Hero or Murderer


New member
Who should I love more, the homosexuals, or the victims of homosexuals?

Why do you think that you should love one more than the other?

Matthew 5:43-48

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


Hall of Fame
Prove it, then. Prove wrong what I know is right.

Pssssttt ... that's not how *real* debate works. The person who makes an unsubstantiated claim (that would be you, as usual) has the responsibility of providing the proof.


April 2011. The Williams Institute estimated that 3.8 percent of Americans identified as gay/lesbian, bisexual, or transgender: 1.7 percent as lesbian or gay, 1.8 percent as bisexual, and 0.3 percent as transgender.

For many years now the government has been teaching school children that the Homo life style is a better way to live. You may be right, and if you are, then it is almost time for God stop delaying of the sake of the righteous.

LGBTism is a very unfulfilling lifestyle. Liberals mistake their internal pity for them as them simply being held down by conservative society. The psychology there is something ran rampant among people today- they don't understand the difference between an internally unfulfilled person or circumstance and the imaginative notion that they are oppressed.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Prove it, then. Prove wrong what I know is right.
I'm tired of you all sitting there telling me I'm wrong and then not even proving your nonsense. I know I'm right because I lived with a 51 year old gay man and pretty much got the 101 on the whole thing. I went to a few gay bars with him as he would insist on doing so.

There is nothing 'known' about your tripe, only 'presumed' or 'liked'- you like to think it, you want people to 'know' it, but it just isn't true.
It's like you people don't favor reality, so you insult anyone's intelligence who does :rolleyes:

Ah, so a personal anecdote equals fact and reality does it? I've been to gay bars on works nights out and there's more than a handful of straights in the place. They were popular for their friendly atmosphere as much as anything else. Heck, if anecdotes are the way then me and a mate went to Birmingham for a night out and inadvertently ended up in one (don't bother aCW) and met a doppelganger for a Welsh opera singer (female) along with many other rather attractive females. Was a cracking good natured night. :)


Pssssttt ... that's not how *real* debate works. The person who makes an unsubstantiated claim (that would be you, as usual) has the responsibility of providing the proof.

I don't care if you all believe it or not- you few believe what you want to believe anyway, regardless of reality.
I've never seen any of you 'prove' anything you claim, and I suppose that has everything to do with it- it's never based on anything real, only what ought to be or what sounds good :rolleyes:


New member
Prove it, then. Prove wrong what I know is right.
I'm tired of you all sitting there telling me I'm wrong and then not even proving your nonsense. I know I'm right because I lived with a 51 year old gay man and pretty much got the 101 on the whole thing. I went to a few gay bars with him as he would insist on doing so.

There is nothing 'known' about your tripe, only 'presumed' or 'liked'- you like to think it, you want people to 'know' it, but it just isn't true.
It's like you people don't favor reality, so you insult anyone's intelligence who does :rolleyes:

So now the truth is out. You lived with a 51-year-old gay man and went to gay bars. And only because he forced you to go? Right!!!. So why all the animosity then. Did it end poorly? Was he your father? Now that you have confessed you really should be willing to reveal all.


New member
[FONT="]Hero or Murderer[/FONT][/B]

[FONT="]Is Omar Mir Seddique Mateen a hero, or murderer? He did keep the command of God to kill homosexuals. [/FONT]
[FONT="]For obvious reasons, do not answer the above question.[/FONT]

Think about this, Omar knowing forfeited his life for what he believed was right.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
April 2011. The Williams Institute estimated that 3.8 percent of Americans identified as gay/lesbian, bisexual, or transgender: 1.7 percent as lesbian or gay, 1.8 percent as bisexual, and 0.3 percent as transgender.

For many years now the government has been teaching school children that the Homo life style is a better way to live. You may be right, and if you are, then it is almost time for God stop delaying for the sake of the righteous.

May be right? who else besides religious whackos and homophobic extremists would support murdering gay people?


So now the truth is out. You lived with a 51-year-old gay man and went to gay bars. And only because he forced you to go? Right!!!. So why all the animosity then. Did it end poorly? Was he your father? Now that you have confessed you really should be willing to reveal all.

He was a much older friend of mine who has looked out for me since I was 17 years old. He's bailed me out of jail, helped me out with jobs, and yes, gave me a place to stay for a while so I could get on my feet. We went to bars every weekend, and from time to time he wanted to go to a gay one.

Yes, the truth is out- that you're a pretentiously judgemental moron :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
LGBTism is a very unfulfilling lifestyle. Liberals mistake their internal pity for them as them simply being held down by conservative society. The psychology there is something ran rampant among people today- they don't understand the difference between an internally unfulfilled person or circumstance and the imaginative notion that they are oppressed.

Are you talking from experience or repressing certain latent attractions yourself? This isn't actually intended as a slur but if you're repressed and in the closet so to speak yourself then it would partially explain your grotesque attitudes towards women.


New member
May be right? who else besides religious whackos and homophobic extremists would support murdering gay people?

[FONT=&quot]American Millitary[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The greatest fear of the America military has been Homosexuality. The first fear is the breakdown of order in the rank, and also the willingness of those who would continue to serve. This fear has now been realized. The second fear was that Homosexuals would be a security risk in regards to government secrets. This fear has now also been realized. The third fear would be public relations in how the world views the American military. This fear also has now been realized. People of the world believe Americans are in such moral decay that they are doing a service in attacking Americans.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
[FONT="]American Millitary[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=black][FONT="] [/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][FONT="]The greatest fear of the America military has been Homosexuality. The first fear is the breakdown of order in the rank, and also the willingness of those who would continue to serve. This fear has now been realized. The second fear was that Homosexuals would be a security risk in regards to government secrets. This fear has now also been realized. The third fear would be public relations in how the world views the American military. This fear also has now been realized. People of the world believe Americans are in such moral decay that they are doing a service in attacking Americans.[/FONT]
[FONT="] [/FONT]

Eh? This is a load of paranoid bunk wherever it emanated from. Nowhere sensible that's for sure...​


New member
He was a much older friend of mine who has looked out for me since I was 17 years old. He's bailed me out of jail, helped me out with jobs, and yes, gave me a place to stay for a while so I could get on my feet. We went to bars every weekend, and from time to time he wanted to go to a gay one.

Yes, the truth is out- that you're a pretentiously judgemental moron :rolleyes:
My point is that it is you who are judgmental. In spite of the fact that a homosexual cared enough for you to get you through tough times, you still rant about the evils of homosexuality. Instead of inspiring others to hate them, you should at least try to love them as much as one homosexual loved you. It's not like we are asking you to love them as much as God does.


My point is that it is you who are judgmental. In spite of the fact that a homosexual cared enough for you to get you through tough times, you still rant about the evils of homosexuality. Instead of inspiring others to hate them, you should at least try to love them as much as one homosexual loved you. It's not like we are asking you to love them as much as God does.

He has always known full well that I hold to Christianity- Reformed Christianity at that; a very traditional outlook contrary to contemporary bias. And I have always known he was gay.

So how does that make me 'judgemental'?

If anything, you simply misrepresent what I say- just like with your previous post. You are so in tune with one outlook that you perceive nothing else when you see critique on a certain thing.

You know the whole 'love the sinner, not the sin' cliche? That repeated poetry?
Well, most Christians themselves don't actually live up to it. hey are, in fact, 'homophobic', which is by definition a 'fear'.
I do, and that's why insinuations spewed out that I have some sort of sexual deviance AS SOON AS I POSTED.


That shut them right quick :)

Most Americans may support the killing of the Homosexuals. It is the government and legal system that the Gays have infiltrated, that are forcing the Gay agenda upon the American public.

Homosexuality being penalized by death is something that hasn't really been around much in Christian history. There were times- usually times of fanaticism or reform, when such would happen.
But Christian society has always otherwise had brothels and deviance in it's societies.

The Old Law teaches it, so it certainly exists in Muslim countries who still hold to such things. Even among Jewish rank- people don't know there are places in the world where they still go by death penalties for such things, though it is no secret with Muslim countries who are very open about it.
People just don't hear about it because we live in a world where it's taboo to bring it up- everyone has this obsession with 'politeness' over 'hearing hard truths'. But there are plenty of journalists and whatnot who have recorded these things out in the older world.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That shut them right quick :)

Homosexuality being penalized by death is something that hasn't really been around much in Christian history. There were times- usually times of fanaticism or reform, when such would happen.
But Christian society has always otherwise had brothels and deviance in it's societies.

The Old Law teaches it, so it certainly exists in Muslim countries who still hold to such things. Even among Jewish rank- people don't know there are places in the world where they still go by death penalties for such things, though it is no secret with Muslim countries who are very open about it.
People just don't hear about it because we live in a world where it's taboo to bring it up- everyone has this obsession with 'politeness' over 'hearing hard truths'. But there are plenty of journalists and whatnot who have recorded these things out in the older world.

What 'shut them right quick'?

If it was Cherub's post then nope, dumb claim to postulate at the outset. Most Americans don't support killing gays. If it was your crap then barely worth addressing as you've nothing as usual to back anything up with.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
He has always known full well that I hold to Christianity- Reformed Christianity at that; a very traditional outlook contrary to contemporary bias. And I have always known he was gay.

So how does that make me 'judgemental'?

If anything, you simply misrepresent what I say- just like with your previous post. You are so in tune with one outlook that you perceive nothing else when you see critique on a certain thing.

You know the whole 'love the sinner, not the sin' cliche? That repeated poetry?
Well, most Christians themselves don't actually live up to it. hey are, in fact, 'homophobic', which is by definition a 'fear'.
I do, and that's why insinuations spewed out that I have some sort of sexual deviance AS SOON AS I POSTED.

Well, I wouldn't say you're homophobic per se but you sure do display an asinine attitude towards women so how do you account for that?

Actually, don't bother answering. It would only be more of the same with you that only a bit of experience can knock outta you...


Well, I wouldn't say you're homophobic per se but you sure do display an asinine attitude towards women so how do you account for that?

Actually, don't bother answering. It would only be more of the same with you that only a bit of experience can knock outta you...

Do you know what a 'phobia' is? It is not a disapproval or disdain for something, it is the fear of something. You all use the word 'homophobic' all the time, usually against anyone who simply critiques homosexuality.

My attitude toward women is an appropriate one. There's a notion that they aren't equal to men, when they are more privileged and secured than men. That is cause for concern, especially when it is virtually impossible for those like yourself to see the light :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Do you know what a 'phobia' is? It is not a disapproval or disdain for something, it is the fear of something. You all use the word 'homophobic' all the time, usually against anyone who simply critiques homosexuality.

My attitude toward women is an appropriate one. There's a notion that they aren't equal to men, when they are more privileged and secured than men. That is cause for concern, especially when it is virtually impossible for those like yourself to see the light :rolleyes:

Eh, I know what a phobia in the absolute sense of the term involves but you'd have to be sheltered under a rock not to realize that the term has broadened to include more than that...

Your attitude has never been appropriate or grounded in anything other than a pompous disdain. Only you can alter that, else stay single or be in a closet or whatever...