Help!....I like Donald Trump


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Don't shout at me, shout at the guy who said 'Love your enemy', Who is the king of kings and Lord of Lords. Are you calling him an idiot ?

He said love them, not lay defenseless while you or your family are murdered...and no, I am calling you an idiot.


Well-known member
Those who support Trump are looking for a "father figure" who will create the illusion that we live in a "black and white world" and that he can be depended upon to make all the tough decisions.

Nah, that's what the Obama supporters were looking for.

Most people who support Trump support him because he is not a politician and refuses to play the political game.

Why is Trump's alter-ego, Vladimir Putin, so popular in the former USSR when its economy is on life-support - he uses "bread and circuses" (Olympics, World Cup) and foreign policy to perpetuate the image of a strong leader who can exercise power as if he was still in charge of the old Soviet Union.

Putin does exercise his power....which does not mean he is Trump's alter-ego. But, it sounds good, I guess. So, whatever....


..... I won't be voting for him. But I thoroughly enjoy watching his antics as he makes both the Republican establishment and the liberal ninnies cringe and whine.
Those "liberal ninnies" would like nothing more than for the "the Donald" to win the Republican nomination.

So far Jeb Bush has been the only candidate to challenge Trump - it will be interesting to see if Trump can control his temper once he is subjected to a steady stream of criticism during the regular campaign.

As a billionaire, "the Donald" is accustomed to being in control - the Democrats will force him to operate in uncharted territory where the smart thing will be to ignore such provocations!

I don't think its in Trump's DNA, however, to avoid responding to criticisms designed to prompt him to overreact.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I think the response of governments and Christians should be different. At some point when we have a political end game and strategy ISIS needs to be taken out, and that is the regrettable and necessary job of governments.

However for Christians to declare all Muslims evil, and desire a spiritual crusade against the Muslim infidel as many do here, is completely contrary to the teachings of Jesus, and also plays into ISIS narrative of a full scale Christian vrs Muslim war.

Jesus teaches Christians to love there enemy, he didn't put exceptions in for bad people, brown people or people not like us.

Its not my jobs top come up with solutions to the ISIS problem, I do feel it is my Job to remind Christians what Jesus asks for in terms of a moral response to evil. Which is good, not more evil in his name.

What does the bible say about Arabs?

It says pretty much what you see with your eyes, their sword is against every man and every man's sword is against them.

The west is in process of another HUGE mistake

This is not muslim, it is Arab. They are going to fit out a MASSIVE so called moderate Arab co-alition army to clear out Isis which when they have done they themselves will become the Caliphate.

A bigger more barbaric Islam state than the one that is there now.

WHY because they are moderate muslim? no but because they are Arab.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
If you like Donald Trump you are beyond help.

And people who liked George W were not?

...actually I liked G.W. my only beef against the Republicans is that steal people's taxes.

I was against the Iraq war, against the replacement of Gaddafi, against the replacement of Assad. These have been the mis-guided policies which have caused the problem.

Trump believes in leaving them to sort themselves out


Those who support Trump are looking for a "father figure"...
Speaking of his third


Divorce & Remarriage: A Position Paper by John Piper


New member
I like him because he says exactly what he thinks, and he thinks like a regular person...not a politician.

I think he's a much better politician than you give him credit for. It seems to me the only way to explain how he consistently says these horrible things that get all this attention at exactly the moment he needs it is deliberate manipulation of the media. He may or may not actually support most of it, but he certainly times it well to maximize the news cycle.

Greg Jennings

New member
I think he's a much better politician than you give him credit for. It seems to me the only way to explain how he consistently says these horrible things that get all this attention at exactly the moment he needs it is deliberate manipulation of the media. He may or may not actually support most of it, but he certainly times it well to maximize the news cycle.

Trump has often said that he's a big fan of hyperbole when making deals in business. I think that strategy has been carried over to his politics, and it's working if you look at the polls. So I agree with you


New member
Well, I believe as born again Christians, we just need to square some things up....and decide based on what we know from the candidates lifes and experiences.....and not believe in fairy tale promesses...and if possible with the guidence of God, apply some mercy...

We need to defirenciate whats Godly and whats not...and see if thats what we want...

1-Does conservatism = solo scriputure values?

2-Is the president a representative of Christianity or he can be more secular than anything?

3-As Obama said...US is not a Christian Nation that the path we want to continue on?

I think we are just kind of confused with what we should do....and who we should believe.....

As a said before, Christianity is about is impossible to denie that....also we nees to realize that our kingdom its not an eartly one...

So, should we just open the gates for secular, islamist extremist, liberals and etc to run through us?

We should be carefull, becouse our vote just may do that!

There is a separation between Church and such a point that candidates speak very litle about their faith...

For me, our love and pecience should be represented, should be expressed....and there is no candidate in present time able to relay a message on this...

Obama knows history acording to Islam and not acording to histories books....He rightly speaks of the Cruzaders...but fail to understand how Islam begin!? How many bettles were fougth for Egipty..north africa! What was the betle of tour!?

No candidates can explain what their own faith stands on! Some how....we got ashame of Christ?

Why did we not engage at first at IWW or the llWW?

Why our president did not agree wih the double dealing of the Brithish in the IWW? Why we didnt want any land as spoil?

We dont have a canditate ready!

We have to pray and see which one fit better with what scriputre would want and believe God is able to do the rest...Is He NOT?
