Help!....I like Donald Trump


New member
I believe, that after so many election we had...that its one thing for a candidate to make promesses but another to fullfill them...

Crazier the promesses are the harder it is to get it done..

When someone is making a bussiness deal....he or she has something to loose, so he or she wont to crazy deals...insted will make very well tough proposals....

I dont think Trump is making a bussiness deal ....he does not have anything to loose!!!

Or do you think he cares about his reputation?

Lol.....a wild bussiness deal usualy leads to disaster...

I see as voting to Trump as betting on the mega million....with one detail...

You are betteing with all you got and frustration for not getting it right or the way you you risk all...very dangeous recipt for a bussiness deal...

Thank you and God bless!


New member
Another thing is that I dont understand how Evangelicals are in favor of Trump!!!!?????

Its the how the Gospel of love become the Gospel of the Sword?

Its beyond my understanding....


Well-known member
I believe, that after so many election we had...that its one thing for a candidate to make promesses but another to fullfill them...

Crazier the promesses are the harder it is to get it done..

When someone is making a bussiness deal....he or she has something to loose, so he or she wont to crazy deals...insted will make very well tough proposals....

I dont think Trump is making a bussiness deal ....he does not have anything to loose!!!

Or do you think he cares about his reputation?

Lol.....a wild bussiness deal usualy leads to disaster...

I see as voting to Trump as betting on the mega million....with one detail...

You are betteing with all you got and frustration for not getting it right or the way you you risk all...very dangeous recipt for a bussiness deal...

Thank you and God bless!

It might just be because he cares about this country, like he says. I don't think we're risking a darn thing, but we might just gain with someone who doesn't care about pleasing any special interests like most others do.


Well-known member
Another thing is that I dont understand how Evangelicals are in favor of Trump!!!!?????

Its the how the Gospel of love become the Gospel of the Sword?

Its beyond my understanding....

You can't love a fanatic into being nice, and our Lord will be wielding a mighty big and bloody sword before the end comes.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
hmm not surprised that many on her like the ignorant, racist, buffoon.

For complex, subtle and nuanced issues he has simple, easily understood, black and white ideas that will usually just make things worse.

I'm kinda thinking he is a clinton plant.


Well-known member
You can't love a fanatic into being nice,

Jesus didn't say love you enemies into being nice, he just said love them.

I'm the one who said you can't love a fanatic into being nice. Are you disagreeing with that statement?

In fact, tell me one single thing loving the terrorists will accomplish? I know it sounds really good to say "just love them", but I believe we are to hate the enemies of God, and religious fanatics are God's enemies.

Our Lord was speaking of those who offend us personally....not evil people.


New member
It's okay to like Donald Trump.

If you're in a war against Islamists, and you're fighting alongside a crazy atheist lunatic who believes in aliens, and he goes out with his machine gun blazing, tossing grenades and mowing down ISIS, you can't help but like him.

You can cheer for him, agree with what he's doing, and even hope he succeeds.

But that doesn't mean you agree with everything he does or says.

Donald Trump is doing what many have longed to see a presidential candidate do for a long time - ditch the PC garbage and tell it like it is.

I won't be voting for him. But I thoroughly enjoy watching his antics as he makes both the Republican establishment and the liberal ninnies cringe and whine.


...I won't be voting for him. But I thoroughly enjoy watching his antics as he makes both the Republican establishment and the liberal ninnies cringe and whine.

So he's gained the whole world :greedy:--he's lost his soul. Mt 16:26


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
you can fool some of the people all the time
I didn't think anyone would actually admit to liking trump
now we know who the idiots are
we know there a a lot of them
20 million of them voted for perot in 92
there are many more today
here is the truth
trump has a deal with hillary
stop wasting our time
just vote for her

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I'm the one who said you can't love a fanatic into being nice. Are you disagreeing with that statement?

I'm saying its not the question, the response isn't what we are called to achieve, the action of love is what we are called to do.

In fact, tell me one single thing loving the terrorists will accomplish? I know it sounds really good to say "just love them", but I believe we are to hate the enemies of God, and religious fanatics are God's enemies.

Its obedience to the teaching of Jesus. Jesus told us to love our enemies and return evil with good. He talked about threats of violence, theft and enforce labour to a culture that was begin oppressed by a foreign power who was complete in opposition to Gods laws.

Our Lord was speaking of those who offend us personally....not evil people.

A decent understanding of the context of text and scripture itself shows that to be baloney used to Justify a political not biblical position.

Look at the actions of Jesus, Stephen and then the early church. They never dreamed of tooling up to take the 'evil romans' out, if they took Jesus seriously I think we should too.

Where did you find that get out clause from? Who determines who is evil? Isn't that what terrorists think they are doing destroying evil people, set against the will of God?