Holiness Theology and the Gospel

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Holiness theology was the doctrine of the Pharisees. They thought that if the kept the law they would be saved. Things have not changed much. There are still many that believe that the law justifies. Paul taught that the law does not justify.

"Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin" Romans 3:20.

The law tells us that our righteousness falls short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Which means something is missing.

What made it possible for Jesus to keep the law?

Nothing is missing except your acceptance of the fact that everyone is a sinner, Romans 3:23.

Jesus was God incarnate in the flesh. He was perfect God and perfect man in one person.


New member
Jesus was God incarnate in the flesh. He was perfect God and perfect man in one person.

Well, we know he was exactly like us.

"Therefore, in all things He had to be made like His brethren" (Hebrews 2:17)

And when he appears we will be like him as he is now. (1 John 3:2)

"You have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him." (Hebrews 2:8)

Who is the pronoun "him" referring to? Do you know?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Well, we know he was exactly like us.

"Therefore, in all things He had to be made like His brethren" (Hebrews 2:17)

And when he appears we will be like him as he is now. (1 John 3:2)

"You have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him." (Hebrews 2:8)

Who is the pronoun "him" referring to? Do you know?

Jesus was not exactly like us. He was not born after Adam like we are. He was born after God through the virgin Mary.


New member
Jesus overcame sin, death and the devil because in him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead, Colossians 1:19.

The Spirit of the Father indwelt Jesus' mind the same as he indwells our mind.

The difference is Jesus had his Father's Spirit from birth, we don't. Therefore, before we have his Spirit we sin.

We are baptized for the remission of sin.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The Spirit of the Father indwelt Jesus' mind the same as he indwells our mind.

The difference is Jesus had his Father's Spirit from birth, we don't. Therefore, before we have his Spirit we sin.

We are baptized for the remission of sin.

We cannot say "In us dwells all the fullness of the Godhead".

We only have the first fruits or the down payment of the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:23.


New member
We cannot say "In us dwells all the fullness of the Godhead".

Did Jesus' shadow heal any one?

"And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them." (Acts 5:14-15)

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Did Jesus' shadow heal any one?

"And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them." (Acts 5:14-15)

God used many methods to get the Gospel of his Son out into the world.