you love your faith and will easily die for it.
Yes I do. And yes I would.
the problem is the world will reach 2100 ad someday
It is not for you to know the times and the seasons the Father (God) has put in His own authority.
Date setters are like the tide, they come and go.
and everything you lived for will have been for nothing!
I would rather believe what I believe and be wrong, and not believe it a find out it was right.
you see islam and judaism are militant, savage religions fighting over a useless chunk of land;
That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done,
And there is nothing new under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
It has been that way since Abraham and Lot parted company, since Ishmael and Issac, and so on. Actually the fighting, dissension and killing began with Cain against Able, and with it came hatred, bitterness, envy and strife among the worlds inhabitants that have followed since.
while christianity is a large multinational network marketing con job with money hungry leaders fooling their flocks into recruiting more potential tithers.
True, there are the covetous religious panders, we have been warned about wolves in sheep's clothing, and those panderers and wolves will be dealt with in a time to come. And the worldly, the unregerate, unsaved, has among them their own brand charlatans who proffer their own brand of "Have I got a deal for you," that is really to good to be true. They pedal their ponzi schemes, and if not that, it is what is in it for me, and that promotes selfish, self centered, and that fosters envy, jealousy and strife. They to shall in time, if not today, if not tomorrow, it will be like Candid Camera, "Remember, that sometime, somewhere, you never know when . . . Smile, your on Candid Camera."
religion is a sign of stupidity.
Religion, man's idea; Jesus Lord and Savior is Father God's plan.
I would rather believe what I believe and be wrong, and not believe and then find out it was right.
and i'm here to just poke fun and laugh.
You mean like :mock: deist77 :rotfl:
GuySmiley, yes I agree.
To deist77 . . . Welcome! We've been waiting for a fresh perspective like this!!!
But everyone knows we wont get past 2012 so don't be stupid.
Not too sureabout 2012, but I'm thankful for this wonderful day the Lord has made.