you love your faith and will easily die for it. the problem is the world will reach 2100 ad someday and everything you lived for will have been for nothing! you see islam and judaism are militant, savage religions fighting over a useless chunk of land; while christianity is a large multinational network marketing con job with money hungry leaders fooling their flocks into recruiting more potential tithers.
religion is a sign of stupidity. and i'm here to just poke fun and laugh.
My turn first (tongue-in-cheek toward the OP premise):
Two rocks collide and boom --> a car! That's intelligent....
There is
no meaning to to the universe yet you imagine meaning....poor deluded.....
Your mom is an ameoba and your dad's a monkey. Mine are divinely made.
Your's are too, but your worldview misses that.
The buck starts and stops with you and only you. Good luck with that.
You'll have to forgive me for seeking a higher authority than you.
You are the minority, and as we all know, the minority are always made fun of. You are like the coke-bottle glasses kid picking on the football team.
You can't even read a bible verse for understanding of any kind and you play with straws.
Thinking for yourself?
Evidence of any kind is meaningless to you. It is a wonder you get out of bed in the morning.
Even the Soviet Union rejected you.
Your best apologist are your own worst enemy.
We actually agree with things that are true!
We aren't stupid enough to agree with things that aren't true.
We, at least, have a manual we can refer to when we get stuck.
We got Mel Gibson, you have Richard Dawkins. Bummer first pick for teams.
C.S. Lewis still rakes in the
millions, Pullman?
Golden Compass anyone?