Hero or Murderer


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Hall of Fame
Well, most Christians themselves don't actually live up to it. hey are, in fact, 'homophobic', which is by definition a 'fear'.
I do, and that's why insinuations spewed out that I have some sort of sexual deviance AS SOON AS I POSTED.

Afraid of and disgusted by, are not the same thing.


Afraid of and disgusted by, are not the same thing.

If a person feels uneasy around a gay person, or distrusts them, that is homophobia.

Phobias are irrational, like when a person doesn't go near a gay bar because they just assume it to be like a brothel, or wouldn't let a homosexual hold a baby. Things like that- it's a phobia.

It's not rocket science :rolleyes:


New member
Hall of Fame
If a person feels uneasy around a gay person, or distrusts them, that is homophobia.

Phobias are irrational, like when a person doesn't go near a gay bar because they just assume it to be like a brothel, or wouldn't let a homosexual hold a baby. Things like that- it's a phobia.

It's not rocket science :rolleyes:

I distrust you, but im certainly not afraid of you. A phobia is a fear. Disgust and fear are 2 different things.

God calls homosexual relations, an abomination, which means disgusting. God is not homophobic. He is not afraid of them.


New member
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


Hall of Fame
He was a much older friend of mine who has looked out for me since I was 17 years old. He's bailed me out of jail, helped me out with jobs, and yes, gave me a place to stay for a while so I could get on my feet. We went to bars every weekend, and from time to time he wanted to go to a gay one.

Bailing someone out of jail and taking them out to get drunk is not exactly *looking out* for someone. Especially if you were still a minor ...


Bailing someone out of jail and taking them out to get drunk is not exactly *looking out* for someone. Especially if you were still a minor ...

It was over the course of a decade- from the last time I saw him, idiot.

You all have seriously flawed judgemental issues, you know that? From one dumb thing to the next- seriously, if I weren't here to defend myself, you all would have come to the conclusion that I'm a homosexual groomed from youth by an old gay man who messes with minors.

:rotfl: Cracks me up.


Hall of Fame
Bailing someone out of jail and taking them out to get drunk is not exactly *looking out* for someone. Especially if you were still a minor ...

It was over the course of a decade- from the last time I saw him, idiot.

That has nothing whatsoever to do with my comment, jailbird. There is a purpose for sending people to jail ... as lesson you missed because a misguided fool bailed you out.


Prove it, then. Prove wrong what I know is right.
I'm tired of you all sitting there telling me I'm wrong and then not even proving your nonsense. I know I'm right because I lived with a 51 year old gay man and pretty much got the 101 on the whole thing. I went to a few gay bars with him as he would insist on doing so.

There is nothing 'known' about your tripe, only 'presumed' or 'liked'- you like to think it, you want people to 'know' it, but it just isn't true.
It's like you people don't favor reality, so you insult anyone's intelligence who does :rolleyes:

He was a much older friend of mine who has looked out for me since I was 17 years old. He's bailed me out of jail, helped me out with jobs, and yes, gave me a place to stay for a while so I could get on my feet. We went to bars every weekend, and from time to time he wanted to go to a gay one.

Yes, the truth is out- that you're a pretentiously judgemental moron :rolleyes:

It took some time, but the truth finally came out as to why you defend homosexuals raising children; It comes from personal experience.

I couldn't help but notice that you said "...has looked out for me since I was 17 years old." Does this proud and unrepentant homosexual continue to "look out for you" even as an adult?

patrick jane

It took some time, but the truth finally came out as to why you defend homosexuals raising children; It comes from personal experience.

I couldn't help but notice that you said "...has looked out for me since I was 17 years old." Does this proud and unrepentant homosexual continue to "look out for you" even as an adult?

Yes, it was clear that his gay dabblings were affecting him. Maybe his older gay friend can help him again; he's always there for him

patrick jane

Prove it, then. Prove wrong what I know is right.
I'm tired of you all sitting there telling me I'm wrong and then not even proving your nonsense. I know I'm right because I lived with a 51 year old gay man and pretty much got the 101 on the whole thing. I went to a few gay bars with him as he would insist on doing so.

There is nothing 'known' about your tripe, only 'presumed' or 'liked'- you like to think it, you want people to 'know' it, but it just isn't true.
It's like you people don't favor reality, so you insult anyone's intelligence who does :rolleyes:
And there it is; the confession. You have been known to frequent gay bars


And there it is; the confession. You have been known to frequent gay bars

Go ahead and make it into something it is not. Pretty expected, actually- I can prove you all wrong on something, but at the expense of showing you're wishful thinking and presumption comes that nonsense.

:rolleyes: Oh well

It took some time, but the truth finally came out as to why you defend homosexuals raising children; It comes from personal experience.

I was raised in group homes- go tell the children and adolescents that they can't live a relatively normal lifestyle because you don't agree with the sexual orientation of a person willing to grant that.

Seriously- you don't know anything about anything in that regard.


It took some time, but the truth finally came out as to why you defend homosexuals raising children; It comes from personal experience.

I couldn't help but notice that you said "...has looked out for me since I was 17 years old." Does this proud and unrepentant homosexual continue to "look out for you" even as an adult?

Yes, it was clear that his gay dabblings were affecting him. Maybe his older gay friend can help him again; he's always there for him

One would think as a supposed "Christian"(cough cough cough) you'd recommend that Crucible seek spiritual counseling from a Christian pastor instead of seeking "help" from a proud and unrepentant sinner.


I was raised in group homes- go tell the children and adolescents that they can't live a relatively normal lifestyle because you don't agree with the sexual orientation of a person willing to grant that.

Seriously- you don't know anything about anything in that regard.

I know that a proud and unrepentant homosexual took an underage boy to 'gay' bars where all kinds of moral depravity take place.

I don't believe I've heard of husband and wife Foster Parents doing such things.


I know that a proud and unrepentant homosexual took an underage boy to 'gay' bars where all kinds of moral depravity take place.

Umm, no.
I was 25 years old at that time.

See, you all don't even pay attention- you just go with whatever one desires :rolleyes:

The only difference between a gay bar and a bar is that the drinks are stronger and the music is different. That's about it- they aren't the 'brothels' you presume them to be.
Now nightclubs- that's a different story, both hetero and homosexual.


Umm, no.
I was 25 years old at that time.

See, you all don't even pay attention- you just go with whatever one desires :rolleyes:

The only difference between a gay bar and a bar is that the drinks are stronger and the music is different. That's about it- they aren't the 'brothels' you presume them to be.
Now nightclubs- that's a different story, both hetero and homosexual.

I'm praying for you Crucible.

That being said: You really shouldn't have to put up with this little weasel's sleazy tactics.

Quote Originally Posted by Crucible

I'm a homosexual groomed from youth by an old gay man who messes with minors.

:rotfl: from the mouths of babes

musterion, leash your boy up.