Arthur Brain
Well-known member
This thread sure would make good bedtime story material for children...
Fear not! God isn't about religion. He doesn't take attendance. He doesn't judge as men do. There is not one single denomination or religion which is 100% correct. God looks upon the thoughts and intents of the heart. :thumb:I have a personal interest in this matter. My eldest brother is a Friar; he and I are both now in our mid to late seventies. My brother has been spending his entire adult life obedient to Rome and propagating Catholicism. If it turns out that version of Christianity differs from Christ's, then my brother won't make it to safety when he passes on. His life's work will go up in smoke, and he'll be branded forever as one of the Devil's angels. That possibility does not set well with me.
Why?What strikes me as odd is the notion that God could be displeased.
Why do you think? Why do you think I would claim to find it odd that God could be displeased?
Why do you think I'm asking? Because I'm not sure why you would think that.
Right. Well, I was hoping you would take a little time to think it through. You and I know what it is to be displeased, or disappointed because we are men - people - human beings. We get disappointed or displeased because things dont go our way, or our expectations are not met.
But God is not like us. He is not a man with limited knowledge and understanding. It is said that a person without expectations will have no disappointments.
God doesn’t have to have expectations because he has knowledge. Since he already knows every outcome, he doesn’t have any disappointments.
That’s why.
On the portion which I've highlighted in your post, do you personally believe that God knows every outcome?