Hello - No Idea about God

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I am only interested in what is true, not what people want to be true. I don't think that claiming to have the truth is humble, so why are you claiming it, and then suggesting that I need to be humble? I am not claiming to know what the truth is, I am just saying that I don't believe you.

Are you really interested in what is true, Marcus? Because it really doesn't seem like it.

If you knew what the Truth is, wouldn't you want to share the good news with others?

See, I once believed a lie like you do right now, and my heart was completely hardened to God, but one day I was tired of having a chip on my shoulder, and being wise in my own eyes with no direction in my life, so I humbled myself and went before the Lord to ask Him to reveal Himself to me. I realized that the way I was living was sinful and despicable, and I was sorry for rejecting Him so I asked Him to forgive me and live within my heart. And you know what? He did! Not only did He forgive me of all the horrible things I had done in my past and offered me eternal salvation, He also lifted the blinders off my eyes and revealed the TRUTH to me - for once I was blind but now I see, and I now have the hope of Christ who lives within me.

Now of course I realize this may sound cheesy or arrogant to you, but it's not a lack of humility which drives me to share the TRUTH with you - it's the fact that I know the TRUTH and I want you to have the same hope, knowledge and peace which can ONLY be found through the Lord Jesus Christ.

You can continue to scoff at me and recite the same tired old lines and objections put out by morally depraved atheists, or you can take a step back, review the evidence before you and quit resisting God's call on your life.

Again - this is up to you!

Marcus Red

New member
I suggest you get a better lexicon than an online one that gives simple definitions.

A "better" one being one that says what you want it to say. So I have to take your word for it that you have a lexicon that says "sphere"? Forgive me if I laugh.





The point I'm trying to make is that neither of us has solid ground to stand on in this matter.

Well, well, well, there's an admission! If the Bible is not clear then, as you say, you have no solid grounds for deciding what it means. How, then, can you rely on anything you think it says?

So the truth reveals itself. You have nicely demonstrated that you have no desire to learn, but to nitpick at what you believe to be false.

It is false that the Earth is flat. There's a lot of other stuff in the Bible that turns out to be false when compared to reality. If you were to end up in Hell then no doubt you would re-interpret the Bible to make it correspond with what happened, we can't have the Bible being false, can we?



Marcus Red

New member

Oh for Heavens' sake! (if you'll pardon the expression Town Heretic :)) Is that the best you've got? The glaciers melting at the end of the last ice age? A computer model? Where are the remains of the victims, where is the sediment? Show us! Or was it a magic flood that left no evidence?

Note also

none of the scientists involved in this study would suggest that this data supports the idea of the global Flood

as you might well expect.

Also you might want to check this out => Flood Legends from Around the World

Since the Torah was mostly written in Babylon it is hardly suprising that it would incorporate some Babylonian stories. What of it?



Marcus Red

New member
... and Hi again,

You can continue to scoff at me and recite the same tired old lines and objections put out by morally depraved atheists, or you can take a step back, review the evidence before you and quit resisting God's call on your life.

I am not scoffing at you, nor reciting lines (although I may, in moments of weakness, scoff at the actual beliefs, sorry!) I feel no call whatever to believe something that has no factual basis, so I am not resisting anything; but I am fascinated to know why other people feel the need submit themselves to the will of something that is imaginary. If this God was actually real then there would be consistency amongst theists as to what it was like, and there isn't any. Why should I take the word of one believer over that of another?

Again - this is up to you!

Well that's good to hear, some believers say it's up to God. This means that you too can wake up and smell the coffee. You only think that you need to be forgiven for your sins if the salesmen convinces you of it, he can then sell the solution. It's like any other well-run business.

Take care,

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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I am an atheist in the sense that I have no ideas at all about what God ought to be beyond what believers tell me. If you want to know why I don't think any particular God exists then be sure to let me know which one you are talking about.

Glad to be here, hope to make a contribution but I am short of time usually so I will probably lurk more than post.

Best wishes to all,


That makes no sense at all. Much like your flat earth posts. How can you have an idea about God, if he isn't real? And you sure seem to have a lot of opinons about him and the Bible, for somebody who first said he knows nothing about God.


New member
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 1Cr 2:13

i've been reading through this thread, watching it evolve. Red seems determined not to believe. He wouldn't be the first secular profane to get a kick out of getting a rize out of Christains, or an individual that revels in the emotional stimulation a heated debate elicits.

By way of reminder, the things of God are foolishness to the carnal man.
Not all men have been blessed, or ever will be blessed, with the dispensation of the mystery of Christ within. That is to say, intuitive knowledge.

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

tetrahedrons and geometry?
may as well ponder why the Pineal gland in our brains has rods & cones, or why the symbolism of the Pineal gland is all pervasive in ancient archaetecture.
or the cymatic vibrational nature of all matter.

i have spoken for the first and last.

Keep coming back, it works if you work it!

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1Cr 1:18
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