lying, then she should be prosecuted.
And the problem of lying to ruin someone's life or to lie to join the same accusation bandwagon with others that are not lying do you can get attention needs a solution also.

But I can tell ya right now that feminists are not helping to solve this at all when they lump things like ..... complementing your looks or asking you out .... into the sexual misconduct box.
It has gotten to where you cannot say anything or look at anything without someone labeling you as a pervert.

So what do you do when one is saying it happened and the other is saying it did not?
How do you determine who is lying?
It can't be determined accurately but the accused are damaged forever. Like the Duke LaCrosse players, they didn't do it but they are tainted forever. I thought for sure that those Access Hollywood tapes would sink Trump but that still wasn't enough for Hillary to win. They thought that was the ace in the hole just like they're trying to do to Judge Moore. I think there's something fishy about Moore but the man has been in public service all his life, why is it coming out a month before the election? I think there's a hashtag #MeToo or something where women are coming forward with real cases of rape and abuse. Unfortunately there will be a lot of false and damaging allegations.

Plus, it's not even a case of molestation, the worst I have heard ALLEGED about Moore was touching a bra and guiding a hand over his underwear. As I noted earlier, I saw aCW say that the "14 year old" has credibility issues including her age.


New member
Plus, it's not even a case of molestation, the worst I have heard ALLEGED about Moore was touching a bra and guiding a hand over his underwear. As I noted earlier, I saw aCW say that the "14 year old" has credibility issues including her age.

How do you not think that's molestation? Or, as Alabama would call it, sexual abuse:


...a Class A misdemeanor, with a potential one-year sentence to prison. Unless he did it twice, which would make it a felony.


New member
Things like that are what concerns me.
There ARE serial accusers out there.
And accusations alone are enough to ruin the life of an innocent.

I'm not sure about that, but you know what there definitely are? People who will smear accusers to help abusers to get out of a bad situation. And then there are folks who will believe abusers and the people who make excuses for them and smears tactically deployed against victims if those abusers are people that they like.

The Washington Post article had 30 on-the-record sources.


like marbles on glass
I'm not sure about that, but you know what there definitely are? People who will smear accusers to help abusers to get out of a bad situation. And then there are folks who will believe abusers and the people who make excuses for them and smears tactically deployed against victims if those abusers are people that they like.

The Washington Post article had 30 on-the-record sources.

Breitbart's working overtime on this, because he needs to make sure Moore wins.

What's being done to these women in the name of power.... it's why women don't come forward. Why they stay silent.

Why Women Don't Want To Come Forward: 'They're Going To Be Known For This.'
Conservative writer Bethany Mandel speaks from personal experience: there's no reward for women to come forward with sexual assault accusations and a lifetime of reminders of the worst moments of their lives.



like marbles on glass
How do you not think that's molestation? Or, as Alabama would call it, sexual abuse:


...a Class A misdemeanor, with a potential one-year sentence to prison. Unless he did it twice, which would make it a felony.

Just when I think I've seen everything.

A Christian man at a Christian website playing down the gravity of a 32-year-old man groping a 14-year-old girl's breasts and guiding her hand over his private parts.

.... He doesn't consider that to be molestation?


With attitudes like that, is it any wonder that girls will continue to deal with this generation after generation after generation?


Hall of Fame
I'm not sure about that, but you know what there definitely are? People who will smear accusers to help abusers to get out of a bad situation. And then there are folks who will believe abusers and the people who make excuses for them and smears tactically deployed against victims if those abusers are people that they like.

The Washington Post article had 30 on-the-record sources.

Indeed ... this is why victims of sexual abuse and even rape refuse or wait to come forward. There are always those (such as the GOP) who will put political gain above the well-being of victims. The only question that is relevant is ... "how would I respond if this was *my* child?


New member
Plus, it's not even a case of molestation, the worst I have heard ALLEGED about Moore was touching a bra and guiding a hand over his underwear.

Oh, is that all? :hammer:

he picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, drove her about 30 minutes to his home in the woods, told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear.

She remembers going inside and him giving her alcohol on this visit or the next, and that at some point she told him she was 14. She says they sat and talked. She remembers that Moore told her she was pretty, put his arm around her and kissed her, and that she began to feel nervous and asked him to take her home, which she says he did.

Soon after, she says, he called again, and picked her up again at the same spot.

“This was a new experience, and it was exciting and fun and scary,” Corfman says, explaining why she went back. “It was just like this roller-coaster ride you’ve not been on.”

She says that Moore drove her back to the same house after dark, and that before long she was lying on a blanket on the floor. She remembers Moore disappearing into another room and coming out with nothing on but “tight white” underwear.

She remembers that Moore kissed her, that he took off her pants and shirt, and that he touched her through her bra and underpants. She says that he guided her hand to his underwear and that she yanked her hand back.

“I wasn’t ready for that — I had never put my hand on a man’s penis, much less an erect one,” Corfman says.

She remembers thinking, “I don’t want to do this” and “I need to get out of here.” She says that she got dressed and asked Moore to take her home, and that he did.

As I noted earlier, I saw aCW say that the "14 year old" has credibility issues including her age.

A fourteen year old isn't credible? Why not? :idunno:

patrick jane

Oh, is that all? :hammer:

he picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, drove her about 30 minutes to his home in the woods, told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear.

She remembers going inside and him giving her alcohol on this visit or the next, and that at some point she told him she was 14. She says they sat and talked. She remembers that Moore told her she was pretty, put his arm around her and kissed her, and that she began to feel nervous and asked him to take her home, which she says he did.

Soon after, she says, he called again, and picked her up again at the same spot.

“This was a new experience, and it was exciting and fun and scary,” Corfman says, explaining why she went back. “It was just like this roller-coaster ride you’ve not been on.”

She says that Moore drove her back to the same house after dark, and that before long she was lying on a blanket on the floor. She remembers Moore disappearing into another room and coming out with nothing on but “tight white” underwear.

She remembers that Moore kissed her, that he took off her pants and shirt, and that he touched her through her bra and underpants. She says that he guided her hand to his underwear and that she yanked her hand back.

“I wasn’t ready for that — I had never put my hand on a man’s penis, much less an erect one,” Corfman says.

She remembers thinking, “I don’t want to do this” and “I need to get out of here.” She says that she got dressed and asked Moore to take her home, and that he did.

A fourteen year old isn't credible? Why not? :idunno:
Apparently she is lying about her age and she also attended several churches and accused pastors and others of sexual misconduct.


like marbles on glass
Because she is accusing a Republican ...

Exactly. Although I'd add "Non-establishment Republican." Bannon will go after both Democrats and establishment Republicans in his efforts to "deconstruct the administrative state."

Because while Breitbart's got two reporters on the job of discrediting this woman whose allegations against Moore have been corroborated by other people, the headline at Breitbart right now reads:

Sixth Accuser: Woman Claims George H.W. Bush Groped Her When ‘I Was a Child’



Hall of Fame
Exactly. Although I'd add "Non-establishment Republican." Bannon will go after both Democrats and establishment Republicans in his efforts to "deconstruct the administrative state."

Because while Breitbart's got two reporters on the job of discrediting this woman whose allegations against Moore have been corroborated by other people, the headline at Breitbart right now reads:

Sixth Accuser: Woman Claims George H.W. Bush Groped Her When ‘I Was a Child’

The ironic part is that you will continue to hear the cries of "why didn't she step forwards sooner!" We all know it has nothing whatsoever with victimizing the VICTIMS.


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I'm not sure about that, but you know what there definitely are?
Why are you not sure?
You don't think anyone would lie about it?
I do.

People who will smear accusers to help abusers to get out of a bad situation. And then there are folks who will believe abusers and the people who make excuses for them and smears tactically deployed against victims if those abusers are people that they like.
I believe there are folks like that too, and it too should be a concern.

What I don't believe is that all accused are guilty, and all accusers are innocent.
So I'm sceptical when accusations arise and I do not want to fall into the trap of "accusations are all that is needed to prison someone".
That would be a terrible solution.